Chapter 42
Waking up Monday morning to the sound of my alarm clock, I want to hit snooze but when I reach for it, Chase’s arm grabs it first.
“Rise and shine, it’s headlining time.” Rolling toward him, I lay my head on his chest and let out a push of air, processing what he has said.
“Can’t we stay like this all day?” Then it hits me that today is the day I’ve been waiting on my entire life. “Oh my gosh, Chase! It’s today! We’ve got to get going.” Jumping up from the bed like something is on fire, I hurry to the bathroom, shower, and attempt to get ready. What in the world do I even wear for this? Going through my bags, I look and look and finally decide on a cute pair of skinny jeans, top, and my boots. Walking to the bathroom, I fix my hair and makeup. Looking in the mirror, I take a deep breath because today, I’m a ball of mixed emotions. I’m excited, terrified, nervous, and almost sick to my stomach. If this is how I am now, how will I handle being in that room? Taking another breath, I close my eyes and focus on the positivity of the day.
Walking from my room, I walk into the kitchen and see that Chase is dressed in a nice pair of jeans and a fitted tee that makes me want to peel it off of him. Taking a step toward me, he hands me a cup of coffee. “Come on,” he says as he leads me to the front porch. Taking a seat on the front porch swing, I rest my head on his shoulder between sips as he moves the swing with his feet.
“What time is it?” I ask.
“Good.” Looking up at him, he bends down and quickly kisses my lips. Enjoying the next thirty minutes, we sit, swing, and enjoy the peace and quiet. Suddenly, Chase begins to rap "Dirt Road Anthem," and laughter fills my soul as he stands and sings it directly to me.
When he finishes, he reaches for my hand. Standing face to face with him, we sway to the sound of the country—quietness, the wind dancing through the trees, and the sounds of farm animals in the distance.
“Belle Blu, no matter what happens when we leave this house today, know that it doesn’t matter to me. I don’t care if you headline, sign a contract, decide to work on a farm, or even wait tables. As long as we’re side by side, my life’s worth living.”
“Chase, how do you always know what to say to me?”
“I don’t. It comes out and I can’t help but tell you what I’m feelin’. You need to know how important you are to me. How important you’ve always been to me.”
Wrapping my arms around his waist, I rest my head on his chest for a few moments. We remain quiet until I break it, looking up to him.
“Chase McSwain, I love you, and today, I want you in there with me. I can’t do this alone.”
“Are you sure? I don’t need to know all of your business.”
“Yes you do, because it’s going to impact both of our futures, but mostly I need you there for me. I need you to be by my side.”
“I’ll always be by your side, always,” he says as he brings his lips to mine.
Breathe, Belle, breathe, I tell myself as Chase opens the door to the label. The receptionist greets us and we take a seat. A small little brunette opens a door and escorts us back to the boardroom. Walking in, I’m met by my manager, Joe, and the heads of the different areas of the label including touring, media, accounting, and the room is slam full. Looking over my shoulder to Chase, he smiles my direction then takes a step up beside me. They motion for us to take a seat.
“Belle, you have outdone yourself on this tour with Jake. We had no idea what would happen, but it’s obvious that people are coming for both of you now. We’ve got a few ideas we’d like to run by you.” Looking to Chase, he slides his hand on my leg for reassurance. “Jake’s tour was his best yet, but we believe you are part of the reason.” There is no way it’s because of me. Jake is amazing. “We’re offering you a six-month tour starting in February and running to August, then possibly extending it if it goes as we believe it will. We’d like to pay you an advance of 1.3 million dollars.” What the what? I’ve obviously heard correctly when Chase squeezes my leg.
“But how? I know how that works and there’s no way I’ll bring in that amount.”
Joe looks to me, “Belle, Jake took in over $31 million. Country music is in love with you. $1.3 is nothing compared to what you’ll bring in now and in the future.”
“So what all does this mean?”
“Once the tour is over, you’ll return to Nashville to prepare for it, record new music, and get ready for a ton of publicity, interviews, and to become a household name.”
“Okay, I have one stipulation, actually two.” Buster Miller, head of my label, looks at me with question. “Chase will be hired to work on the set design with your team, and my brother, Beau, will be added to the crew as head of lighting.”
“Belle, those aren’t decisions you get to make,” Joe states.
I start to stand, but Chase pulls me back down and whispers to me, “What are you doing?”
“I know people don’t usually demand those types of things, but they are deal breakers. Either they both are part of the team or I walk.”
Sitting there a moment, the young girl that’s head of marketing looks my direction. “Is your brother Beau Montgomery, songwriter?”
A smile covers my face, “Yes, he is, but he’s even better with lighting and things like that.”
“Buster, I don’t want to step on any toes, but we’ve got to have him. When I was in college, I heard him at a bar off Broadway. His writing is amazing.”
“Of course it is, who do you think wrote 'Some Kinda Heartbreak'?”
“You didn’t do that?” Buster asks.
I shake my head, “Nope. Chase can vouch for him, too.”
“Give us a few minutes to talk things over.” They huddle together at the end of the table and we can hear almost every word. “Okay, we’ll grant your wishes, but they are on a trial basis. Your advancement is still the same, and we expect you back in Nashville one month after the tour ends. We all know y’all need a break.”
Sliding several pieces of paper my way, I look to Joe. He’s already seen it and has had our lawyer review it. Taking the pen in my hand, I attempt to sign it with shaky hands as Chase holds his hand gently on my leg for support.
Standing, we shake everyone’s hand and they tell Chase that he will have a contract in the next twenty-four hours as well.
Walking out into the warm Nashville air, I let out a breath, and Chase never lets go of my hand. “We’ve got to call Beau,” I say as tears start to form. Chase takes me in his arms and holds me tightly then kisses the top of my head.
“You did it, Bella Blu, you did it.”
Looking up at him, I say, “No, we did it.” Taking my phone, I call my brother.
“Hey, sis, how’d it go?” Beau questions, almost out of breath.
“Um, what are you doin’?” I ask.
“Helping Dad load the truck with some fence post, why?”
“You might want to sit down.”
“Spill it. I’m good.”
“Start packing your bags because in four short months, you’re moving back to Nashville.”
“I got exactly what I asked for today at my meeting. You’re going to be working with lighting and Chase with the sets. Want to know the best part?”
“You left your mark when you were here. A young girl recognized your name and was able to be the testimony we needed to make it happen. We’re both going to get our dream.”