Chapter 21
As soon as I’m in my room, I turn on the radio, start my shower, check the water temperature, remove my wet clothes then wrap a towel around me as I walk to my duffle bag to pick out an outfit for tonight. Glancing in the bag, I’m suddenly wishing I had packed cuter underwear. Quickly, I grab a matching bra and panties set and an outfit for tonight when there is a light knock at the door. Assuming it’s Mama, I yell for her to come in. Turning over my shoulder, I realize it’s Jake and a lump builds in my throat.
When his eyes land on mine, they scan to the floor as his mouth falls open. “I’m sorry, Belle. I just didn’t know where the towels were.” Smirking, I think about handing him mine, but realize that is a bad idea. My mama, brother, and daddy are downstairs.
“Oh, hold on." I turn around to go to my bathroom to get him one. Taking a towel and washcloth from underneath the sink, I turn and come chest to chest with the country music god.
“We could share, you know.”
Biting my lip, I reply, “I know, but I don’t think that’s a good idea. I mean, we just crossed this line, and you think I’m gonna get naked with you?”
“Belle, we’ve been tryin’ not to cross this line since the day you started on tour, but I’ll let you off the hook this time.”