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HIS DISLOCATED SHOULDER was stiff and achy.
His legs and arms were sore.
His penis...He reached down to make sure it was still there, and yes, there it was, slightly tender, but amazingly, growing hard once more.
With her back toward him, Samantha was still in bed at nearly five in the morning.
She kept a human schedule, so he suspected she wouldn’t be trapped in his apartment if they tarried a little. But when he recalled the whirlwind of activity that was the shelter in the morning, he knew he should see if she needed to go.
He laid a hand on her shoulder and gave her a light shake.
She murmured, “Can’t go right now.”
He rose on one elbow and glanced at the window, where only the barest hint of dawn streaked the morning sky. “Will the sun be too strong later?”
She turned toward him, a sleepy look on her face. “Not in the early morning. I’m just a bit tired, although I should get back to the shelter before they get worried.”
“Probably.” He shifted until he was lying close to her, his erection hard against the soft skin of her belly.
Her eyes opened wide. “Are you sure you’re not the vamp? Your...staying power seems—”
“Superhuman. Maybe it’s the company, love,” he answered honestly, since he couldn’t remember ever being this hot for anyone before.
She smiled and kissed him. Against his lips, she said, “Even as tired as I am, it seems a shame not to take advantage of this before reality intrudes.”
He couldn’t argue. Mindful that both of them were feeling the effects of a very long and traumatic night, he opted for something slower and infinitely more tender than their earlier lovemaking.
Easing her thigh over his, he shifted until he joined with her and simply stayed within while he caressed her breasts and kissed her.
Her breath hitched with the way he slowly stretched her as he entered. She nearly came right then, but managed to control herself so she could savor the growing passion. He fingered her breasts and made love to her mouth, which caused her to pull and clench around him with her need.
When she would have moved on him, he gently urged her to be still. “Easy, love. It’ll happen.”
He kept his actions tender so the demon would not rouse. And then it finally happened. A slow swell of pleasure rolled over her, bringing fulfillment different from the wild rushing waves of the night before.
Through both, she’d stayed human. With his gentleness and encouragement, she’d experienced his loving like a normal woman. Like she never had before this.
She kissed him and he cradled her close so they could savor the last vestiges of their passion.
“Ah, Samantha. I could stay here all day with you, but we both have too much to do.”
She turned in his arms to stare out the windows where the sky was slowly brightening with the approach of morning. “I should go back.”
“I just need to grab a quick shower and then I’ll take you,” he said and moved from her side.
She flipped in bed to face him once again, watching as he gathered what he would need for the day. “You don’t need to. I can go back—”
He turned to her, his face serious. “I want to make sure you’re safe. I’ll take you back.”
“But you should get more rest.” He could use the sleep to recover from the injury to his shoulder.
Peter walked back to the bed and cupped her cheek. “I’m fine. Plus, I can grab a quick nap at the shelter before I head to work. That is, if you don’t mind me in your bed.”
Samantha smiled and covered his hand with hers. “The only thing I’ll mind is not being there with you.”
THE ARTEMIS SHELTER was still quiet when she and Peter walked through the door. Everything seemed in order. Safe and secure.
She gave him a grateful smile. “Thanks for everything.”
He laid a hand on her waist and kissed her. “Do you need help with anything?”
She shook her head. “No, I’m fine. Go get some rest. I’ll wake you later.”
As she watched him walk down to her room, she became aware of the presence of others and glanced up the stairs. Sofia was there, along with Leslie and another of the shelter’s occupants, sitting on the steps and peeping through the railings. They were all grinning and clearly pleased.
“Is everything fine?” she asked, wondering why they were spying on her.
“Girl, if everything’s fine with you, everything’s fine with us,” Sofia replied with a wink.
Samantha thought of Peter in her room. With a smile of her own, she replied, “It’s never been better.”
Which prompted a whoop from Sofia, who came down the steps and embraced her. The two other women quickly followed and Samantha found herself in the center of a rather boisterous and enthusiastic group hug.
“We’re so happy for you. The detective seems like such a nice guy,” Leslie said, and the other two women echoed that sentiment.
She was taken aback, never having really had female friends. Never having shared confidences or other girlfriend things. It brought tears to her eyes. “I’m happy, too.”
After a few more hugs and kisses, she excused herself to begin the morning routine, putting on coffee and making breakfast. Preparing lunches for everyone. It was toward the end of breakfast when Peter came down to the kitchen.
Seeing him, a number of the kids raced over to welcome him.
It was like a homecoming. He seemed so happy surrounded by the kids. He was the kind of man who should have children of his own. Something she could never give him. First, because she was undead and she’d never heard of a human-vampire hybrid.
Secondly, because even if it was remotely possible, Elias’s beating had made her infertile.
He deserved a wife and kids. She bit her lip to fight back the tears.
Returning her attention to the plate of bacon and eggs she was preparing, she failed to hear him as he approached and laid a gentle hand on her shoulder.
“Penny for your thoughts,” he said, leaning close and brushing a kiss along the side of her face.
“I’m not really sure you want to hear those thoughts.” It might be best for them to reconsider the night they had just spent together.
He sighed deeply and squeezed her shoulder. “Not right now, Samantha. For right now, imagine that it might be possible.”
“What?” she asked, playing dumb.
“The home. The kids. The happily ever after.”
She hated that he could be so intuitive, but then again, he was a cop. Getting a read on people was a necessity in his line of work.
Turning to look at him over her shoulder, she held up the plate and said, “Biscuit?”
“Please.” He took the dish from her hands and once again brushed a kiss along the side of her face. “Thank you.”
She wouldn’t ask what for, afraid of his answer. Afraid that she’d break down into tears with everyone watching them with interest.
Peter must have realized her fragile state since he didn’t linger. Instead he returned to the table and let himself be engaged by the children’s conversation.
Before she knew it, everyone was heading out, including Sofia, who said she was leaving early to study at the library. Which left Samantha and Peter, standing in the upstairs hallway awkwardly, wondering what to do next.
“I don’t like the idea of you being alone here, but I need to get to work,” he said, shooting a quick glance at his watch.
“If it’ll make you feel better, I can head to Ricardo’s,” she offered.
“Ricardo, huh?” Peter shoved his hands into his pockets and jingled the change there. It took her a second to realize he was jealous. “Ricardo is just a friend. Nothing else.”
“He’s a good-looking guy,” Peter said.
She reached up, ran her hand across the blush of color in his cheeks. “He is handsome, don’t you think?” she teased, but quickly added, “My interests, however, lie elsewhere. As do Ricardo’s, I think.”
His uncertainty fled. He twined his fingers with hers. “Really?”
Samantha nodded. “A young nurse whose mother Ricardo was trying to heal.”
“Heal? Do you really—”
“Ricardo is truly gifted, Peter. It’s how he sensed what I was. His interest in the nurse is the second reason why there can never be anything between us.”
“Second reason?” he asked. “And what’s the first?”
“Silly boy.” She raised on her tiptoes and brushed a kiss on his lips. “You’re reason number one.”
Against her lips, she felt him smile. After a long and intense kiss, he said, “I’ll walk you down.”
“I’d appreciate that.”