Chapter 15


Once I reach the top step onto my bus, Laurel hounds me.

Did I just hear that right? Jake Bryant is comin’ to Lattimore?

Yes, but if you so much as post it on any social media site, I’ll kill you! You got it?”

Easy, killer,” Chase says.

I give Chase a hard stare, and he gives me one right back. That is why he is my favorite person. He keeps it real and looks out for me at the same time, whether we were at Joe’s or even in school.

Well, I just don’t want a million screamin’ girls going goo-goo for Jake Bryant while we’re trying to enjoy a break.”

Please tell me that y’all aren’t dating?” my mama asks. She has never been one to sugar coat anything.

No, Mama! We aren’t dating, sleeping, or doing anything together. We are just friends, and I plan on keepin’ it that way no matter what those magazines are trying to make people think.”

Beau almost chokes on his beer at my comment. He’s always loved how I tell it like it is, and he’s always tried to keep things quiet around our parents. Leave it to me to spill every party being thrown in Lattimore, who was dating whom, cheatin’ on whom, or anything else that happens in a small town. I’m sure that being the older brother he is, he was probably ready to kill me six out of seven days a week 'cause bless, he had to take Sunday off.

Good to know,” Daddy says. “Well, I guess that means we need to get home and make sure things are ready for not one, but two big stars to come to town.”

Daddy! There ain’t nothin’ special about us. We just got lucky, that’s all.

Oh, there’s plenty special about you, sweetheart, and don’t you forget it.”

Mama, Daddy, and Beau go home while Laurel and Chase hang around for a little while longer. We brew a pot of coffee, sit, talk, and enjoy a night like we used to every Friday night after Joe’s closed, except I’m currently in need of the golden arches to make it perfect. I love these two, and honestly, every day is hard because they aren’t a part of my daily life.

As the clock approaches four in the morning, they stand to leave, but I can’t let them drive at this time of night.

Y’all just stay. I’m leavin’ in the mornin’. It’s late and I’ve missed y’all,” I tell them.

Laurel looks at Chase. “Whatever you wanna do, Laurel,” he says.

Well, I’ve never stayed on a famous country star’s tour bus before, so yeah!” she exclaims.

I loan Laurel some pajamas and we get ready to watch a movie before going to bed. Within ten minutes, Laurel is ready to call it a night, and I tell her to take my bed. She doesn’t argue and shuts the door behind her. Glancing Chase’s way, he shrugs and we continue to watch the movie.

I missed you,” I whisper.

Same here, Bella Blu. Life’s not the same without you at home, but this is what you were born to do.”

You really think so? This could all be gone in the blink of an eye.”

Possibly, but you’re amazing up there. The crowd loved you and it’s like you were at home.”

Maybe, but for me home will always be a town that doesn’t even have a stoplight.”


Listening to her talk about home lets me know she does miss life there. I’ve been worried about her; between the texts and tabloid magazines, my mind has been all over the place. She assures me that she’s okay and handling everything well, but I know her and I know that living this life isn’t as easy as she is making it out to be.

So he’s really coming home with us?”

Yeah, I think it will be good for him. I swear, if he’s got family they don’t get along or something. It’s weird.

Without another word, we focus back on the movie and within minutes, I feel her breathing slow. When I look down, the most beautiful girl is sleeping sweetly in my arms. Her sunshine-colored hair is cascading down her face; I move it and place it behind her ear as I watch her sleep. She’s as close to perfect as anyone I’ve ever seen.

Debating, I decide not to wake her. There’s no need and I know she’s exhausted. Instead, I do my best to get comfortable, toss my ball cap on the table and close my eyes. As I say my prayers, I thank God for Bella Blu and making her dreams come true.