Chapter 32


As last call is announced, the band takes the stage for a few more songs. I help Laurel begin to clean up behind the bar and as I look toward Chase, he smiles my direction. Why in this world did it take me this long to finally see who makes me happiest? Pausing, I think about us and our friendship. He's always made me happy. It didn't matter if we were ten or twenty-five. He's always put me first.

Get that grin off your face,” Laurel says, tossing a cleaning rag my direction.

I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to stop.”

Well, I tell you what. Why don’t you ride home with Chase? I know you’re heading out tomorrow and I can ride with Jake. Plus, Jake here said he’d like to hang out and keep me company.”

Motioning her direction, I ask, “Are you serious?” and she nods. "Are y’all?

Maybe?” Then it hits me. What happened last night and in the water today? Oh lord, if this was a plan then I look like a fool.

Let me see what he wants to do. Tossing the rag on the counter, I walk from behind the bar to Chase and as I approach, I see him talking to Mark. Maybe I should wait, but when his eyes meet mine, they both look my way.

Well, there’s the girl stealing one of my best bouncer,” Mark says with a laugh.

I wrap my arms around Chase’s midsection, “What can I say? I want the best protection out there on the road.”

Don’t blame you there, but I’m hoping this doesn’t mean Laurel is next.”

What do you mean?” He motions toward the bar and that’s when I see her and Jake. She’s laughing the kind of laugh that I haven’t seen from her in years, but what makes me smile more is the look on Jake’s face. I know I thought I was falling for him, and I must seem to be one of the most indecisive people in history, but it’s obvious that I wasn’t who he was after all along. There is no doubt that something happened when they were at the trestle. “I’ve got nothing to do with that.”

Chase, it’s been a pleasure having you here, and it’s about time to shut her down. Feel free to head out of here early tonight. I know you’ll will be heading out tomorrow.”

Thanks, Mark, for everything.”


The moment he moves across the room, I turn to Belle. “So what really brought you over here?”

Well, it looks as if those two want to be alone and I thought maybe we could do the same. Wanted to see if I could ride home with you instead of Jake.”

I think I like that idea.”

Me, too.”

Cowgirls and cowboys, it’s that time of night, but we’ve got one more for y’all. Jake, wanna help us out on this one?”

He turns to leave Laurel at the bar and makes his way to the stage. When I hear the first beat, I know exactly what song it is, "In Case You Didn’t Know." Jake takes the microphone in his hand and begins to sing, but it’s the scene that surrounds it that makes me pause and take it all in. Laurel is continuing to clean as she sings all the words to the song, swaying to her own beat behind the counter, lost in her own little world, but when the most perfect girl take me by the hand, I follow her straight to the dance floor.

Belle takes her arms and wraps them around my neck as we begin to dance to the music, but when the chorus begins to play, the most beautiful voice is singing, and I’m in awe. She looks into my eyes and it’s what’s behind them that reflects the truth. All of her doubts are gone.

Pulling her in closer, I begin to sing along with her quietly in her ear and as the song ends, the house lights rise.

Bella Blu, thank you.”

For what?”

Having my heart a long time ago.”

You’ve always had it, I was just too dumb to realize it.”

Let’s get out of here.”


Walking from the stage to Laurel at the bar, I’m stopped by several young girls that want pictures and autographs. I oblige before excusing myself to the stunning girl behind the bar.

Hey, Jake!” Belle calls toward me. Turning to her, it’s evident that I made the right decision. There were several points after I told Laurel my plan that I continued to push the buttons with Belle and me, but I had to. In order for her to realize, she had to think she was falling for me. However, the moment we jumped off that train trestle is the moment I knew she’d never be the one for me. When your life flashes before your eyes, you know what matters in life, but more importantly who matters. For me, Laurel was the face I saw and all I could think about was saving her. I didn't matter, only her.

Hey there, country music god,” she says with a half-smile.

Well, let’s don’t start that mess. I’ve got a little more time before I’m back in that limelight.

Maybe so, but I saw you over there. You probably made their year.”

Shrugging my shoulders, I take a seat as Chase and Belle approach.

Great song, Jake,” Belle says as she approaches.

Yeah, I’ve been wanting to cover that one for a while. Heck, who am I kiddin’, I’m pissed I didn’t come across that one first.”

You’re right there because those girls were all thinking you were talking about them,” Belle says with a laugh.

Doubtful,” I say as Laurel looks my direction. “What y’all up to? We saw Mark over there.”

He told me to head out early. I was going to see if you'd mind bringing Laurel home.”

Of course, guess that means you're stuck with me, Laurel.”

She rolls her eyes and we all laugh. “Yeah, she’s totally against that,” Belle chimes in and it also makes me realize I want her to know a few things before she walks out the door.

Hey, Chase, can I borrow Belle for a moment?”

He nods, and Belle and I walk to the side porch. “What’s up?” she asks.

I wanted to let you know I’m sorry I led you on like that, but Laurel and I knew that was the only way for you to completely get pissed off and realize who was in front of you.”

So you mean to tell me that the last time at the creek was a show?”

Saying a silent prayer, I answer, “Yeah.”

You jerk! Here I was thinking you really liked me and all I was doing was acting a fool.”

No, it’s not like that. I mean, I did think we were going to be something, and that little show you put on was hot. But you can’t tell me the moment that you heard that train, you weren’t glad you were with Chase. For me, it was the moment I realized I had to protect Laurel. I already had a hunch what needed to go on, but that girl in there is amazing.” Belle pauses. “Laurel is the most caring and thoughtful girl I’ve ever met. Now don’t get me wrong, you’re special, but there is something about her willingness to put her friends first. Did I mention she’s stunning?”

Hey now!” Belle laughs, “No, Jake, I get it. She’s amazing, but what happens when you leave here tomorrow?”

I’m not sure, but I want to talk to her about it. Honestly, I’m thinking about giving up touring for a while.”


What if I slowed my life down for a while? What if I enjoyed the everyday things of working on a farm? Singing somewhere like this?”

You’re kidding.

Not at all. In fact, I think once we finish up in Vegas, I’m going to head back out here for a while. If Laurel doesn’t mind.

Belle stands there with her arms crossed and honestly, I’m not sure what four letter word I’m about to receive. “Think long and hard about that. You’ve worked hard to be where you are, but I get it. Now, let’s get back in there.”

Walking back inside, Chase is helping Laurel at the bar, “Anything I can help you do?”

Chase chimes in, “Yeah, help her back here. It’s time to get outta here.”

Quickly, I catch the damp rag as Belle pauses and looks like she has a grand idea.

So we’ll see you in the morning? What time are we heading this way?” Belle questions.

We’ve got to be ready to roll by nine.”

I’ve got an idea,” she announces.

Here we go!” Laurel says with a giggle.

What if y’all head to the bus tonight? Jake, I’ll grab your things from my parents' house. Chase, we can drive Laurel’s car tomorrow and that way we’re all winners.” Laurel’s face is bright red. “Whatcha say, Laurel? I mean you always wanted to know what it was like on a country music hottie’s bus.

Oh my gosh, did you really say that?”

I did and you can thank me later. We’ll be at the bus by eight-thirty with breakfast. How’s that sound?”

I look to Laurel. “Perfect.