Chapter 6


After last call, the lights have risen, and the bar is empty except for its staff. I look around and think about my life. Tonight, I walked into Joe’s like any other night, but when I leave through the back door, my life will have changed dramatically.

Mark calls me to the side. “Belle, feel free to take tomorrow off if you like.”

Why would I do that?”

You might be packing and you should spend time with your family.”

Maybe, but if tomorrow is my last night to be in this place, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

A smile escapes as he looks at me. “Man, you know how to make somebody feel important, but if you change your mind, let me know.”

Mark, you’ve given me the biggest opportunity of my life. There’s no way I’d let you down tomorrow.”

Chase, Laurel and I walk toward the truck. Exhaustion hits all of us as the clock ticks closer to four in the morning. Climbing inside the cab, we all let out a deep breath and buckle our seat belts as Chase drives toward home.

Y’all, I’m about to starve,” Laurel announces.

Me, too! Chase, can we hit up the golden arches?”

Y’all had me at starvin,” he veers off at the next exit and we pull through the drive-thru. As the hot and salty french fries hit my taste buds, my mouth begins to water then add the caramel frappé and I’m in heaven. There’s only one thing that would be better. I take the french fry and dip it in the cool coffee concoction. Chase looks my way and smiles. “Want one?”

That’s always grossed me out.”

Don’t knock it till you try it,” I say as I take a bite and it’s the perfect mixture to tickle my taste buds. He refuses.

So are you going to go wake everyone up when we get home?” Laurel asks me.

I’m not sure. It is like four in the morning, but I’m too excited to sleep.”

Well, I’m about exhausted,” she replies which I guess is a plus since Chase is pulling into our driveway.

Night, ladies,” he says as we slide out of the truck.

See ya tomorrow. Let me know if you need help packing or going to talk to Beau.”

Prayer. That’s what I need,” I say as I shut the truck door, but pause to listen to him.

Hey, he’ll be okay.”

I hope so.”