Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

Note: Page numbers after 257 refer to notes.

Adams, Ansel, 51

adolescence, extension of, 73–74

advertising, 11, 43

and authenticity, 205–7

and marketing arms race, 64–67

and Saturday-morning cartoons, 72

video, 65

web banner, 65

Aladdin (movie), 105

Ali, Muhammad, 114

American Apparel, 43

American Revolution, 10

Andrews, Erin, 206

anime, 79

anonymity, 76

Apple, 87, 96–97, 213

approachability, 217

Archie Comics, 240

art, and commerce, 43–44

ASPCA, 116

audience engagement, 11, 18–19, 214; see also fandom

Austen, Jane, Pride and Prejudice, 131–32, 133, 134

authenticity, 179, 195–220

and advertising, 205–7

in fan relationships, 215–16

and values, 212–13

and wrestling, 195–203, 208, 218–20

Avengers (movies), 31

avocados, 278–79

B-52s, 100

Back to the Future (movie), 33

Baldwin, Adam, 210–11

Bane, Jenn, 170

Banksy (street artist), 63

Barrett, William, 86

Barth, Karl Heinrich, 4

Bartle Bogle Hegarty, 64

BBC Worldwide, 114

beards, 103–4

Beaudoin, Tom, 53

Beauty and the Beast (movie), 105

Becket, St. Thomas, 7

Bellomo, Eileen “Snooky,” 98–101

Bellomo, Tish, 98–101

Berkshire Hathaway:

and ritual consumption, 40

shareholders’ meeting, 21–30, 34, 47

and superfans’ motivations, 34–35, 36, 47–48

Beth (customer service), xi

Bethesda Game Studios, 191–92

Bible, as source of fan fiction, 7–9, 10

Bieber, Justin, 39–40, 41

Big Apple Circus, 85

Big Name Fans, 161

Black Rock Desert, Burning Man in, 93–97

Blondie (band), 51

Bloomberg, Michael R., 107

Bonanos, Christopher, 52, 54

Bond, James (fict.), 119–21, 137, 235

Boorstin, Daniel J., 63

Bosman, André, 53–54

boy bands, 64

Boy Scouts of America, 115

Braff, Zach, 188

Brandgenuity, 115


and bottom line, 12

and business imperatives, 222, 229

and control, 177, 222

fan interactions with, 12, 32, 178–79

fan-led revivals of, 74–76

fan reliance on, 204

“feel-good,” 212–13

logos of, 13

marketing of, 66

paraphernalia of, 133

Brees, Drew, 206

“Bronies,” 74

Brooklyn, Greenpoint neighborhood in, 180

Brooklyn Nets, 174–76, 193

Brooks, Mel, 37

Brown, Stephen, 230, 239

“Browncoats,” 209–11, 213

Brunzell, Jim, 197

Bud Light, 41–42, 229

Buffett, Warren, 22–30, 34–35

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (movie/TV), 208, 235

Burberry, 242

burlesque, 198

Burning Man, 93–97

Cadillac Escalade, 177

Calling All Girls, 237

Candy Crush game, 37

Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival, 65

Cannon, Nick, 206

Can’t Stop the Serenity, 211

Captain America, 112

Captain Marvel, 238

Card, Orson Scott, Ender’s Game, 105

“Cardenfreude,” 181

Cards Against Humanity (CAH), 167–74, 181–82, 184, 189, 193

Carr, Evan, 69, 71

Cartoon Network, 114

Cash, Johnny, 204

Cavicchi, Daniel, 5, 6

CBGB music club, 98


context of, 63–64

cultural fascination with, 105

as “human pseudo-events,” 63

information about, 10

name-dropping the product, 11

and their fans, 189

character merchandising, 13

Charles (general counsel), ix, xiv–xv

Chaucer, Geoffrey, Canterbury Tales, 7, 34

“chavs,” “Chav Check,” 242

childhood, and commercialized play, 73

child labor, 126–27

chocolate slavery, 126–29

Cirque du Soleil, 85

City of Dreadful Night (Siegel), 205

Civil War, U.S., 5

Club 33, Disneyland, 146–48

Cobb, Jayne (fict.), 209

Coca-Cola, 115

robust fandom of, 156

Small World Machines of, 60–61

and Surge, 67–72, 75, 79

Cock and Feathers, 86

collections, creating, 40–41, 62

Collins, Marcus, 207

Collins, Suzanne, 104

comic books:

characters important in, 13

and fan revolts, 235–39

fridging in, 236

Japanese manga, 238–39, 240

online, 239

popularity of, 237

skewed demographics of, 239–40

superhero movies based on, 238

Comic-Con, 11, 93, 111, 209

Comics Code Authority, 237

communities, formation of, 33–34, 37

Condry, Ian, 13, 15

conformity, transcendence in, 124

connectivity, 6–7, 74, 75–76, 153


changes in, 66

and context, 204–5

and the creator, 19

in the experience economy, 186

ritual, 40

and social media, 66, 103, 215

turning consumers into fans, 42–45

vs. participation, 10, 29–30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 128, 129

vs. production, 18–19

Conte, Jack, 43–44, 46–47

content creation, 35–36, 42–44, 61, 189–93, 241


coming-of-age stories, 68

and consumers, 204–5

creation of, 62–64, 66–67, 176–77

hard to control, 66

and identity, 137

use of term, 62

conventions, for fans, 75, 87, 124

convergence, 19

Cook, William, 120, 121

Cooper, Susan, The Dark Is Rising, 105

copyright protection, 14

Corgi, Squishable, ix

corporate bureaucracy, 218, 221, 246

corporate mascots, 242

corporate voice, 173, 189, 193

Corridor Digital, 46

cosplay, defined, 39

counterculture, 84, 89, 97, 98, 105

Cova, Bernard, 124

crafts movement, 85

Crane, Luke, 183, 187–88

Creative Commons, 17, 172

crowdfunding, 42

Cards Against Humanity, 182, 184

Kickstarter, viii–ix, 42, 44, 180–89

Patreon, 43–47, 188

rewards, 182, 184–85, 188, 189

Shadowrun Returns, 186

Surge, 70

crowdsourcing, and marketing, 11

Crypton Future Media, 12–14, 17

customer service, fan-generated, 69–70

Cyrus, Miley, 16, 172

Darkside Social Club, 143

Dawn, Jenna, 84

Dead Kennedys, 51

DeConnick, Kelly Sue, 238, 239, 240

DeGeorge, Paul, 128

DeLorean automobiles, 32–33

deregulation, 72, 219

Despicable Me (movie), 112, 113

DeStasio, Jesse, 113, 114, 116, 117–18

Devigne, Guillaume, 14, 16

Diplo (DJ), 173

disclaimers, 246

Disney, Walt, 142, 148, 166; see also Walt Disney Company

Disneybounding, 158–60

Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, 140

Club 33 in, 146–48

collectible pins, 143

“Dapper Day” in, 142

Diamond Celebration, 143

loyal fan base of, 142

Mad T Party, 165–66

social clubs of, 142–52, 164–66; see also social clubs

Disney World, Orlando, 142

Distilled Spirits Council, 223

Doctorow, Cory, 243, 245

Doctor Who (TV), 36, 79, 142

dopamine, 207–8

Downton Abbey (TV), 116

Drake, Alice, 1–4, 9, 248

Dr Pepper, 69

Duggan, James Edward Jr. “Hacksaw,” 195–98

Dumbo, 158

eccentricity, 9

“echo boom” generation, 72

Einstein, Albert, 88

Ekya, Sarita and Caesar, 216–17

Elder Scrolls V, The: Skyrim, 191–92, 193

Empire Strikes Back, The (movie), 33

Esurance, 242

Etsy, 210

Europe, Grand Tour of, 1

evangelization, 36–37

evergreen property, 114

exceptionalism, 104–7

experience economy, 186

extreme sports, 11

Fabio, Michelle, 244–45


changes in, 251

“like-gated” content on, 36–37, 75

Surge Movement on, 69, 71

face paint, 38

facial hair, male, 103–4

fair trade chocolate, 127–29

families of choice, 124


academic studies of, 86–87, 96, 163, 201

and access, 9–11

and audience engagement, 11, 18–19, 214

autobiography of, 118

collaborating with, 176–79, 216

as commercial activity, 60–62, 67, 111–18, 212

communities formed in, 33–34, 37, 75, 85, 125, 155, 229

conservative nature of, 17, 230–31

and consumption, 29–30, 32, 34, 42–45, 128, 129

creating context for, 62–64, 66–67

and crowdfunding, 47, 70

democratization of, 9–12

dissatisfaction in, 176

evolution of, 155, 251

expectations in, 17

as externally generated branding, 67, 179

goals of, 62

“good for you,” 154

as human instinct, 6–9

as identity shorthand, 132–37, 221

immersion in world of, 11–12, 32

in-person interactions in, 35

insults to, 213–16

international, 127

Internet-based, 74–79

and loyalty, 174, 212–13

and mental health, 122–24

nostalgia-based, 74, 216–18

origin stories, 152–53

“othering,” 216

as personal expression, 101–4, 118, 221

personal passion in, 61

public criticisms of, 18

purpose of, 67, 118

reasons for, 41–42, 125, 153–55

as rebellion, 90, 92, 105–6

recipe for, 61

resisting change, 17, 230–31

respect for, 187–89

scripted, make-believe roles of, 164

secret, 34

as self-expression, 101–4

and sense of self, 213

skill set developed in, 154

Smart Fans, 200, 203–4, 212

as social activity, 6–7, 34, 37–38, 85, 124–26, 155, 214

and social class, 89–91, 95–97, 103, 156–57

and social monetization, 183–85

as social re-creation, 91–93, 96

sports, 122–24

suspension of disbelief in, 212–13, 228

and time, 156–57

as transformative experience, 152, 154

uses of the term, 7, 32–34, 61

as utopia, 86–87, 88–89, 90, 92, 95, 96, 102, 126

fan fiction:

Bible as source of, 7–9, 10

creation of, 10, 79, 121

fan groups:

backlash from, 187–89, 221, 226–48; see also fan revolts

creation of, 241

dealing with, 173–74, 192–93, 234–35, 246–48, 249–52

feedback interaction with, 123

influence on producers, 19, 56, 129

membership in, 124–26

natural life cycle of, 248

self-selected, 239, 240

as self-sustaining, 76, 155–58

single-audience model, 240

“tribal colors” of, 38, 126

“us vs. them” mentality, 104, 246

see also fandom; social clubs

fanlike activities, 34

content creation, 35–36, 42–44, 61, 189–93, 241

creating collections, 40–41, 62

discovery cost for, 75

evangelization, 36–37

fan mail, 249–50, 252

impersonation, 38–39

pilgrimages, 7, 34–35

rituals and traditions, 39–40, 41, 146, 151

socialization, 37–38, 62

fan management, 173–74, 192–93, 222, 246–48

fan objects:

collecting, 11, 40–41

context created for, 62–64, 66, 176–77, 241

created by fan base, 13–14, 19, 35–36, 61, 126, 216

fan codependence on, 18

fan interactions with, 12, 156–57, 188, 193, 216

filling a need, 122, 153

first encounter with, 153

as functional artifacts, 133

hijacking, 241–46

holiness of, 34

identification with, 125, 133, 137, 153, 213

licensing deals for, 112–16, 118, 126, 137

as money makers, 60–62

and owners vs. fans, 229

and proof of participation, 40

pseudomagical powers attributed to, 154

sharing, 37–38, 160–61

stigma against, 90

superfans becoming, 162

tools for, 160

use of term, 10, 33

in the world of consumption, 18–19

fan origin stories, 152–53

fan revolts, 221–48

and comics, 235–39

handling, 234–35, 246–48

and hijacking, 241–46

Maker’s Mark bourbon, 222–31, 234, 239, 247

tyranny of vocal minority, 231–34, 239

fantasies, teen wish-fulfillment, 104–7

fan text:

creation of, 189

funding of, 44

in games and gaming, 189–93

poaching, 273

use of term, 33–34

fan tributes, 126

FarmVille game, 37

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 72

feminism, 241

Ferrell, Will, 66

Ferrero Group, 244–46

Firefly (TV), 208–12, 213

firestarters, 156

Fite, Jake, 141, 148, 150, 155, 157, 162, 166

Fite, Missie L., 148

Fleming, Ian, and James Bond series, 119–21

Flying Karamazov Brothers, 85

Fowler, Mark, 72

Fox network, 208, 209–11

Francis, Pope, 117, 221

Franklin, Benjamin, 10

free trade agreements (FTA), 222–23

Frida Kahlo Corporation, 110–11, 114

fridging, 236

Frito-Lay, 189–90

Frozen (movie), 105–6, 158, 78

Fuji Film, 51

games and gaming, 189–93

“modding,” 190–92

“open world” games, 190

Gandhi, Mahatma, 88

Gates, Bill, 27

Generation X, 73

Gibson, Gail McMurray, 8

G. I. Joe (TV), 72

Gilbert, Elizabeth, 84

Gillian, Steven, Faire: An American Renaissance, 91

Goats (webcomics), 45

Godwin’s Law, 228, 237, 301–2

GoFundMe, 42

Goodreads, 169

goodwill, 172

Grand Theft Auto (GTA), 190–91

Granger Leadership Academy, 128

Great Britain, 119–22

and James Bond, 119–21, 137

and World War II, 119, 121

Green Lantern comics character, 236

Grumpy Cat, 114

Gucci Genius jeans, 103

Guerrero, Danger, 206

Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, 33

Gummi Bears (TV), 72

“Hacksaw,” 195–98

hair-dyeing experience, 99–100, 101–2, 106


impersonation in, 39

virtual party, vii–xv

Hall, Scott (Razor Ramon), 219–20

Hanks, Tom, 147

Hannah Montana (TV), 104

Hanson, Tyler, 95

Harry and the Potters, 127–28

Harry Potter Alliance, 127–29

Hart, Bret, 203

Harvey, Steve, 114

Hasbro Corporation, 115

Haskell, Oliver, 82

Hawk, Tony, 137

Hegarty, Sir John, 64

Hello Brooklyn, 174–76, 178

Hello Kitty, 114

He-Man (TV), 72

Hendrix, Jimi, 84

Henson, Jim, 88

Hentai sites, 17

hijacking, 241–46

Hills, Matt, 118

hippies, 98, 100, 104, 106

Hitchhikers Social Club, The, 140, 143

Hogan, Hulk, 197

Holocron, 31–32

Hsing, Ariel, 28

Hunger Games (movies), 31, 104

Hurricane Sandy, vii–xv

IBM, “Think” as motto of, 88

identity, shared, 126

identity building, 125–26, 152

identity leisure, 125

identity shorthand, 132–37, 221

Iger, Robert, 32

IKEA, 243–44

impersonation, 38–39

Impossible Project, 54–59, 60, 61

Indiegogo, 42, 70

indie music, authenticity in, 179

Insane Clown Posse (horrorcore music duo), 90

Instagram, and social clubs, 145, 155

intangibles, selling, 45

intellectual property, protection of, 13, 14, 222, 243–46


and access for fans, 9–10

anger expressed on, 228, 231

anonymity of, 76

and fan-led brand revivals, 74–76

and identity shorthand, 133

mainstream adoption of, 77–78

and minimum group number, 76

polls via, 190

removing the geography barrier, 75–76

Smart Fans on, 200

as supportive to women, 79, 239

and technology booms, 78

and “us versus them,” 104

virtual gathering place of, 75

iPod earbuds, 87

Iran hostage crisis, 197

Iranian Revolution (1979), 197

Iron Sheik, The, 195–98

Jack Daniel’s, 229

Jackson, Janet, 12

Jackson, Michael, xi

Jacobson, Doug, 86, 93

Jaws (movie), 179

“Jayne hat” (bobble hat), 209–11, 213, 214

Jenkins, Henry, 201, 273

Jobs, Steve, 88

John, Elton, 147

Jurassic World (movies), 31

Kahlo, Frida, 109–11

Kaps, Florian, 53, 54, 60

Kardashian, Kim, 38

KARENT record label, 14

Kay, Leslie, 158–59

“kayfabe,” 198, 219

Keats, Karen, 52

Keene, Carolyn, 64

Kellogg, Ali, 51

Kempe, Margery, 7–9, 10

Kendra (designer), ix, xi, xii, xiii

Kickstarter, viii–ix, 42, 44, 180–89

King, Martin Luther Jr., 88

Klosterman, Chuck, 206

Knob Creek bourbon, 230

Kory, Judy, 81

Kozinets, Robert, 124

KPFK radio, 82–83

Kumano, shrines of, 7

Kunkin, Art, 85

Labyrinth (movie), 121

Lady Gaga, 12, 87, 126

Las Vegas Licensing Expo, 110–17, 126, 137

Laughlin, Sean, 85

Lauper, Cyndi, 100

LEGO, 114, 183

Lerman, Kristina, 231–32

“Let It Go” (song), 105–6

licensing deals, 102, 110–18, 126, 137

Lightsaber Battle NYC (2014), 30–32, 35, 39

Liszt, Franz, 2

Little Mermaid, The (movie), 105, 144

Live by the Code, 165

logos, 13

Los Angeles Free Press, 85

“love-bombing,” 156

loyalty, 174, 212–13

Lululemon, 87

mac and cheese, 216–17

Madonna, 126, 241

Magic Mike (movie), 177

magic shows, 199

Magic: The Gathering, 184

Main Street Elite (MSE), 145, 157

Majority Illusion, 232–33

Maker’s Mark bourbon, 222–31, 234, 239, 247

Malik, Zayn, 204

Man, The, fight against, 104–7

manga, 17, 238–39, 240

Mangione, Fred, 175

Manic Panic, 99–102, 106–7


arms race in, 64–67

and fans’ predictable buying habits, 11

and growing the business, 222

internally generated, 179

narratives in, 177–78

surprise and delight in, 172

Marvel comics, 235, 236, 240

Marxism, 204

Mary Sue, The, 210

McBride, Lawrence, 199–200, 203

McDonald’s, 214–15, 298

McMahon, Shane, 202–3

McMahon, Vince, 197–98, 199, 203, 208, 219

media properties, 137

medieval world, religious imagery in, 8

Meditationes vitae Christi, 8

Melissa (designer), ix, xi, xii, xiii, xv

Melt Shop, New York, 217

membership badges, 133, 137

Mersmann, Eric, 185–87

Meyer, Stephenie, Twilight books and films, 104, 113

Michaels, Shawn (Triple H), 219–20

Mickey’s Empire Social Club, 143, 144, 145–46, 152–53, 165

Mickey’s Little Monsters, 140

Mickey’s Raiders, 151, 165

micropayments, 43

Miku, Hatsune, 12–17, 18

Minions (movies), 31, 113–14

Misfits, The, 98

Mission Impossible (movies), 31

MIT Sloan Management Review, 233

“modding,” 190–92

modernity, 120

Monday Night Football, 18

Monty Python, 37

Morales, Miles (fict.), 240–41

Morrissey, Steven, 129

Mousefits, The, 140


fan-driven properties, 31, 33, 36, 41

stories important in, 13

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 2, 6

Mulan (movie), 105

Munger, Charlie, 24, 25

musicomania, 4–6

superfan of, 1–4

Victorian opponents of, 6, 8

vocal synthesizer Hatsune Miku, 12–17, 18

Mustafa, Isaiah, 65

My Little Pony (TV), 72, 74, 76, 115

mythology, 120, 122, 126, 148

Narragansett beer, 178–79

Nash, Kevin “Diesel,” 219–20

National Park Foundation, 162

National Public Radio (NPR), 44, 47

nerdiness, 77–79

New York Police Department, 215

New York Renaissance Faire, 91

Nico Nico Douga (now Niconico), 14

Nike, 213

Northern California Renaissance Faire, 92–93

nostalgia, 58, 72, 73–74, 79, 216–18

Nutella, 244–46

N.Y.C. Inc., 100

OkCupid, 130–31, 136, 137

OkTrends, 136

Old Crow, 229

Old Spice, 64, 65, 66

One Direction, 173, 204

Onion A.V. Club, 182

online dating, 129–37

Easter egg method, 135–36

and fandom as identity, 136–37

profiles, 133–36, 137

speed dating, 129–32

Oreos, 204

outgroup derogation, 123

Outkast, 51

Oyster (actual dog), xi, xiii, xiv

Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) beer, 178–79

Palmer, Amanda, 187

Paltrow, Gwyneth, 116

Patreon, 43–47, 188

Patterson, Phyllis, 82, 83, 89, 106

Paul, Chris and Cliff, 205–7

paywalls, 43

“peak beard,” 103–4

Penn and Teller, 85

pessimism, retroactive, 123

Pethnikoff, Alexander, 3

Petty, Tom, 162–63


and capturing memory, 58

instant, 52–53, 55–56, 61–62

and sharing the moment, 52

as social lubricant, 64

see also Polaroid, 14

pilgrimages, 7, 34–35

Pix Pak Social Club, 143

Pokémon, 114

Polaroid (brand), 49–60

and “Dr. Frankenroid,” 56–58

as fan object, 62

and Impossible Project, 54–59, 60, 61

and nostalgia, 58, 72, 79, 218

and Pioneers, 55

second chance for, 62, 64

and sharing the moment, 52

Polaroid cameras:

digital, 67

modern, 59

old, 56

production ceased, 51, 55

Polaroid Corporation:

bankruptcy of, 58, 60

ceasing production, 50–53

celebratory party in, 53

closing the factory, 53

future of, 58–60

history of, 57

intellectual property rights of, 59

Polaroid film:

development rituals of, 52–53, 54

instant, 52–53, 55–56, 61–62, 218

production ceased, 50–53

remaining, 56

Polaroid museum, creation of, 57

Police, The, 98

politics, extremist views in, 232

Pomplamoose, 43

popular culture:

fandom in, 7

trends in, 10

pornography, 17

poser, use of term, 102

possession rituals, 41

Potter, Harry (fict.), 104, 126–29

Pratchett, Terry, 37

Prokhorov, Mikhail, 176

punk movement, 97–102, 106

Quint, Dov, 59–60

Radiohead, 36

Ramones, The, 98, 100

Reagan, Ronald, 72

reality television, 105

rebellion, theme of, 105–6

Red Bull, 11

Reduced Shakespeare Company, 97

Renaissance faires, 81–93

and antiauthoritarianism, 90, 92, 106

careers supported by, 85

corporate ownership of, 91–92

and crafts movement, 85

and idealism, 97

positive effects of, 106

and “Rennies,” 89

sexuality in, 84

and social class, 90–91, 96

retro media, 73

Return of the Jedi (movie), 41

Revenge of the Nerds (movie), 77

review sites, 66

Ripple Junction, 210, 211

rituals and traditions, 39–40

possession rituals, 41

in social clubs, 146, 151

spending money for, 39, 41

Rivera, Diego, 110

Roberts, Virginia, a.k.a. The Heartographer, 135

Robin Hoods of Disney, 140

Robinson, Jackie, 88

Rockstar Games, 191

Rocky Horror Picture Show (movie), 90

Rosen, Jay, 231

Rosenberg, Jon, 45–46

Rosso, Sara, 244–46

Rowling, J. K., 9, 104, 128

Rubin, Rachel Lee, 84

Rubin, Spencer, 217

Rudder, Christian, 130–31, 134

Russo, Christian, 23–24, 28

Salcedo, Elena, 145, 152–53

Samuels, Bill Jr., 222, 224, 225, 227

Samuels, Rob, 222, 225, 227

San Jose Cemetery, 49, 56

Saturday-morning cartoons, 72–74

Saturday Night Live, 99

Scenes from a Multiverse (webcomics), 45

science fiction, 105

Scott (office manager), ix, xv

selection bias, in product reviews, 233

self-improvement, 46

sensationalism, 228

Serenity (movie), 209

Sex and the City (TV), 38

Shadowrun, 185–87

Shankar, Avi, 124

Sheridan, Sean, 68–69, 70, 71

Shiba Inu, Squishable, ix, xv, 251

Shirky, Clay, 133, 154, 159

sixties counterculture, 84, 89, 97, 98

Skyrim, 191–92, 193

Slack, Andrew, 127

Slaughter, Sargent, 197

S’MAC, 217

Smart Fans, 200, 203–4, 212

Smith, Eden, 49–50

Smith, Erik Karstan, 49–50

as “Dr. Frankenroid,” 56–58

Smith, Kenny, 206

Smith, Luke, 49

Smith, Patti, 98

Smiths, The, 129–30

Smolokowski, Oskar, 54, 55

Snape, Severus (fict.), 127

social capital, building, 160

social causes, 126–29

social class, 89–91, 95–97, 103, 156–57

social clubs, 139–52, 154–66

attendance requirements in, 157

buttons of, 143

codes of conduct, 149, 162, 163

and family, 151–52, 155

and fan groups, see fan groups

group cohesion activities, 157–58

hierarchy in, 158–60, 162

The Hitchhikers, 140, 143

Main Street Elite, 145, 157

Mickey’s Empire, 143, 144, 145–46, 152–53, 165

Mickey’s Little Monsters, 140

Mickey’s Raiders, 151, 165

The Mousefits, 140

patches, 159–60

punishing offenders, 161–63

rituals of, 146, 151

Robin Hoods of Disney, 140

self-policing, 162–63

as self-sustaining, 155–58

Sons of Anakin, 140, 143, 144, 148–49, 164–66

Triton’s Mermaids, 140

White Rabbits, 139–41, 143, 147–48, 150–52, 154, 155, 161–62, 166

social hierarchy, 158–60, 162

socialization, 37–38, 62, 124–25

social media:

and advertising, 65

anger expressed on, 231

and consumption, 66, 103, 215

and context creation, 62–63

and dating, 131–36

Majority Illusion in, 232–33

and marketing, 11

navel-gazing effects of, 105

profiles edited on, 133–36, 137

sharing opinions on, 214–15, 231–34

social monetization, 183–85

social norms, 125

social web, rise of, 131–32

Sons of Anakin, 140, 143, 144, 148–49, 164–66

Sony Pictures, 235

Spears, Britney, 172

Spectre (James Bond movie), 31

speed dating, 129–32

Spider-Man, 23, 112, 235–36, 240

sports, regulation of, 219

sports fans, 122–24


fan activities for, 250–51

fan feedback to, ix, x, xi, xiii

Kickstarter campaign for, viii–ix

start-up of, 250

virtual Halloween party of, vii–xv

Stalin, Joseph, 110

Star Wars:

as Disney franchise, 31–32, 114, 117

and fan anger, 229

and fan values, 213

and Holocron listings, 31–32

importance of fan participation, 18

and LEGO, 183

movies based on, 31, 33, 41, 241

and social clubs, 143

supplemental activities for fans of, 11, 30–32, 39, 41, 87

State Farm Insurance, 205–7

Steely Dan, 51

Stehl, Lisa, 93

stereotypes, 135

stigma, 76–79, 90, 106

Stockholm Brat, 282

Stonyfield Organic, 115

Striker Entertainment, 113

subcultures, 124

sugar, and hyperactivity, 68

sunk-cost fallacy, viii


becoming fan objects, 162

and crowdfunding, 47

importance of, 162

social norms for, 247

strong opinions of, 233–34

supplemental activities of, 11

Superman, 241

Supernatural (TV), 79

Surge Movement, 67–72, 75, 79, 218

survival, 120

swag, 43

Swift, Taylor, 15, 35

Takács Quartet, 90

Talking Heads, The, 98

Tapscott, Don, 247

Tatum, Channing, 177

technology: vocal synthesizer Hatsune Miku, 12–17, 18

Teeman, Tim, 52

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 72–73

teen wish-fulfillment fantasies, 104–7

Temkin, Max, 171, 172, 181–82, 189

Tetris, 115

texts, access to, 10

theatrical performance, 198–99, 203

“Think” (IBM), 88

“Think Different” (Apple), 88

ThinkGeek, 210, 211

Thunders, Johnny, 99

trademarks, protection of, 13

traditions, 39–40

transcendence in conformity, 124

Transformers (TV), 72

Translation (ad agency), 207

transparency, 218–20, 247–48

traveling-circus sideshows, 198–99

Triton’s Mermaids, 140

Trivial Pursuit, 184

Trotsky, Leon, 110

TSG Consumer Partners LLC, 179

Twilight (TV/movie), 163

tyranny of vocal minority, 231–34, 239

Undertaker in Hell in a Cell (wrestler), 202

Universal Pictures, 114, 209

US–Korea Free Trade Agreement, 222–23

values, 212–13

Valve (distributor), 191–92

Vanegas, Trent, 148–49

Vault soda, 69

Vaziri, Hossein Khosrow Ali “The Iron Sheik,” 195–98

Victorian era, musicomania in, 6, 8

Victoria’s Secret, 106

video games, 13

Vocaloid graphic novels, 17

Vocaloid software, 15

vocal synthesizer Hatsune Miku, 12–17, 18

VooDoo Crew, 143

Wagner, Richard, 3–4, 5, 6

Walt Disney Company:

countercultural themes in, 105–6

licensing deals, 116

Mickey Mouse as property of, 14

and myth, 148

shareholders’ meetings of, 22–23

social clubs in, 139–52

Star Wars franchise of, 31–32, 114, 117

traditional characters of, 105

Wann, Daniel L., 122–23

Wanted, The, 173

Warhol, Andy, 51

Warner Brothers, 127–29

Washington Square Park, New York, 30–32, 34

WBEZ Chicago, 173

Weil, Andrew, 116

Weiner’s Circle, Chicago, 173

Weller Antique bourbon, 230

Wertham, Fredric, Seduction of the Innocent, 237

Wheaton, Wil, 169

Whedon, Joss, 208, 209, 234–35

Wheeler, Andrew, 236

White Rabbits, 139–41, 143, 147–48, 150–52, 154, 155, 161–62, 166

Wikinomics (Tapscott and Williams), 247

Williams, Anthony D., 247

Wilson, Jason, 230

Winans, Matt, 69

Winder, Simon, The Man Who Saved Britain, 119, 121

Winfield, Jess, 97

Wired, 16

Wish I Was Here (movie), 188

World Cup, 35

World Food Programme, 246

World Nutella Day, 244–46

World Wrestling Federation (WWF, later WWE), 195–203, 205, 218–20

Wrestlemania, 197, 201–3

wrestling, 195–203

authenticity of, 203, 208, 218–20

Curtain Call, 299

Smart Fans, 200, 203

Yap, Jules, 243–44

yoga, 87

Yormark, Brett, 175

Zach Braff effect, 188