Chapter 24


Jerry announces last call as I glance to Chase and Laurel. Chase’s eyes go wide and Laurel shakes her head no.

No way. Not tonight, Bella Blu,” Chase says, looking between all of us.

Smirking at them, I ignore Chase's comment, “Last one there has to jump first!” Grabbing Jake by the arm, he almost chokes on his beer as I pull him behind me and run out of Martin’s. Laughter fills Martin’s as we leave because Jerry knows exactly what’s up. We’re going to the trestle.

We burst through the screen door, “Give me your keys.” He pauses, “We don’t have time for that, Jake. Hurry up with the keys, will ya?” After what feels like forever, he finally gives them to me. “Get in the truck, we gotta go.” It’s as if it finally clicks and he hurries to the passenger side.

Cranking the engine, tires spin and gravel flies as I tear out of the parking lot. By the time we hit the main road, Chase is out in front.

Oh no! He’s ahead.”

Do you care to explain this craziness? Or do I just have to wait till we get there?”

Here’s the fast version. When Beau was in high school, I used to follow him and his friends out here to the train trestle. He’d get so mad. I think he thought one of them might try to make a move or somethin’. They’d take a few beers and just chill on the tracks. It’s hardly ever used anymore, so it’s like an escape from reality. Then I started going there to write, and one day Chase followed me. I gave him a made up story that this was my spot and if he wanted to stay, he’d have to jump. Well, he did. So, we decided from that point on, the last one there has to jump. We pretty much just hang out, shoot the bull, get drunk, and jump. Every now and then we have to outrun a train, but those are few and far between.”

You’re kiddin’, right?”

That would be a no. I’m serious as a heart attack.”

Please make sure we aren’t last. I’ve jumped one time already today, but knowing you’re not waiting at the bottom makes this one less appealing.”

Who knows, I might jump with ya.”

As we pull up to the stoplight, I gun it to pass Chase and Jake shoots him a bird. Mature, I know. We are out in the lead and within another five minutes, we’ll be there. As we approach the trestle, I give Jake a play-by-play of the fastest route to the middle. As the headlights hit the parking spots, I realize that Laurel has somehow beaten us here.

Looks like we’re gonna have to hurry if you don’t want to jump.” I throw the truck in park and we sprint to the trestle. Chase is right behind us, and I know it’s gonna be close. Chase runs past me and closes the gap on Jake. Once he’s past him, Jake slows his sprinting to a jog until I catch up.

Just so you know, I wasn’t gonna let you jump alone,” he says.

Well, I’m a big girl, and there’s nothing like the rush you get when you jump. I can promise ya that.” With that statement, I take off, leaving Jake in the dust.

We are all huffing and puffing at the trestle when Jake arrives. “That was so wrong, Belle. So wrong.”

What can I say? You fell for it, Mr. Country Music God, but if you want me to, I’ll jump with ya.”

Laurel and Chase look at each other. “That ain’t in the rules and you know it!” Laurel says with her arms crossed.

Rules are meant to be broken, and sometimes they are worth it,” I say, turning toward Jake.

As we make our way to the middle of the trestle, we take a seat as our legs swing off the edge. “Gosh, it’s been forever since I’ve been out here,” Laurel says.

Yeah, the last time we were out here was the night I met Jake and got offered the tour.”

What happened?” Jake questions.

Chase and I came out here and shared a tallboy like we always do.”

Man, I’m so glad I ditched y’all. Y’all were ready for me to leave you two alone. Jake, I swear, sometimes I’m the third wheel with them.”

She laughs and Jake does as well. Laurel asks him about being a country music god, and my mind wanders to that night. Laurel was right. She was a third wheel and it was very obvious after we dropped her off. Chase and I had the best night of our lives…alone. We’ve always been friends, but that night we almost crossed the line for the second time. Pausing for a moment, I remember and when I glance toward Chase, he knows exactly what I’m thinking because he’s thinking the same thing. We don’t talk about it, but as much as I try to deny that he has feelings for me, I know that Jake is right. He does, but I just can’t go there even if there is a very small part of me what wonders what if. I can’t. He’s my best friend and if I messed that up, I’d never forgive myself. There is too much at stake for the two of us to test the waters.

Looking to Laurel and Jake, they are both oblivious to our exchange of glances and engaged in their own conversation. I give her a few minutes because let’s face it, she’s living every small-town girl's dream at the moment.

A'ight, country music god. Let’s see you jump.”

Y’all are really gonna make me do this?” We all nod in agreement.

A'ight, let me remove all forms of technology,” he says as he removes his phone and all the contents from the pockets of his jeans. It’s almost a replay of earlier today, and I look at Laurel who is totally drooling. I nudge Chase, and he laughs at her.

What?” she asks. “Chase, you can’t possibly tell me that if Carrie Underwood were standin’ here right now, you wouldn’t have to pick your mouth up off the ground.”

Good point.”

See somethin’ you like?” Jake asks Laurel.

Standing with the confidence that only she can possess, she replies, “Dang right, I do!”

A'ight, quit putting off the inevitable and jump already!” I say.

Jake makes his way to the edge of the trestle and peers over. “Y’all sure this water is deep enough?” His face is full of concern.

Yes!” we yell.

But if you want me to, I’ll jump with ya, regardless of the rules.” Without waiting for a response, I begin to remove my shoes and emptying my pockets. Not giving him a chance to argue or change his mind, I grab his hand, count to three, and we jump off the top of the trestle into the river below.

As soon as our feet leave the track, my stomach does a flip flop in a good way and I feel completely free as my adrenaline increases. As crazy as it sounds, I live for this and it’s pure bliss as we enter the water. Swimming toward to top, Jake never lets go of my hand and when we surface, he lets out a holler. “That was amazing,” he tells me as he stares into my eyes. “Just like you,” he whispers as he brushes my hair away from my face and he bring his lips to mine. My mind is going crazy and I know that all eyes will be on us shortly if I don’t do something about this. Why am I so scared anyways? I’m a grown woman, but regardless, I look toward the bank.

Come on.” Understanding exactly what I’m doing, Jake takes me into his muscular arms and brings my lips to his. His hands begin to roam my body. It’s very evident that he feels the same way. Why is he making me so nervous? This isn’t just a fling for him, is it?

Yall comin’.” Chase calls down.

On our way!” he yells then pulls me in for one more sizzling kiss that now has my mind spinning in a bad way.

How do we get back up there?” he questions.

Gotta climb.

Once we are back at the trestle, I see Chase and Laurel seated on the edge of the track talking in-depth about something, and if I have to guess, it has to do with Jake and me. Chase and his overprotective self.

Hearing us approach, Chase says, “‘Bout time!”

What? Are you mad I won’t ever jump with you?” I ask with my hands on my hips.

Never mind. Just get over here before Laurel and I start arguing.”

Shaking my head, I smile. They fight like brother and sister. Jake and I make our way to the middle and have a seat. Chase stands and goes to get a case of beer from the truck, and we all pass them down and pop a top.

Without saying a word, we each take a long pull and sit there quietly. The sound of water moving below, the hot summer breeze blowing through the trees, and the sound of crickets surrounding us makes me question what I’m doing with my life. This is the perfect way to end a great night. Taking the beer from my lips, it’s as if someone is boring a hole through me and sure enough, Jake has those baby blues right on me. I smile back and take another swig of my beer.

So, Belle, do you think you’ll ever come back home for good?” Laurel asks.

I search my heart and soul for the answer, “I love Lattimore, but I don’t think I’ll ever come back home for good. I mean, I’d love to, but it doesn’t look like it’s in the cards for me. It’s kinda funny how Beau is dying to get out, and I’d love to stay here forever.”

Chase doesn’t say a word as he crushes his beer can, tosses it into the water and begins to walk toward the other side of the track. Laurel motions for me to go see what his problem is.

I’ll be right back,” I tell Jake. Getting up, I finish my beer and grab two more before going that way.

I don’t holler at Chase to stop; instead, I quickly walk to catch up with him. Chase isn’t one of many words, and whatever is bothering him must be pretty big for him to walk off like that. As my feet leave the track, I can see he’s sitting on the old pine stump.

Once I reach him, I hand him another beer and have a seat beside him. We open our cans and just drink for a minute.


The moment that she follows him is the moment that I know he has her heart. I don’t care what she says or what she thinks she wants. Sitting there with Laurel, I tell her my idea.

Can you help me with something tomorrow?”

Should I wait to hear what it is before agreeing?” she laughs.

Nah, I think you're safe. How long have those two been like that?”

Like what?”

Denying the fact that they are meant to be together. I know that makes me sound like a complete wuss, but they are too obviously meant to be together.”

Since I can remember. Belle is always saying it will ruin their friendship. I keep telling her it will be better than friendship. He gets her and always has. Plus, that poor boy worships the ground she walks on. Lord help me, I’m rambling. What was it you wanted to tell me?”

Tomorrow I want to do something at Joe’s, but it will either make or break em. I’m going to have her sing their song with me.”

Wait. What? Are you sure you want to do that?”

Yeah, but I need someone to help me make it happen.”

Oh, I’ve got you covered. They always play it during the band's down time, but we can easily manipulate that. Anything else?”

Well, if it doesn’t go like I plan, can I crash at your place tomorrow night?”

Sure,” she laughs nervously.