Chapter 37
Walking with Chase to the side of the stage, I add my earpiece and take a deep breath. Every time it’s time to rock the stage, butterflies take over. “Hey," he says, taking my hand. "You’ve got this, Bella Blu.”
“I know I’ll be fine, but it’s still nerve wracking,” leaning in, my lips kiss his as my band begins to play and it’s time to go to work.
“Hey, Bella Blu.” Looking over my shoulder at Chase, he says, “I’ll see you in the pit,” and I can’t wait.
As the lights come on, the band hits the intro and I come to life on the stage. Looking around, the seats are full, beers are in hand, and there are no longer only a few people that know my songs. Instead, the entire crowd is singing along and there’s something magical about it.
Working the stage, I look for Chase and spy him right beside Randall. It makes me smile and I give him a wink. The set list continues and with one more to go, it’s a given it’s my newest release. It’s slower and more emotional. As I sing the words, I close my eyes and think about the lyrics. They are one of heartbreak, hope, loss, and love. Opening them, I only see one set of eyes in the pavilion, and they are the only ones that matter.
With the last note, I leave the audience with, “Thank you, Atlanta, and get ready. Jake Bryant is coming for ya!”
Exiting the stage, I’m met by arms that I never imagined would be waiting on me this time last week. Chase is standing there with a grin, “Bella Blu, you were amazing out there.” Falling into his arms, this is what life on the road should be like. It’s not about making it to the next town, or getting the next number one, it’s about sharing it with someone that loves you for you.
I look up to him, “Chase, thank you for always believing in me and never giving up.”
“How could I? That’s what best friends are for.”
“Best friends? I think we’re past that.”
“Maybe, but being best friends is why we’ll make it. I’ve loved you my entire life, and that will never change.
“I love you, too, Chase,” looking up, he kisses me gently as Jake takes the stage. Turning around in his arms, we watch from the side of the stage. This is different, I’ve never watched from here. “Wanna watch from the pit?”
“Sure, but remember whose arms have you right now, no matter whose eyes are on you.”
“Awe hush,” taking him by the hand, I hurry to the small room to the left of the stage and change into worn jeans shorts, my “Just sayin’” Shug and Honey tank, and boots.
Hot-o-mighty. That’s what I like to see. Bella Blu in her clothes. Nothing fancy, just her style. She smiles my direction and we wiggle our way to the pit. Jake spots us and gives us a smile. I see what she’s talking about. Every girl within ten feet thought it was to them. If they only knew. Wrapping my arms around her, we sing and sway along to the music. Jake begins to talk and we’re both caught off guard when the words leave his mouth, “Folks, sometimes in life you have to lay everything on the line to make people see what’s right in front of them. Tonight, I’ve got a cover for ya.”
With the first beat, Belle and I look at each other. The last time he sang this song it made me lose my mind, but later that night, everything was brought to light. Tonight, Jake sings it as if he’s singing it like he means it. Turning Belle around to face me, we dance and don’t care who’s watching. She sings to me and I to her. This time we aren’t as playful as usual. Instead, my eyes lock on hers and I let her see into my soul.
When the song ends, a tear falls from her eye and I wipe it away, letting my hand linger a little longer. Bending to meet her lips, a heat rises between the two of us and I no longer want to share her with the world. I want to have her all to myself. With the first beat of Jake’s final number, I reluctantly pull my lips from her and rest my forehead to hers. “Bella Blu,” she looks to me with wonder in her eyes. “I love you.”
“Chase, I’ll always love you. Now get me outta here.”
All it took were those words, and I was in motion. Her hand in mine, I pull her through the crowd and she waves to some of the crew as we make our way out the side and through the wooden gate to her bus.
Opening the bus door, we climb the steps and she turns to me with a spark in her eye I’ve never seen before. Her arms go around my neck and mine to her waist as I lift her to the counter. Her lips find mine as her hands move to my chest then wander underneath my shirt as mine begin to roam her body. Kissing her neck, her head falls back with the sweetest moan I’ve ever heard in my life, and as much as I want to take it slow with her, I can’t. This is the moment I’ve imagined my entire life. Lifting her from the counter, she holds onto me as I carry her to her room, closing the door behind me with my foot.
Tossing her playfully on the bed, her eyes go wide as I crawl on top of her. She reaches up, finding my lips and then lets her hands roam to my arms. Pausing, I pull my shirt over my head with one swift motion and she does the same. In this moment, time stands still as I admire the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Her body is like an hourglass, her eyes tell me she’s hungry for me only, and those lips are begging me to kiss them. Right now, I’m telling myself to take things slow as fast as I can.
“Stop thinking and act.” Putting those words into action, I worship every inch of Bella Blu, and with every movement and sigh from her body, her limits are pushed. Ones I only imagined in my dreams.
As my hands graze the lace of her panties, she begs, “Chase, please. Please, I can’t take this anymore.” Reaching for a condom from my jeans, she stops me. “I’m on the pill.”
“Are you sure?”
“I want all of you, now.” Obliging her wishes, my nerves start to get the best of me as I continue to reassure myself this isn't a dream, and that I have a clue what I'm about to do and pray I can last more than a few seconds.
Leaning down, I kiss her gently as sweat is beading on my brow and roll beside her.
She rolls to her side and as her hair falls in her face, I brush it away then kiss her again. “Chase, this is way better than the front seat of your truck.”
Laughter fills the room, “Yeah, it is. Not to mention, there’s no way it would have been that good.”
“Probably so, but regardless, I’m glad my first was you,” it’s like a needle scratching on vinyl. My eyes must look like a deer in a headlights. “You heard me correctly.”
“But, I thought.” How did I not know this? In this moment, I'm thankful I waited myself.
“I let you think. That night at the dance, I got scared. I wanted it to be you. After we jumped, I realized there was more to us than friendship, but we weren’t at a place where I was willing to go there. Could you have imagined what would have happened the next day?”
Pausing, I think about it and realize she’s right. It would have been awkward and we’d have ended up a mess. “I can’t believe you waited.”
“Never found the right guy, or one that wasn’t drunk as a skunk. Think about it, when have you ever known me to date seriously?”
“That’s 'cause Beau had them all scared to death,” and suddenly I realize she’s exactly who I’ve wanted her to be. She’s no prom date; she’s the girl I’m going to marry.
“Maybe so, but having to listen to y’all talk about it drove me nuts. Y’all really were pigs back then,” I pause, knowing what I’ve got to tell her, but there’s no way she’s ever going to believe me.
“Bella Blu, it’s only been you.” She tries to speak but can’t. “I lied.”
“How? I know you deflowered Melanie Ann at prom, and what about Georgeanne? Y’all dated a good while.”
Sitting up to look into her eyes, I repeat, “I lied. Do you know how much crap I was getting from everyone? They were all talking about how far they’d gotten. It didn’t matter if I was on the farm, the hunt club, the locker room, or hanging out at Martin’s. So, I let them think it.”
“Those poor girls! How could you talk about them like that?”
“I never said what I did, but I didn’t deny it either. Am I proud of that? No, but after that night at the trestle, I knew you had feelings for me. It was a matter of when you were willing to let me in, and you proved that again the night before you left for the tour. That night I realized waiting was exactly what I was supposed to do. I think my Dad was starting to worry about me,” I laugh.
Belle sits there with the sheet wrapped around her, “For someone who hasn’t done that before, you sure knew what you were doin’.” A small giggle escapes her as I pull her back to me. Holding her in my arms, I kiss her lips sweetly before sliding out of the bed, putting on my jeans and going to the refrigerator, pulling out a tallboy. Walking back to her room, I find her sliding on my t-shirt.
“You always knew what I liked.”
“How could I not? You know, this wasn’t my plan tonight. Well, not the way it happened.” Shut up, Chase, you’re rambling.
“Oh really? Tell me more.” Patting the bed, she motions for me to take a seat beside her. Popping the can open, I pass it to her first.
“I wanted to recreate that night. Well, minus the train part. I wanted to have a night where it was me, you, a tallboy, and the stars.”
“Well, there were stars all right, not to mention us and look,” she says, holding up the beer. “You got them all.”
“Guess I did.” Taking the beer from her, she catches my hand.
“Boy, I love you,” she smiles.
“Who you callin’ a boy? I’m no boy,” she rolls her eyes as I take another sip of beer. “I love you, too, Bella Blu. Come on, let’s go check out those stars.