
PONS RARELY FISHED that summer. When the moon was bright, he sometimes left home just after midnight, but he returned by dawn because the sun was hot, his hands hurt, and he missed the boy. From Oubert, Pons learned of agents who would search in Africa for captives and arrange for ransoms, but the cost was beyond any sum that Pons could even dream of.

One midsummer afternoon, while Pons slept, Beatrice sat sewing under the linden tree. Mattie whittled a hollow stick of hazel wood.

“Ever smell anything better than linden blossom?” asked Mattie, looking up at the thick, dark leaves and remembering the yellow blossoms of early July.

“Lily of the valley,” said Beatrice. She bit her lip as she pushed a needle through the rough linen cloth she was holding.

Mattie leaned over the girl’s work. “Tsk, tsk, Beatrice. Make those stitches smaller. And don’t pull the needle through unless the stitch comes up in line.”

Beatrice puffed out her cheeks and put the sewing down in her lap. “It’s no use.”

Mattie put her arm around the girl. “Just takes time. And patience. Put it away for now. It’s too hot for anything except sitting.”

“And thinking,” sighed Beatrice.

“Thinking about what?”

“About Luc,” said Beatrice.

Mattie nodded and notched the wood. “It was good having a young person here for you. For all of us.”

“I miss him,” said Beatrice, rolling up her sewing. “Mattie, do you think we could talk to Luc’s mother about what Alain said? If Luc is really Sir Guy’s son, perhaps that family would pay his ransom.”

“Sir Guy is dead.” Mattie shook her head and added, “What’s done is done. Besides, do you think the old knight’s family would care that his bastard was kidnapped?”

Mattie put down her knife, and mopped her face with her apron.

“What other chance does Luc have?” asked Beatrice.

“I don’t think there is any hope for the boy. But I wouldn’t mind hearing about those secrets Alain spoke of,” said Mattie. “Perhaps we could pay a visit to Luc’s mother ….”


Mattie shook her head. “In this heat?” Mattie looked at Beatrice’s face, and patted her hand. “All right. Let’s go while Pons sleeps. We’ll just pay Luc’s mother a call to say how much we miss the boy. Let’s pray the woman’s husband is napping. I don’t want him lurking about.”

“And we’d better not bring Cadeau.”

Mattie held up the hazel-wood stick she’d been whittling. “I made this flute for the older of Luc’s two brothers. Made a whistle for the little one last week. I thought we might be heading up there soon.”

Beatrice smiled. “I’ll pick Luc’s mother a bunch of lavender.”

“You watch for spiders.”

“You didn’t need to remind me, Mattie.”

Beatrice stood and smoothed her gray dress. It was a plain kirtle of light wool, laced in the front with darker gray ribbon, over a linen smock with sleeves upon which Mattie had embroidered yellow flowers. Unlike Mattie, who wore wooden clogs, Beatrice wore good leather shoes that Mattie bought for her every fall from the cobbler who came to the village fair.

Mattie mopped her face again and said, “Wear that big straw hat I made you. Remember who you are.”

“I know who I am, Mattie.” The girl’s hair was loose, and she pushed it back behind her ears.

“You are a lady, Beatrice. Never forget that.”

Beatrice rolled her eyes, but she fetched the wide-brimmed hat and tied it under her chin.

“I should braid your hair, Beatrice.”

“I’ll tuck it up under my hat,” she said.

Mattie and Beatrice looped their way under trees, wherever they found patches of shade. Neither had ever seen the olive grove or the stone house.

“This is a mighty nice place,” said Mattie with a whistle. “Far grander than I imagined. And they let the boy work as a swineherd?”

Beatrice nodded. “Luc must have mattered very much to Sir Guy.”

Mattie sucked in her top lip. “It might have nothing to do with Luc, Beatrice.”

Beatrice put her arm around Mattie. “I pray it has everything to do with him.”

Luc’s mother answered their first knock. Two boys appeared behind her, and Mattie handed the whistle to Pierre and the flute to Hervé.

“Did you bring the dog?” asked Hervé.

“Shoo!” said Luc’s mother to her sons, who disappeared happily to try their presents. Blanche buried her nose in the lavender Beatrice gave to her, and breathed deeply.

“Thank you. Come where we can sit in the shade,” she said, leading them to the courtyard, where there were two benches under a large chestnut tree. “My husband is asleep. Just as well, if you have come to speak of Luc.” She laid her palm flat against her chest. “I am Blanche. You must be Mattie and Beatrice.”

At first the women talked of the hot summer weather, the lavender, and about Mattie’s carving.

“Luc said your cottage is a marvel,” said Blanche, tucking under the ragged cuffs of her sleeves.

“We miss the boy,” said Mattie.

“Very much,” added Beatrice.

Blanche blinked hard and put her hand to her mouth. “He was happy with you.”

“A special boy,” said Mattie. “Wise beyond his years.”

“Most of the time,” added Beatrice.

“Luc was clever. And handsome. People didn’t really notice his ear, not right away,” said Blanche, shaking her head. “I loved him,” she added.

Mattie nodded. “We do too.”

“He needs your help,” said Beatrice.

“Help?” Blanche frowned. “Luc is dead. Pascal says he fell overboard. The old man couldn’t save him, so he made up that tale about pirates.”

Mattie shook her head. “Pons is more honest than sunshine. The boy was stolen, just as my brother said.”

“Even if what Pons says is true, isn’t it the same as if the boy drowned?” asked his mother. “Maybe worse.”

“No,” said Beatrice. “Luc could be ransomed. There are men in Africa who hunt for captives. But it’s very costly.”

“Costly? Who would pay for the boy? I’ve nothing of value,” said Blanche.

“But,” said Beatrice, “the olive grove—this house …” She motioned to the courtyard and the sturdy yellow stone farmhouse with its double roof of baked earthen tiles.

“My husband will never part with the grove or our home.”

“Does it belong to him or to Luc?” asked Beatrice.

Blanche glared at Beatrice. “It belongs to my husband. It will belong to my sons one day. What stories have you heard?”

“Sir Guy—”

Blanche frowned. “Sir Guy is dead. This has nothing to do with him.”

“We heard he was Luc’s father,” said Beatrice.

Luc’s mother hissed, “Sir Guy was nothing to the boy.”

Mattie rose. “That’s enough, Beatrice.”

“Won’t you help your son?” begged Beatrice, ignoring Mattie.

“My son?” Blanche replied, covering her face, her voice breaking into sobs.

Mattie sat down next to the weeping woman and put an arm around her. Through Blanche’s worn dress, Mattie felt the sharpness of the woman’s shoulders and the knobbiness of her spine. “Hush, now,” said Mattie. “We only came tell you how much we miss your son.”

Blanche began to cry harder.

Her face was still covered by her hands when Blanche finally spoke.

“Luc is not my son.”