All pain in this universe is initiated by some kind of separation. Our birth into this life and into this world is through separation; separation from our source, separation from our essence, separation from our mothers, separation from ourselves, separation from what we fear, separation from what we love. This continues until we find ourselves disconnected and deep in the torment of isolation. But we are initiated through separation so that we can find our way back to connection.

All pain in the universe is initiated by some kind of separation and all joy in the universe is initiated by some kind of unification. The main suffering that human beings experience on this planet is that we walk this earth with multiple billions of other people and yet each of us feels alone. Because of the trauma of our own disconnection, we perceive ourselves to be disconnected from anything we see as “other”. This pain of disconnection spreads out across this planet like a cancer.

Connection can be thought of as a link with something else. Connection can exist at any level of our being. We can be mentally linked, emotionally linked, energetically linked and/or physically linked to something. When we disconnect, we break that link we have to another person on whatever level we disconnect, if not all levels.

At the most fundamental level, to love something is to take it as part of yourself. It is an experience more than it could ever be a concept. Love is inclusive. It is the energetic movement towards oneness. When you connect with something so as to love that something, you energetically pull it towards you and include it as you.

If you are truly connected to something, you cannot cause it pain without causing yourself pain too. When we perceive ourselves to be disconnected, we no longer feel the ripples in the oneness that is our fundamental truth. We no longer feel the impact that everything has on us and that we have on everything else and as a result we can cause something pain without perceiving that pain in ourselves. This condition leads to a world that is not conducive to any life, much less human life. This is why re-establishing a sense of connection among us is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity. The survival and thriving of our individual lives, our species and more than that, our world is dependent upon it and it is in the re-establishment of our connection with each other and with ‘other things’ in the world, that we will bring about the happiness and harmony that we seek. It is in the re-establishment of our connection that we will create the new earth.


This book presents 3 powerful esoteric processes, culminating in the process that I call The Connection Process. These processes restore you from a state of separation, to a state of connection both with yourself and with other people. These processes will enable you to perceive the fundamental truth of yourself as well as the fundamental truths belonging to other people. They will enable you to perceive fundamental truths that exist far beyond the tangible physical dimension. These processes will enable you to see, hear, feel and understand yourself and other people and the result will be a deep sense of connectedness with yourself, with others, and with the world.