ENORMOUS THANKS TO the people who helped make this book possible: my agent, Christopher Vyce, who remembered my stories years after we met at the Harvard Book Store; my editor, Chuck Adams, whose thoughtful reading and suggestions showed great care; Rachel Careau, Brunson Hoole, Lauren Moseley, and all of the dedicated people at Algonquin; my mentors, teachers, and friends—Margot Livesey, Rick Reiken, and Trudy Lewis—whose advice and feedback helped me shape this book; Sox Serizawa, a great friend and the most thoughtful reader I know; Matthew Modica, Kate McIntyre, Lise Saffran, Julie Christenson, old friends from Emerson—Sean, Jill, Hannah, Leslie, Chris, and Karl—who were all early readers of these stories.

Thanks to the Bucks, Karen Russo, and Tania Hannan for their friendship and ceaseless encouragement. I’m grateful for the love and generosity of my Sri Lankan family, who welcomed me into their home and who shared their stories with me—Dhamika, Ranjan, Amali, and Malsha Thrimavithana. I could not have written this book without the support and love of my family—Dad, Mom, Greg, Erin, Leo, and Sam. And for my sanity, smiles, and constantly unfolding adventures, I thank Will Buck.

This book is dedicated to my mother, Arlyne Katz Luloff, and my grandfather Ben Luloff.