Author’s Introduction
I wondered for a while as I was finishing this sequel if I needed to make this comment. After all, my publisher would be giving a disclaimer at the beginning of the story.
However I want to be able to state this: religion has not helped the human spirit much in his evolution. What I have learned in my current incarnation indicates that every once in a while, the Creator, by whatever name we want to observe Him, is supremely indifferent to our pretensions to piety. The Natural laws are so embedded in His activity and we recognize or ignore it at our own discomfort.
I have a conviction that my arrival in paradise or hell will have nothing to do with the concepts of the religions, but with an understanding of the eternal truth. I have no wish to pontificate.
I am concluding the Numen Yeye series here, but I would like to state that I have enjoyed the journey. It started out as a rebellion against the Western notion that the African is a savage, thus his religion will be one. I did not want to accept that. I have a conviction that for every human being no matter in what part of the planet he is placed, the supreme Creator has stamped the Truth in it, to serve our needs and help us grow. Our ego and racial coloring has made us arrogant and blind in assuming that we hold the one truth. We may be right but we are probably very wrong.
I have learnt that the Truth is not racial, tribal, nor does it have a color. The Truth is. Like Love, it fulfills without bothering with our opinions; it deals with our spirit.
I have come away from this journey enlightened about my background, accepting the inadequacies but trusting that we shall continue to grow. Eternity is such a long time and there are always opportunities.
My experience has made me happy and proud to be an African, a Nigerian, warts and all. There is a reason why I am here but I have no intention to be confused by religion but I trust in Edumare, the absolute dispenser of Justice who makes sense of it all through His Laws.
Biola Olatunde, 2016