Chapter 36


Traffic was awful the entire way to Atlanta. Now I know exactly why we usually ride at night if possible, but with the break it didn’t work that way for us. Guess it’s a good thing that we aren’t playing until later tonight.

Arriving at the pavilion, our crews go to work and so do I. It’s time to start prepping for the show tonight, but first, I’ve got to get out and enjoy the beautiful sunshine.

Chase, wanna go for a walk with me?”


Walking off the bus, Jake is standing there with a goofy grin and for some reason, I think it has to do with a certain girl. We wave at him and walk around the area. It’s a good way to get some Vitamin D, show Chase how it all works, and have some time to get my mind right.

So, they have like two hours to get everything ready to go?”

Actually, they left before us this morning. The set drivers and one crew bus. They’ve been working since about ten.”

So you just show up, get dressed, sound check and rock the stage?”

Pretty much. Jake and the guys sometimes play basketball or something. Usually, I go for a walk, run, or sometimes I read a book.”

Lord, one of those Shantel Tessier or Amanda Bennett books.” Smiling, I can’t believe he knows that. “Don’t think I haven’t paid attention to all of that. You can only hide so much on one of those reading tablets.”

Stop. They are great books. Might have a little sex, but the storylines are awesome.”

Yeah, and that’s like me saying I read the swimsuit edition for the articles.”

Seriously, don’t believe me, read one.”

He shakes his head, “I’ll take your word for it.”

Walking back toward the bus, Chase and I take a look from the lawn seats to the stage. He wraps his arms around me as he stands behind me. “Bella Blu, remember when we used to get drunk and enjoy the show from out here?”

The memories are a little fuzzy, but that could have been the booze. Oh my, remember the night we saw Jake? That’s kind of crazy now that I think about it.”

Why? You’re as good as he is.”

It is what you make it. That’s the conclusion I've come to. You know what I do when he’s on stage?”

Watch it from the pit.”

Yeah, but it lets me remember what it’s like to be the one in the crowd. You know, the kinda people we are that work hard day in and out. People use their entire paychecks to come and see us. That blows my mind.”

Not mine. You’re amazing, but we did the same thing. Remember the thrill to clock out, tailgate, and sing at the top of our lungs? Feeling like they wrote all the songs about us? You can’t forget that feeling. It makes the small-town world stop turning and for a few hours, we’re not just country kids getting down on the farm. It’s like a mini vacation.”

Chase, I remember, that’s why I go to the pit. It helps me stay grounded. Plus, there’s nothing like a country music god singing to you.”

What now?”

Laughing, I turn to face him. “Yeah, all those girls think Jake’s singing to them, but that’s not the case. Those winks are for me.” Chase doesn’t laugh; instead, his face hardens. “Hey, it’s not like that.”

Sure sounds like it.”

Chase, being in our position, it’s hard to do what we do day in and out. Sometimes, you want a familiar face. One that gets what you're doing, one that knows what it’s like to have no privacy when you want to walk in a mall for a new shirt, and one that knows you’re not mustering up some crazy dream of becoming your boyfriend or girlfriend.”

I can kinda get that, but who do you sing to when you're on stage? Because I know it’s not Jake.”

Giggling, I can’t wait for him to hear this, “Randall

Randall? He’s old enough to be your grandpa.”


Any way I can take that spot?”

I don’t know, Randall’s got it going on,” laughing, Chase shakes his head and pulls me into his arms.


Holding her in my arms, I look to the stage. This is going to be different. In fact, it might be harder than I thought to watch her on stage. Not her, but who’s watching her. I’ve never been good at sharing her when she wasn’t mine, but now that she is, I better do a lot of praying.

Come on, let’s head back. I’ve got to get ready.”

How much longer you think they have to set up?”

Little while, why?”

Thought it might be fun to help.”

Let’s go. I knew you wouldn’t be able to stand around and watch for long.”

Belle and I walk to the stage and Sam walks over to us.

Y’all better be careful. Tony’s up there and sometimes I wonder if he has any clue what he’s doing.”

Way to make me feel safe there.”

Y’all need any help?”

Yeah. Hop on up here and help me finish up.”

Sounds good,” smiling at Belle, she leaves us alone to get ready.

I help Sam, Tony, and Lamar move speakers, stage pieces, bolt them together, and it’s like being on the construction site. I love it.

So, you and Belle. Y’all an item, huh?” Tony asks.

Yeah,” I leave it at that. It’s nobody's business.

You’re one lucky dude. We’ve all tried to get her to give us the time of day, but she’s been focused on one thing since she arrived.”

Wondering what that might be, he starts laughing, “Dude, she hasn’t had eyes for anything but this stage. She’s a dreamer. Wait, she’s no dreamer; she’s a goal getter.”

Laughing, I shake off the thought that entered my mind. Belle is a goal getter. She sets the stakes high, goes after them, and doesn't take no for an answer. I’m one lucky guy, that’s for sure.”

Once we finish, I walk with them to their bus for a beer. Taking the twist top off, I take a long pull as a beautiful blonde walks my way. Smiling, I look at my Bella Blu. “Hellloooo,” I hear one of the guys say and ignore him because he’s right. Her blonde hair is in long curls with pieces pinned up, and she has on more makeup than she needs, but I know it’s part of the deal. She wearing a fitted sparkly top that shows every curve and a matching skirt, if you want to call it. It’s way past short. Her legs are perfectly toned and tan, but when I look to her feet, I see my Bella Blu. She’s completely barefoot. She hates heels and when I look to her left hand, she’s holding a pair of shoes that make my feet hurt for her.

Y’all drinkin’ without me?” she whines as she approaches. Extending my hand, she takes my beer and takes a long pull from it. “Man, that’s good. Y’all get everything set up?”

Yeah, sound check's in thirty minutes,” Sam says as he listens to his radio.

Great, give me one of those.”

Within a few minutes, Jake has joined us and glancing at my watch, I know it’s time for them to go.

Wanna go with me?” she questions.

That’s up to you.”

Then, of course, I want you to come. It’s something you haven’t seen before, and I want you to experience everything about this life with me.”

Tossing our bottles in the trash, we walk toward the stage. Walking in from the side, she takes the microphone and begins to speak while a nerdy-looking guy at the sound table gives her signals then he gives her a thumbs up. The band comes in and they play a few eight counts until it’s right for them. Belle looks over her shoulder and tells them something quietly.

With three strums on the guitar, I pause and can’t wait to see how this is going down as "Dirt Road Anthem" comes through the speakers. She looks my way and motions for me to come up to the stage with her. Shaking my head no, she smiles larger. How can I tell her no? Walking her way, she begins to sing and it takes me back. It takes me to that truck ride on our way to the Harvest Festival dance. She must be thinking the same thing, too. As the rap begins, she pauses and leaves me with no choice but to do my thing, then joins in at exactly the right moment.

When the song ends, she smiles and steps to me. Wrapping her arms around me, she asks, “You know what I was thinkin’?

That truck ride?”

Yeah and what happened after. Think we could finish what we started later tonight?”

Bella Blu, I’m good as long as there’s no trestle jumpin’ tonight,” laughter fills the stage. Leaning in, I kiss her briefly and then walk back to the side of the stage. She’s got to focus and for once I’m not wanting it to be on me. She’s got a job to do and I can’t be a distraction.

Once sound check is finished, Jake takes the stage for his. It’s quick and brief. The gravel lot in the distance has turned into a parking lot party. Walking from the stage, Belle looks at her watch. “It’s about that time. You ready to go to work, Mr. Bodyguard?”


"Let me touch up my makeup and put these gosh awful shoes on.”

Okay, I’ll meet you at the bus.”

She gives me a strange look, but after that song, I’ve got an idea without a lot of time. When she is out of view, I hustle to the beer stand. One thing about being somewhere like this, I know they’ve got our favorite size beers, but they also have a crazy price. When she gets off stage tonight, we’re going to kick back, relax and enjoy the night. Grabbing four of them, I toss the lady three twenty dollar bills and walk back to the bus. I know I don’t have long. Passing Jake’s bus, I spot Randall. “Hey, Randall, can you get these on the bus for Belle? Like once we’re gone?” He looks at me curiously. “They are her favorite.”

Sure.” Handing them to him, I see Belle walking out of the bus. Man, she’s hot. I know those shoes have to be killer but they do something to those legs.

Hurrying over to her, a smile escapes her lips when she sees me. “Hey, Bella Blu,” kissing her forehead, she gives me a look. “I’m not about to mess up that makeup.”

Walking arm in arm, we arrive at the room for meet and greet photos. She remains in the back, while another guy that’s in charge walks in and gives rules and regulations to the fans. The one that catches me off guard is the one where you are to keep your hands above the waist. They announce Belle, and I pull the door open for her to walk in. Standing close to her as she enters, she takes her spot on the red carpet as a line of fans, young and old, wrap around the room and out of the door.

Standing to the side, I’m in awe of her even more when a little girl dressed in a tank top that says “If lost, return to Jake Bryant,” a pink princess-looking skirt and cowgirl boots approaches her with her mom. Belle bends down, gets on her level and speaks to her like she’s known her forever. The little girl stands close to her mom, but when Belle see the little girl's shirt, she pauses and looks my way, motioning for me to come over. “Will you radio Jake and ask him to come to the back door?”

Nodding, I walk out the door and do as she asks. Jake’s meet and greets aren’t until Belle takes the stage. He doesn’t question it, but when I walk back in, the mom and daughter are waiting by the door.

Come with me,” they follow me behind the door and on the other side is Jake standing with a smile. The little girl's face lights up and Jake begins to talk to her. She nods and answers questions. The mom looks to me, “Can we have our picture made? I know they said no cameras in there.” Jake gives me the go ahead as she hands me her phone. Once the picture is snapped, he tells them it was nice to meet them and she can sure find him if she gets lost. Right now, my respect factor has dramatically increased for Jake. He didn’t have to do that, but he did.

Walking back inside, Belle looks my way and mouths “thank you” before finishing the final photos. When they walk out the door, she takes a deep breath. “Now, let’s do this.”