Copyright © 2000 by Rebecca Goldstein
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Goldstein, Rebecca, date.
Properties of light: a novel of love, betrayal and
quantum physics / Rebecca Goldstein, date.
p. cm.
ISBN 0-395-98659-1
ISBN 0-618-15459-0 (PBK)
1 Quantum theory—Fiction.
2. Physicists—Fiction. I. Title.
PS3557.0398 P76 2000
813'.54—dc21 99-049994
Printed in the United States of America
Book design by Robert Overholtzer
QUM 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
In memory of my beloved, golden sister
for as far back as I can remember
my source of light.
I am grateful to the Bogliasco Foundation, which allows artists and scholars of various disciplines to tarry a brief while on the Italian Gulfo di Paradiso, where much of this novel was conceived.
I am also extremely grateful to the MacArthur Foundation. It was only that shockingly unexpected phone call that made it possible for me to write again. Like so many others, I am deeply indebted to Joel Lebowitz.
I have recently become blessed with an agent, Tina Bennett, of uncommon multiple talents, and with Elaine Pfefferblit, who has been all that one could desire in an editor.
Once again, thanks must go to my daughters, Yael and Danielle, always my first, and kindest, readers. This novel grew out of a bedtime story I told Danielle one night some years ago.
My deepest gratitude is reserved for Sheldon Goldstein, whose passion for science and truth has always taught me much, and inspired me still more.
Then tell me, what is the material world,
and is it dead?—WILLIAM BLAKE