Chapter 46


Oh sweet baby Jesus! Jake Bryant has found his happily ever after. Trying my best not to invade their moment, I turn to Chase. “Think we need to give them a minute?” He nods and we begin to turn when they pull from each other.

We’ll see y’all later.” Laurel looks at me and is completely speechless, but she's shaking her head no. Looking to Chase, he shrugs his shoulders and we don’t move. Instead, we wait for what’s next.

What normally happens once the show is over?”

Jake and I look to each other because we know each night is different. “Depends. Sometimes we go our separate ways, sometimes we hang out and drink a few beers, and if we’re really crazy, we order a pizza, too.”

Stop it! That pizza might put me over the edge. That’s living life on the wild side,” she laughs and I do the same. Jake and Chase seem to be super quiet and it causes me to pay extra attention to them. They are both trying to avoid me. They are being sneaky about something and I plan on finding out.

What are y’all up to?” I look to Chase.

Not a thing,” but he looks guilty. Putting my hands on my hips, my eyes do the talking. “Fine, how do you feel about getting out of here?”

What do you mean?” Laurel questions Chase.

What if we went out on the town? This is the city that never sleeps.” That sounds fun, but for some reason, I’m unsure. He must sense something is wrong. “Hey, Bella Blu, it’s just an idea,” he says as he takes a step toward me.

It’s our last night on tour, I kinda want to stay in and soak it all up.”

Laurel pipes in, I’d love to go out, but the idea of hanging out and chillin’ like a villain sounds so much better. Plus, we’ve got the rodeo tomorrow. We can go out after. Who needs to sleep before catchin a plane?

Laughing, Jake pulls her in. “Well, meet y’all back shortly. I’ve got an interview to do real quick. Wanna go with me?” he asks Laurel and she beams from ear to ear.

As they walk away from us, Chase pulls me into his side. “How ‘bout we bust open a tallboy or two and call in a pizza?”

I thought you’d never ask.”


Arriving back at the bus, Chase stays outside and calls in a pizza while I go on the bus for the beer. Taking one for each of us, I walk outside to meet him. Opening the door, I run smack into him and beer goes everywhere. All over me. All over him, and a huge smile covers his face.

Why you smilin’ like that? We are both a covered mess.”

'Cause I just got the benefits of a wet t-shirt contest.”

Shut up,” I say playfully as I hand him what’s left of the beer. “It’s not that bad.” Looking at my shirt I realize it’s awful and pass him my beer to go and change. Hurrying to my bedroom, I peel my tank from my body and silently curse. I love that thing.

As I go to grab a new one, strong arms wrap around my body and I pause as his lips find my neck gently. Everything inside my body heats up as a smile escapes my lips. “I thought you were waiting on the pizza?”

You really think I was going to wait out there when you’re in here and I know that we have at least twenty minutes to ourselves before Jake, Laurel, or the pizza arrive?”

Good point.”


Standing in the interview, all I can do is look at Laurel. She smiles my way and I do my best to listen to whatever they are asking me. Honestly, I don’t care at all. All I want to do is spend some quality time with her. Instead, I’m on twenty questions with the satellite country music station.

Jake, what’s the next step?” a reporter asks.

I choose my words carefully, “I’m taking some time off.”

Off as in a vacation, right?” she asks for reassurance.

Yeah, you can call it that.”

Will you be working on a new album?”

Yes, but not exactly sure on the timeline.”

Word on the street is that you have a new lady in your life. Is it Belle Montgomery? You two have become very close on this tour.”

Looking to Laurel, her eyes are wide, “No, it’s not Belle, but there is a lady in my life.” Her cheeks flush as I look her direction but I try not to let my eyes linger too long. The reporter turns to see her standing in the background. At this point, I have no idea if I should introduce her or keep her life private. Before I can begin to talk, she takes a step forward and comes to stand beside me, taking my arm in hers.

This is my girlfriend, Laurel,” I don't give any more details.

Well, there you have it, ladies, Jake Bryant is officially off the market. Thanks for taking time out with us tonight. This tour has been another epic one. Can’t wait to see what’s in your future.”

Thanks, and good talkin’ to you.”

Shaking her hand, Laurel does the same and I hate when she moves her hand from my arm.

Leaving the interview room, she places her head on my shoulder as we walk toward the bus. This is what life is supposed to be like.

You think they’d be mad if we bailed on them?” I ask.

You know it. Hey, Jake?” Pausing, I look into her beautiful bright blue eyes. “Thank you.”

For what?”

In there. You didn’t have to do that. You didn’t have to make that announcement tonight. I mean, we’ve only seen each other twice,” she says nervously.

Turning to look at her more directly, I answer honestly, “Laurel, we might have only seen each other twice in this sense, but there is no doubt what I feel for you. Tonight was the best night of my life. Not only did I tell the world about you, tonight I got to look into the crowd and see the girl that I love.” She gasps as the four-letter word escapes my lips.


No buts, that moment on the trestle, I knew you were special. The night before we left Charlotte, I was certain, but tonight I’m betting on us. I love you. It might seem crazy or too soon, but I’m not one to use that word lightly.”

Taking her chin in my hand, I look her in the eyes more closely, “Seeing you in the crowd made the songs worth singing. There’s not another word to describe what I feel for you, and even the word love falls short.”

She doesn’t reply, instead she leans in and seals my words with a kiss. One that’s full of meaning and is heartfelt. As my eyes open, so do hers. “I love you, too, Jake Bryant.”


Sliding on my dry shirt, I close my eyes and silently thank God for my career, family, friends, and Chase. Once I finish, I turn to find Chase standing there watching me.

You’re stunning.

Oh, stop it.”

No, really, Bella Blu. I don’t think you know how beautiful you are, and it’s my duty to make sure you’re well aware each and every day.”

Taking a step toward him, he pulls me in for a hug. “I love you, Chase McSwain.”

I love you, too,” he kisses me gently as a knock comes from the bus door.

In unison, we yell, “Pizza!

Laughing, I hurry to the door and when I open it, I can’t help but continue laughing. Jake and Laurel are standing there with the pizza in hand. Literally, Jake has a slice in one hand and the box in the other.

Hope we’re not interrupting,” he says, looking between us.

Of course not. We’ve been waiting on y’all.

Um hum. Is that what they call it these days,” Laurel says sarcastically.

Taking a seat at the table, we cut on the TV, pass them a beer, and we sit and enjoy the last night on the bus.

So, I’m going back to Lattimore with Laurel when we fly out.”

My eyes grow wide because that wasn’t what I was expecting. “What about Nashville?”

It can wait. I’m taking a break and it starts there.” Leaning over, he kisses Laurel and she blushes.

Have you told the label?”

Kinda, but I told that reporter.”

At this point my eyes are probably bugging out of my head, “What?”

I told them I was thinking about it, but not certain when we were there.”

Have you thought this through?”

He pauses, looking at me. “That’s all I’ve been doing and right now, I want to enjoy life. I want to get to know Laurel more than a phone conversation. I mean, as long as she’ll have me. I also want to go home for a few days and visit with my parents, maybe introduce them to Laurel if she wants to go.”

Looking to Laurel, she’s smiling from ear to ear. “Are you serious, Jake? You want to go visit your parents?” He nods and she gives him a cute kiss on the cheek. “I’m so proud of you.”

So, Lattimore. Great place.” I laugh and nudge Chase, and wait to see if Jake bites. “Your flight the same as mine?”

Jake about chokes on his beer. “You can’t do that, Belle. You’ve got to go back to Nashville from here. You’ve got too much riding on it.”

Crossing my arms, I wait on him to finish, “Done yet?” He nods. “I’m going home for a day or two. I’ve got one month before I have to be back. Plus, Chase needs to get a few things, and I want to see my parents and enjoy my roots. It’s time to get grounded even if it’s for only a day or two.”

Oh my goodness, y’all! The Harvest Festival is next weekend, and you know what that means?” Laurel says, looking between us. “The dance! Y’allve gotta stay for it. Please! Pretty please!”

Looking to Chase, his hand slides to mine under the table. “Absolutely, what’s a week instead of a few days? Guess I’ll have to find a date. Wonder who I’ll go with?”

Me. I’m not asking this time, though,” Chase says as we all begin to laugh.

The remainder of the night, we sit, talk, and enjoy each other. These are the best friends a girl could have and I’m blessed to have each of them in my life.