Chapter 22
Ohmygosh! Jake Bryant! Get it together, Belle! He’s just another guy. Standing in the shower, I don’t move until the temperature turns cold. Once I turn off the water, I step out and try to process how I’m gonna walk out of the room with a straight face when all I really want to do is jump into Jake’s arms. It’s obvious that I lost at my own game.
Shaking the thoughts from my mind, I decide to focus. What am I going to wear tonight? Glancing at what I pulled out of my overnight bag, I’m not sure. I can’t overdo it because it’s just Martin’s, but I definitely want to make Jake sweat all night long. Rummaging back through the bag, I grab a pair of Rock 'n Roll Cowgirl jeans and a fitted Shug and Honey tank top.
Once I’m dressed, I begin do my makeup and hair as the radio continues to play in the background. As the song ends, that’s when I hear the first beat to my newly released song, “Some Kinda Heartbreak.” I drop my blush and scream at the top of my lungs. My door swings open as Beau about knocks it off its hinges. Mama, Beau, and Jake are all standing there as if they are about to enter a crime scene.
“OHMYGOWD! Y’all, that’s my song!” Tears fill my eyes. I know it’s being played, downloaded, and moving up the charts, but this song is mine. I wrote it and it released last week. I have yet to hear it on the radio, and didn’t expect to hear it for the first time in my own house.
Mama and I start singing while Beau stands there with a proud smile plastered on his face. My smile grows even more knowing my big brother is happy for me. I know this has been hard on him, even if he doesn’t want to talk about it. Mama takes advantage of the moment as she extends her hand for him. He takes it without a second thought and when he pulls her into his arms, she dances with her baby boy while Jake takes the towel in his hands and briefly dries his hair before tossing it onto the bed and approaching me, still damp from the shower and shirtless. My, oh my! I have died and gone to country girl heaven! He asks for my hand and we dance like no one is watching to my song in my old bedroom. Closing my eyes, I soak up this moment. Jake catches me off guard as he begins to sing, “You’re some kinda heartbreak, the kinda mistake that I want to hold on to…” As I gaze up into those eyes, my heart melts.
When the song ends, we are brought back to reality. Jake winks at me and steps away, just like he would any other day. Mama gives me a hug and begins to cry. “I’m so proud of you, Belle, and the best is yet to come.” By this point, I’m in tears as well, and Beau wraps us both in a bear hug. “Y’all are gonna have to stop or I’m gonna have to fix my mascara again.” We laugh as we separate and they leave me alone to finish getting ready for Martin’s. Lord knows it’s gonna be a long night if we have to play it cool because after that, we are anything but cool.
Walking out of that bedroom, I’m blessed to have witnessed what happened inside those four walls. Hearing a song on the radio for the first time is amazing, one you wrote even better, but hearing it at home with the people that love you most, that’s the best. I’ll never forget the time it happened to me. It’s the only time I’ve ever heard my dad congratulate me on this journey in music. I believe at that point he knew it was real. I was living my dream like he was his. It didn’t change things, but I’ll never forget the proud look on his face and the fact he took us out for supper that evening.
As I go back to the guest room, I pull out a pair of worn jeans that are still considered nice, along with a solid color t-shirt, slide on my boots, grab my ball cap and glance in the mirror. I’m ready for tonight and I’m hoping it allows Belle and me to get to know each other a little better.
Once I’m ready, I walk downstairs and take a seat with Beau in the living room.
“So, y’all are an item,” he states.
“Look, she’s my sister and I get her. I know what she’s up to before she does most days. I don’t know what you’re thinking or what your plan is, but if you so much as make her shed one tear, I’ll beat you. Got me?” he says as he takes the remote in his hand and switches the channel.
“Got it,” and no other words are spoken until the newest episode of The Hunt with Gage Holden begins.
“What kind of name is this for a show?” Beau questions.
“I know, right? I guess they couldn’t come up with anything original.”
“Good point,” I add. “Must be nice to get discovered one day. Can you imagine all he did was shoot one arrow in a contest?” Beau looks at me and it hits me. That’s exactly what happened to Belle. “She’s different.”
“Yeah, she is, and she did get lucky. I want what’s best for her, don’t get me wrong. It does, however, suck to be stuck here day in and out,” then he stands to excuse himself.
Wonder what was up with that?
Watching a few more minutes, Belle walks into the room and she takes my breath away with the simplicity of her outfit and yet how she will make every guy in the room take notice. “You look amazing,” I say as I stand to walk toward her.
Closing the gap, I lean in and kiss her cheek briefly. It’s nothing over the top, but I want her to understand how amazing she not only looks, but is as a person.
“That all you got there, Mr. Bryant?”
Looking down at her, I turn her chin up to mine and kiss her soft lips gently.