Chapter 39
Those eyes and that heart of gold. I’m so in love that love isn’t enough to describe it, but I have no idea what words to use. He bends down and kisses me slowly. It's one that’s full of hope, love, and passion rolled into one. Breaking our kiss, my arms wrap around his waist and he engulfs my shoulders and holds me tight as I rest my head on his chest, standing in my bedroom.
“Belle Blu, I can’t believe I’m sayin’ this, but let’s get out of here. If not, we’re going to get started and not stop.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” I giggle as he kisses the top of my head. He looks at the picture once more before my hands reach for it, then I walk to my bedside table and sit it at the perfect angle. “It’s not, but all of those screaming fans might be disappointed.”
“They’re here for Jake, not me.”
“Bella Blu, don’t kid yourself. Why do you think the label is so adamant about meeting Monday?”
“Let’s go,” I start to walk toward the door.
“Hey, that’s not a bad thing. This is your dream, now let’s go and live it.”
“Thank you, Nashville!” As I walk from the stage, Chase is waiting like he has been from the first day he joined me on tour.
“You were amazing out there tonight. Ready for that wardrobe change so we can watch Jake?”
Pausing, I looks up at him, “Nah, I wanna go home right after this wardrobe change.”
“We can leave? We don’t have to wait until it’s over?” he questions.
“Not tonight, and tomorrow, we’re driving,” I say, smiling.
“Thank heavens, I’m having withdrawals from not being behind the wheel.”
“Who says you’re drivin’?” I say with a laugh but honestly, I’m fine riding in the passenger side as long as he’s the one beside me.
“Let’s go.” Kissing him quickly, I take him by the hand and we walk toward the bus, telling my driver it’s time to go.
Within thirty minutes, we are home and I’m exhausted, but there is no way I can sleep right now. Walking toward the house, Chase looks at me so I ask him, “You ready to call it a night?”
“Nah, how about some front porch sittin’?”
“I thought you'd never ask.”
Climbing the steps, we unlock the door and leave the rest of our things in the entryway before we turn to walk back toward the swing. Taking a seat, Chase places his arm around me as I lean on his shoulder, pulling my legs up on the swing as his feet move us back and forth. Closing my eyes, I memorize the world around me—the stillness of the countryside, the gentle breeze blowing in the night air, and the sound of Chase's heartbeat in my ear.
“What’s goin’ on in the pretty little head of yours?”
“How perfect right now is.”
“You got that right, this is what life’s about, Bella Blu. These moments where it’s just us. The time where we can enjoy what’s around us and not have to worry about being on a bus, at sound check, or anything else.”
Something about his words bother me. Does he regret this life I’m living? “You don’t regret this life, do you?”
“What do you mean?” he questions as I look up to him.
“Like, do you wish we were home in Lattimore, you working with your dad, me doing who knows what, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen?”
He takes a deep breath. Sitting up, I wait for his answer. “That’s not what I meant. I meant that sometimes I want us to be able to go and do what we want without having to worry about so much else. This is your dream and I’d never ask you to change it or give it up, but sometimes I do wish I was picking green beans or framing a house. It’s what I love, but I love you more, Bella Blu.”
“You know I want you to live your dreams, too. What if tomorrow we do a little work around here before we head downtown, and maybe after the show, we’ll hit Broadway?”
Raising an eyebrow to me, he asks, “You're not about to fulfill one of those romance novels where you take advantage of the hired help, are you?”
“Hey now, who said I was payin’ you? But I can promise this ain’t a romance novel. It’s real life. One where there’s nothing sexy about both of us sweating like pigs as we pull weeds and trim hedges.”
Yawning through my laugh, Chase doesn’t say anything. Instead, we swing a little while longer until my eyes get heavy and his arms scoop me up.
As I carry her from the porch into the house, a small smile escapes her lips while she sleeps. This is why I’ll live this life for as long as she wants or needs. Quietly, I walk through the house to her room. Laying her in bed, I cover her with the blanket and look at the most beautiful girl in the world.
Walking back through the house, I turn off all the lights and make sure the door is closed before walking into the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator, I notice it’s full of her favorites and know that someone makes sure this is full when she returns. Taking a bottle of water, I open it and cuss myself for answering that question incorrectly. This road life is tough. Don’t get me wrong. Being with Belle is perfect, and helping the crew is amazing, but over the past few weeks, I’ve been itching for some time grounded in a house without wheels, and tomorrow I can’t wait to get my hands in the dirt and play. Taking my cell phone from my pocket, my fingers quickly call the one person that knows all the answers without me saying anything at all, Mom.
"Chase, honey, is everything okay?" she questions on the second ring in a groggy voice.
“I think.”
“Honey, it's the middle of the night. Everything isn't okay," I hear her move about a room on the other line. "Sorry, I'm walking to the kitchen so I don't wake your dad."
"I shouldn't have called."
"Now listen, there's one thing about being a mama. You'll always be my baby, and I'm here no matter what time. So tell me what's going on?"
"I miss being home. I mean, this is amazing and Bella Blu and I are amazing, but tonight, she asked me a question and thinks I regret coming on the road. I told her I missed the time it was us in our little world. You know, the time where we could hang out, go out in public, not have everyone’s eyes on us, and sometimes, I just want to work with my hands on something other than a stage set. Is that crazy?"
Pausing, I wait for her. "It's not crazy, but remember what we talked about the morning you left?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"You've got to find a balance and you've got to communicate. That's the only way this relationship will work. Wait, let me rephrase's the only way any relationship works. How did she react to your comment?"
"She got upset, but I explained what I meant. She even said that tomorrow we can work around her house."
"Yeah, she has a little farm house. It's almost like her and Laurel's place. Undoubtedly, she's hardly stayed here, but needed something for when she was off the road. I'm not sure all the ins and outs of everything but I know it's got an amazing view and I can't wait to work in the yard tomorrow."
"That sounds very grounding for the both of you. Enjoy it and your time together. It's these little moments that make a relationship last a lifetime."
"Thanks, Mom. You're the best."
"I try," she laughs and I smile. "Keep me posted on what's going on. Love you and everything will be perfect. Night."
"Night, and I love you, too."
Hanging up the phone, I pause and soak up everything she said. Communication is key. Tomorrow I plan to show her how much she means to me, have fun, and let her know I'm in this for the long haul.
Standing, I walk into the bedroom and see her sleeping peacefully in her bed. Her hair cascading down her face, she looks like an angel. My angel. She always said that I was there to protect her and be there for her. The truth is, she's done the same for me. Without even knowing it, she guarded my heart from others and kept it safe for only her. Sliding off my clothes, I scoot into bed and wrap my arm around my angel, drifting off to sleep.