Dear Reader,
Thank you for sticking with us through all three books of The Remnant Trilogy. When we started the series, we were highly aware that there would only be a remnant — eight people — who would survive the Flood. That meant that all the other characters we grew to love would have to face some kind of death, which in several cases, was hard to write.
Even though they survived the Flood, Noah and his family only lived a certain number of years before they too faced the inevitable consequence brought on by Greatfather Adam’s sin. But death is not the focal point of our story. The Creator is. He’s the Author of life. He is the one who at the beginning breathed life into man so that he became a living being.
Colossians 1:15–16 and Hebrews 1:3 teach that Jesus Christ was actively involved in the creation of the world. As the Creator warned the newly alive Adam that death was the punishment for disobedience, He knew that one day He would endure the punishment He had set.
The Bible describes Jesus as the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. So as He brought about life, He knew there’d be death for all mankind and also for Himself. He took on human life so that He could die on the Cross and pay the penalty of our sins. But death was not the end — if that were the case, we of all people would be miserable. Instead, Jesus rose in triumph over death and the grave.
Death and life. Just as we knew who would live and die in this series, all of us know that we, too, will one day die. However, those who believe on the Lord Jesus will be saved and will live forever with Him. If you haven’t considered this before, we pray that you may come to know Jesus as your Savior.
Someday we will all pass from this life into the next. If you are a fellow believer, we look forward to gathering with you and with Noah and his family at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ as we spend eternity growing in our understanding of the depths of His greatness and glory.
Tim Chaffey and K. Marie Adams