Chapter 26


Bella Blu, they are gonna be okay. I promise.” As I stare up into those chocolate eyes, my tears continue to fall but I nod in agreement. Then, he kisses my forehead. Closing my eyes, I wait for it to be over, praying that when I open them, I’ll see two people standing on the opposite side of the trestle alive and well.

With the train now in the distance, we step back on the trestle and make our way to the other side. With a well-lit sky from the full moon above, it’s very obvious that there isn’t a body on the other side, let alone two. Chase looks at me with fear in his eyes, and we follow the track across hand in hand.

Once we reach the other side, panic sets in. “Where are they?”

Hopefully they jumped," he tries to assure me and we begin to yell their names. Whoever says silence is golden hasn't experience fear like this. They are nowhere to be found. Glancing both ways, we continue to yell for them, and after what feels like forever, we hear voices from below. Chase and I lean over the trestle and see them standing on the bank soaking wet. Relief enters my body, and I begin to shake as happy tears begin flowing from my eyes.

Chase approaches me and pulls me in for comfort. When I finally get myself together, I look up at him and smile. “Thanks, Chase.”

You know I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he says as his eyes tell me so much more, and something within my heart tells me it’s time to either let him in or let him go. I want to let him in.

As I’m about to tell him the truth about what I want in life, Jake and Laurel appear on the trestle.

Letting go of Chase, we run to them. It’s as if we can’t get there fast enough. Laurel and I meet and cry together in each other's arms. Then Jake takes me in his arms as Chase holds Laurel.

Thought that didn’t happen often?” he questions.

It doesn’t. That has only happened to us one other time, but it’s never been that close. I swear, when I couldn’t see you we thought you didn’t make it. What if something would have happened to y’all?

Taking my face in his hands, he responds, “There are no what ifs. We are okay, and if anything, this has brought me back to reality.” He places his forehead on mine.

Um, I think it’s time we get outta here.”

We make our way back to the vehicles while the overwhelming feeling that something is different is definitely in the air.

We’ll see y’all tomorrow night at Joe’s, right?” Laurel asks me as she eyes Jake.

Yeah, but incognito.”

We’ll do our best, but no promises,” she says as she gets into her car and heads home.

Chase is still standing there as she leaves. “What was that?” he asks.

I dunno, but you know Laurel.”

Exactly. I’ll see y’all tomorrow. Just text me when y’all get there, and I’ll let you in the back.”

Thanks, Chase,” I give him a hug goodbye, but linger longer hoping he understands what I’m saying without words. He looks down and smiles.

I’ll see you tomorrow, Bella Blu.”

Jake and I walk to the truck and he opens my door like earlier tonight, but he’s not the same as he was before the train.

Once Chase pulls off, I slide onto the seat beside him and notice an unsure look in his eyes. “Jake, is everything okay? Really okay?”

Turning off the truck, he turns toward me. “Yeah, everything is just fine. Come here.” He takes my face in his right hand and pulls me close.

I’m here. Now what?”

Do you know what I thought about when I saw the train coming?” I shake my head no. “I thought about life, us, Lattimore, and what it would be like to never get on a stage again. I can’t imagine not having any of that, but I will tell you what I realized. I don’t know what you would do without Chase and Laurel in your life. It’s very evident that they mean more to you than you realize.”

At this point, I’m unsure of what Jake is trying to tell me, but I’m pretty sure my heart already knows. He puts the truck in reverse and we drive quietly back to the farm.