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Eden still didn’t believe this was all real. Still struggled to believe that Mr Dray- Alric was a vampire despite having run his fingers over the very real fangs in Alric’s mouth. It could just as easily be a dream. More than likely it was. It wasn’t as though he hadn’t fantasised about what it would be like to meet a vampire... to be bitten by one. Would it happen during or outside of sex? Thoughts that had made studying difficult as he disappeared into them and away from the Folklore he was supposed to be memorising; essays that needed to be written. So, this all being a dream sounded completely plausible.
Except, Eden remembered heading for the offices of the Silverdale Corporation with the intention of returning the gifts Alric sent. Determined to figure out what the deal with Alric was one way or another. And this was definitely... another as Alric loomed over him, pinning Eden to the bed with only a heated gaze that blazed red. Lithe, muscular and oh so very naked. He swept his gaze over him, loving the smattering of hair on Alric’s chest that thickened as travelled south and none of it showing any signs of the man’s real age – supposed age. Yet the way Alric stared at him had Eden’s breath hitched, realising the man might be telling the truth and all that experience would soon be used to turn him inside out.
A low guttural growl was all the warning he got before Alric’s mouth descended on him. Teeth scraped up their way up his throat leaving sparks of electricity dancing over his skin in their wake while fire burned beneath it. He gasped, arching his neck desperate for Alric to bite him; to let Eden finally experience the bliss it would bring. A needy whimper broke free of his lips when Alric merely grinned against his skin and took that tantalising scrape further down his body. He wanted... didn’t realise just how much he did until the moment Alric deprived Eden of it.
He clawed at Alric’s shoulders. Grasped his head. Tried everything he could to bring that mouth back to the throbbing pulse point that ached to have Alric’s fangs sink into it. The only part more desperate to experience Alric’s touch was his hard cock. No longer satisfied with the ghosting touch of Alric’s fingers; his skin, Eden’s hips bucked up desperate for more. He wanted to grind against the hard planes of Alric’s abdomen as his cock slid alongside the ma- vampire’s equally hard arousal. Eden knew Alric was holding back. Showed an extraordinary level of restraint that he couldn’t fathom, and Eden wasn’t above begging to get what he wanted.
“Please...” he begged as Alric moved back up his body. He slid his hands into Alric’s hair and tried to press his mouth harder against his neck.
Alric shuddered, propping himself up on shaking arms, a pained expression on his face. “Don’t. Please don’t ask me to do that-” Alric paused, brushing a strand of hair plastered to Eden’s face.
But Eden couldn’t understand Alric’s reluctance. Alric’s desperate need to sate a hunger that sex couldn’t achieve on its own hung heavy in the vampire’s burgundy eyes. It was taking all the strength Alric could muster to not sink his fangs into Eden’s throat and take everything... and Eden wanted to give Alric everything he had: his body, his life. A thought that scared him but instead of the panicked fear that it should invoke, Eden only felt calm as though it was only right he offered up his life to Alric.
“Why... not?”
Alric’s fingers caressed his face. “Because there isn’t enough time. I have a meeting in a two- no in ninety minutes,” he rectified after glancing at the clock on the nearby table. “One I can’t cancel easily. And when I do this-” Alric’s hand shifted, sliding down his jaw and tapping on the pulse point at the juncture; slid further down his neck tapping on the pulse points as he went. “-I want to take my time; spend hours lavishing your body with attention, supping from each pulse point until your whole body is branded with my marks.” Eden moaned at the image being conjured up. He wanted that now. “But I won’t start with your neck, instead here-” pressing against the pulse point in his groin as the colour of his eyes deepened, his restraint weakening and yet Eden knew it wouldn’t break. “-because I want to finish at your neck... listen to you scream my name as I fuck deep inside you while tasting the ecstasy I send surging through you.”
Energy thrummed through Eden, body lighting up with a heat that threatened to consume him. Eden certain he could come by Alric’s words alone. “Fuck... please...soon. Tell me you’ll do that soon.”
Alric chuckled, a rich heavy sound that made Eden shudder. “Don’t worry, I have no intention of waiting long. Tonight, once my meeting is over... all you need to do is stay here in the apartment and wait for me to return.
“But we are going to fuck now?”
“More than once even.” The lecherous grin Alric gave him made all the worse- better by the flash of fang before lowering his head and kissing Eden again.
Passionate. Rough. Lip bruising. And made all the more arousing by the sharp nip of fang that threatened but never quite pierced his skin. Devouring each other’s moans, the needy whimpers that slipped from lips. Erratic breaths that came in ragged panting gasps. And those fangs, Eden couldn’t get enough of them, swiping his tongue over their sharpened points and wishing they’d sink into his flesh. Wanted the hours until Alric’s meeting finished to pass faster so that Alric could do exactly as he promised.
Eden whined as Alric shifted, hissing at the cold air sweeping over his sweat-slick arousal-heated skin. Whimpered as the vampire slid lower down his body pressing kisses into all the places he’d promised to sink his fangs into later. His whole body aflame, and more aroused than he’d ever been before. Air a precious commodity as he struggled to draw it into his lungs. his mouth open-wide in silent screams that left him wondering if he could suffocate just like this as he stared at Alric and watched him swallow his cock down, smirking as he did it.
That’s what made this so different compared to any other man Eden had been with. Alric made everything more intense.
Each sensation.
Each movement.
Each emotion rolling through him so much larger than before.
And it was only the beginning.
“God. Fuck. So...close.” The words tumbled out of his mouth and as Alric pulled back with a snigger, Eden wished he could take it all back. It didn’t matter that Alric reached over to grab a bottle of lube Eden hadn’t noticed sitting on the bedside table – too much else to stare at – but he didn’t fail to miss the lack of a familiar crinkling of foil.
Jolted out of his lust blown haze Eden propped himself up on his elbows and glared at Alric. “Condom, or you can forget it.”
Alric paused, bemused at his statement before chuckling. And it wasn’t something Eden had ever thought of a vampire doing, laughing, they’d always been portrayed as blood-thirsty, angry and sombre, not... a creature that could find joy in the small things in life. And while it wasn’t the first time he’d heard Alric laugh in his presence, Eden didn’t think his asking Alric to use a condom was one that merited such mirth.
“I’m not human. Don’t suffer from the same... inflictions that you do. So, condoms aren’t strictly necessary.”
Eden huffed, fell back on the bed and covered his face with his hands as he thought. Abandoning condoms wasn’t in his nature; drummed into him from the moment he came out as gay, even before that really, his mother reiterating that she didn’t want to be a grandmother to early. His being gay just turned the reminders into one of sexual health. But Alric wasn’t human. Those concerns were irrelevant. Yet Eden still felt uneasy about going bare so recklessly.
“Is... is it important to you? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, so if it is I will source some for later... it’s not like we can’t do other things for now,” Alric said, hands caressing Eden’s thighs, thumbs deliberately dipping inwards so they brushed against his balls making it hard for Eden to think. “Whatever you want, Eden. It’s your choice.”
He sucked in a harsh breath; exhaled it slowly. “No, it’s okay, we don’t need them. It’s not like I can get pregnant.” Alric’s chuckled softly at his joke, almost strained and Eden stared at him curiously.
He didn’t have to time to ponder over it further as the arousal that had waned while they talked roared back into life. A bonfire blazed in the core of his being consuming the last remnants of his hesitation while the fireworks exploding in his mind drowned at the small voice questioning his decision as Alric slowly worked him open. He clawed at the sheets. Pleaded for Alric to fuck him. Now. Voice stretched thin, devolving into a garbled mess that no longer resembled words as Alric pushed inside of him. The sharp points of fangs pricked at his skin as Alric sucked gently on his neck while thrusting harder, faster, deeper... until the rest of the world faded away and all that mattered was the place where their bodies joined and the guttural groan that ripped from Alric’s throat as he came, spilling his seed inside Eden.