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4. Science (2001). Epigenetics special issue, 10 Aug, 293:5532.

5. Maret, K. (2005). Seven key challenges facing science. Fall, p 2.

6. Lipton, Bruce (2005) Quoted by Ardagh, Arjua, in The Translucent Revolution (Novato: New World Library), p 328.

7. Laslo, Ervin (1995). The Whispering Pond: A Personal Guide to the Emerging Vision of Science (Shaftesbury: Element Books).

8. Jeans, J. (1930). The Mysterious Universe (London: Longmans).

9. Lipton, Bruce (2005). Quoted by Ardagh, Arjua, in The Translucent Revolution (Novato: New World Library), p 341.

10. Oschman, James (2003). Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance (Edinburgh: Butterworth Heineman), p 318.

11. McBride, J. L., Arthur, G., Brooks, R., Pilkington, L. (1998). The relationship between a patient’s spirituality and health experiences. Family Medicine. Feb 30(2), p 122.

12. Powell, L. H., Shahabi, L., Thoresen, C. E. (2003). Religion and spirituality: linkages to physical health. American Psychologist. Jan 58(1), p 36.

13. Oxman, Thomas E., et al. (1995). Lack of social participation or religious strength and comfort as risk factors for death after cardiac surgery in the elderly. Psychosomatic Medicine. 57:5-15.

14. Schlitz, Marilyn (2005). The latest on prayer, touch and healing. Spirituality and Health. Nov/ Dec p 35.

15. Dossey, Larry (1997). Prayer is Good Medicine (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco).

16. Dossey, Larry (2005). Non-local consciousness and the revolution in medicine in Healing our Planet, Healing Our Selves (Santa Rosa: Elite Books) p 153.

17. Institute of HearthMath (2003). Emotional Energetics, Intuition and Epigenetics Research (Boulder Creek: Institute of HearthMath), p 1.

18. Krucoff, Mitchell, and Crater, Suzanne (2001). Integrative noetic therapies as adjuncts to percutaneous intervention during unstable coronary syndromes. American Heart Journal. 142(5):760-769.

19. Ibid, McBride.

20. Borg, J., Andree, B., Soderstrom, H., Farde, L. (2003) The serotonin system and spiritual experiences. American Journal of Psychiatry. Nov; 160(11), p 1965.

21. Janowiak, J. J., Hackman, R. (1994). Meditation and college students’ self-actualization and rated stress. Psychological Reports. Oct. 75(2), p 1007.

22. Doolittle, B. R., Farrell, M. (2004). The association between spirituality and depression in an urban clinic. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 6(3), p 114.

23. Koenig, H. G., George, L. K., Peterson, B. L. (1998). Use of health services by hospitalized medically ill depressed elderly patients. American Journal of Psychiatry. p 155:536-542.

24. Borg, J., Andree, B., et. al. (2004). The serotonin system and spiritual experiences. American Journal of Psychiatry. Sep; 161(9) 1720.

25. Koenig H. G., et al. (1997). International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. p 27:233-250.

26. Ibid, Krucoff.

27. Koenig, H. G., Larson, D. B. (1998). Use of hospital services, religious attendance, and religious affiliation. Southern Medical Journal. 91:925-932.

28. McSherry, E., Ciulla, M., Salisbury, S., Tsuang, D. (1987). Social Compass. 35(4):515-537.

29. Rowan, D. G., et. al. (1995). Self-actualization and empathy as predictors of marital satisfaction. Psychological Reports. Dec. 77(3-1):1011-6.

30. Koenig, H. G., et al. (1998). The relationship between religious activities and cigarette smoking in older adults. Journal of Gerontology. 53: 6.

31. Schmitt, R. R., Marx, D., VonDras, D. D. (2003). Spirituality as a moderator of alcohol use and attribution processes in college students. Paper presented at the Psi Chi Undergraduate Research Symposium at UW-Madison Apr 26.

32. Kark, J. D., et al. (1996). American Journal of Public Health. 86:341-346.

33. Daaleman, T. P., Perera, S., Studenski, S. A. (2004). Religion, spirituality, and health status in geriatric outpatients. Annals of Family Medicine. Jan-Feb 2(1), p 49.

34. Oxman, T. E., Freeman, D. H., and Manheimer, E. D. (1995). Psychosomatic Medicine. 57:5-15.

35. Powell, L. H., Shahabi, L., Thoresen, C. E. (2003). Religion and spirituality: linkages to physical health. American Psychologist. Jan 58(1), p 36.

36. Strawbridge, W. J., et al. (1997). American Journal of Public Health. 87:957-961.


1. Ibid, Lazlo.

2. Eddington, Arthur (1994). Quoted in Wald, George, The cosmology of life and mind in New Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science (Sausalito: IONS), p 130.

3. Rumi, in Barks, Coleman (1995). The Essential Rumi (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco), p 278.

4. Keller, J. C. (2005). Sacred minds. Science andTheology News. Dec p 18.

5. Cerinara, Gina (1991). Many Mansions (New York: Signet Books), p 82.

6. Graham, H. (2001). Soul Medicine (Dublin: Newleaf) p 253.


1. Nolen, William (1947). Healing: A Doctor in Search of a Miracle (New York: Ballantine).

2. Ibid.


1. Church, Dawson (2005). Communing With the Spirit of Your Unborn Child, 2nd ed (California: Elite).

2. Church, Dawson, ed. (1988). The Heart of the Healer (New York: Pengin).

3. Church, Dawson, ed (2004). The Heart of Healing (California: Elite).

4. Gaugelin, Michael (1974). The Cosmic Clocks (New York: Avon).

5. Dossey, Larry (2001). Healing Beyond the Body (Boston: Shambhala), p 235.

6. Craig, Gary (2008). The EFT Manual (California: Energy Psychology).

7. Felliti, V. J., et. al. (1998, May 14). Relationship of childhood abuse and household dysfunction to many of the leading causes of death in adults. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 4 p. 245.

8. Church, Dawson, and Baker, Harvey (2008 (1)) Evaluating physiological markers of emotional trauma: A pandomized controlled comparison of mind-body therapies. Presented at ACEP conference, Albuquerque, NM May.

9. Church, Dawson (2008 (2)). Vets study The Treatment of Combat Trauma in Veterans using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques): A Pilot Protocol. Presented at ACEP conference, Albuquerque, NM, May.

10. Brown K, et. al. (2008). EMDR versus EFT versus waiting list control in PTSD. Clinical trial underway at Forth Valley NHS hospital, Britain.

11. Church, Dawson (2007 (1)). The effect of energy psychology on athletic performance. Presented at Meridian Conference, Toronto, October.

12. Deady, David (2008). Chronic pain in the elderly: The effect of EFT in reducing pain. University of Paisley, Britain, data gathering underway in 2008.

13. Church, Dawson (2007 (2)). The Genie in Your Genes (California: Energy Psychology).


1. Quoted in Dossey, Larry (2001). Healing Beyond the Body (Boston: Shambhala), p 29.

2. Remen, R. N. (2005). Recapturing the soul of medicine, in Consciousness & Healing (St. Louis: Elsevier), p 446.

3. Dossey, Larry (2001). Healing Beyond the Body (Boston: Shambhala), p 26.


5. Ibid.

6. Cerutti, E. (1975). Olga Worrall: Mystic With Healing Hands (New York: Harper).

7. Grof, S. (2005). Psychology of the future, in Consciousness & Healing (St. Louis: Elsevier), p 265.

8. Ibid, Cerutti.

9. Steven L. Fahrion, S. L., Wirkus, M., Pooley, P. (1992). EEG amplitude, brain mapping, & synchrony in & between a bioenergy practitioner & client during healing. Bridges. 3:1.

10. Spear, Deena (2003). Ears of the Angels (Carlsbad: Hay House).

11. Northrup, Christiane (2004). Health Wisdom for Women. Nov.

12. Randall-May, C. (1999). Pray Together Now: How to Find or Form a Prayer Group (Shaftesbury: Element).

13. John Sewell does not have a web site. He practices during the day, but receives messages on his voice mail at 706-677-4934. He recommends a visit in person.

14. Eden, D. (1998). Energy Medicine (New York: Tarcher).


16. Campbell, Rod (1996). Healing From Love (Auckland: Awareness).

17. Cayce reading 167-1, M.24, 7/25/39

18. Cayce reading 257-249, M.49, 12/5/42

19. Cayce reading 1173-6, M.28, 1/14/36

20. Cayce reading 1173-7, M.28, 11/28/36

21. Cayce reading 281-24, Prayer Group Series, 6/29/35

22. Oschman, James (2000). Energy Medicine (London: Churchill Livingstone), p 107.


1. McCraty, R., Atkinson, M, and Tomasino, D. (2003). Modulation of dna conformation by heart-focused intention (Boulder Creek: Institute of HearthMath), p 1.




5. Bird, C., and Tompkins, P., The Secret Life of Plants (Harper, 1989).


7. Rein, G., Atkinson, M., McCraty, R. (1995). The physiological and psychological effects of compassion and anger. Journal of Advancement in Medicine. 8(2): 87-105.

8. Ibid, hearthmath web site.

9. Krivorotov, V. (1987). Love therapy: a Soviet insight, in The Heart of the Healer (New York: Aslan), p 138.

10. Sha, Z. (2006). Living Divine Relationships (San Francisco: Heaven’s Library), p 46.

11. Ibid, hearthmath web site.

12. Church, D. (2004). The Heart of Healing (Santa Rosa: Elite), p 31.

13. Sha, Z. (2006). Healing the Heart of the World (Santa Rosa; Elite), p 109.

14. Matthew 17:18, King James Version.

15. John 14:10, King James Version.

16. Langevin, M. (2006). Healing the Heart of the World (Santa Rosa; Elite), p 273.

17. Personal communication to author.

18. Bailey, Alice (1999). Esoteric Healing (New York: Lucis).

19. Personal communication to author. Dr. Nunley’s Inner Counselor course is based on the work of Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow, and Robert Assagioli, and can be found at

20. Quoted in Utne Reader web site:

21. Grauds, C. (2006). The indigenous heart, in Healing the Heart of the World (Santa Rosa: Elite), p 232.

22. Ibid, Utne.


1. Cruze, John Cerroll (1947). The Incorruptibles (Rockford: Tan).

2. James, William (1936). The Varieties of Religious Experience (New York: Modern Library). All quotes in this section are from pages 77-124.

3. Random House College Dictionary, (1984). (New York: Random House).

4. Dozor, Robert, (2004). The Heart of Healing (Elite: Santa Rosa), p 312.


1. Motz, J. (1998). Hands of Life: Use Your Body’s Own Energy Medicine for Healing, Recovery and Transformation (New York: Bantam), p 81.

2. Oz, M., and Roizen, M. F. (2005). YOU: The Owner’s Manual: An Insider’s Guide to the Body that Will Make You Healthier and Younger (New York: Collins).


1. Newsweek (2003), Nov 12.

2. Time (1996), Jun 24.

3. USAWeekend (1997), Apr.

4. Barnes, P. M., Powell-Griner, E., McFann, K., Nahin, R. L. (2004). Complementary and alternative medicine use among adults: United States, 2002. CDC Advance Data Report #343, in NIH Focus on Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Volume XII, Number 1, Winter 2005.

5. Zhan, C., Miller, M. R. (2003). Excess length of stay, charges, and mortality attributable to medical injuries during hospitalization. Journal of the American Medical Association. Oct 8;290(14):1868-74.

6. Starfield, B. (2000). Is U.S. health really the best in the world? Journal of the American Medical Association. Jul 26:284(4):483-5.


8. Dossey, Larry (1996) Prayer Is Good Medicine (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco).

9. Ibid, Nolen.

10. Motluk, Alison (2005). ‘Safe’ painkiller is leading cause of liver failure. New Scientist 8. Dec 2529, p 19.

11. Vedantam, Shankar (2005). Study: new psychosis drugs no better than old ones. Washington Post. Sep 20.

12. Ibid, Vedantam.

13. Stein, R. and Kaufman, M. (2006).Washington Post. Jan 1.

14. Connor, Steve (2003). Glaxo chief: our drugs do not work on most patients. lndependent. Dec 8.

15. Kelleher, Susan, and Wilson, Duff (2005). The hidden big business behind your doctor’s diagnosis. Seattle Times. Jun 26.

16. Ibid, Kelleher.

17. Ingelfinger, Franz (1977). Health: a matter of statistics of feeling. New England Journal of Medicine. Feb 24, pp 448-49.

18. New York Times (2006). Seducing the medical profession. Feb 2.

19. Brennan, T. A., et al. (2006). Health industry practices that create conflicts of interest: A policy proposal for academic medical centers. Journal of the American Medical Association. 295:429-433.

20. Rubin, Rita (2006). Med schools urged to keep tabs on drugmakers. USAToday. Jan 24.

21. Osler, William (1943). Aequanimitas (Philadelphia: Blakeston).

22. Bernstein, R. K. (2003). Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution (New York: Little, Brown).

23. Feinstein, D., et. al. (2005). The Promise of Energy Psychology (New York: Tarcher), p 14.

24. Gallo, F., and Vincenzi, H. (2000). Energy Tapping (Oakland: New Harbinger).

25. Craig, Gary.

26. Benor, Daniel.

27. Shealy, C. N., Thomlinson, R. P., Cox, R. H. and Borgmeyer, V. (1998). Osteoarthritis pain: A comparison of homeopathy and acetaminophen. American Journal of Pain Management. Vol. 8, No. 3, Jul pp 89-91.

28. Ibid, Ornish.


1. Underhill, Evelyn (1993). The Spiritual Life (New York: Penguin).

2. Fillmore, Charles (1941). The Twelve Powers of Man (Missouri: Unity, sixth edition).

3. Ornish, Dean, ibid.

4. Here are the categories into which the questions fall:


1. All things work together for good.

2. God is benevolent.

3. I have a soul that survives death.

4. My life on Earth is meaningful.


5. Once a week or more, I reverently watch a sunset, sunrise, or natural scene.

6. I meditate, pray, or think about the beauty of life regularly.

7. I feel calm and serene when things go wrong.

8. I can face whatever life offers.


9. I have sometimes wronged or harmed others.

10. I have apologized when I’ve wronged others.

11. I can learn from my problems and mistakes.

12. I am wise enough to make the right choices.

13. My spiritual beliefs change as I understand more.

14. I set reasonable standards and goals for myself.

15. During the course of my life, I have read three or more books about a religion other than my own.


16. I helped someone within the last week.

17. Service to others equals service to God.

18. I tithe regularly.

19. In the last year, I have contributed to help others in misfortune.

20. When I see a person or animal in pain, I feel that pain.

21. I am connected to all living beings.

22. I go out of my way to help other people.


23. Tomorrow will be better.

24. Miracles happen.

25. Human beings can change their ways and improve themselves.


26. I usually forget wrongs that have been done to me within a few days.

27. I send blessings to people who have wronged me.

28. I send myself love when I’ve done something I wish I hadn’t.


29. When I hear a belief that differs from mine, I consider it deeply.

30. I defend the right of others to have their beliefs, different from my own.

31. Religions other than mine may contain wisdom for me.

32. When someone acts badly towards me, I try and see their point of view.

33. When I become frustrated, I pause and calm myself.


34. I can accomplish anything to which I apply myself.

35. I am able to keep focused even when other people don’t believe in me.


36. I have a consistent daily spiritual practice.

37. I read religious or inspirational materials at least once a week.

38. I pray once a week or more for myself and others.

39. I believe that my attitude each day is more important than attending church.

40. I sent a blessing in my thoughts to someone else in the last two weeks.


41. I have a trusted spiritual advisor.

42. I have two or more close friends.

43. I worship weekly at a church or spiritual center.

44. I said “I love you” to two or more people in the last week.

45. I gave someone an unexpected gift in the last month.

11. JOY

46. I often spontaneously feel great joy in my life.

47. I deliberately look for things to be happy about each day.


48. Every morning I’m thankful just to wake up.

49. I give thanks to God whenever good things happen.

50. I give thanks go God whenever bad things happen, even though I may not understand why.


1. Szent-Gyorgi, Albert, quoted in Oschman, p 33.

2. Benson, H., McCallie, D. F. (1979). Angina pectoris and the placebo effect. New England Journal of Medicine. 300(25): 1424-9 13.

3. Moseley, J. B., et. al. (2002). A controlled trial of arthroscopic surgery for osteoarthritis of the knee. New England Journal of Medicine. Jul 11. 347:81-88.

4. Baylor College of Medicine Press Release.

5. Eskenazi, L. (2005). Transformational surgery, in Consciousness & Healing (St. Louis: Elsevier), p 123.

6. Graham, H. (2001). Soul Medicine (Dublin: Newleaf), p 245.

7. Fetissov, S. (2005). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, quoted in The Economist. Oct 1, p 75.

8. Marchione, M. (2005). Cancer survival tied to tumor size. Associated Press, Aug 7.

9. Schlitz, Marilyn (2005). The latest on prayer, touch and healing, in Spirituality and Health. Nov/ Dec p 35.

10. Baltimore Sun (1999). Summarized at

11. Kirsch, I., and Sapirstein, G. (1998). Listening to Prozac but hearing placebo: A meta-analysis of antidepressant medication. Prevention & Treatment. Jun Vol 1(1) 2 [Article A].

12. Ibid, Kirsch.

13. Moore, T. J. (1999). No prescription for happiness. Boston Globe. Oct 17.

14. Kirsch, I, et. al. (2002). The emperor’s new drugs: An analysis of antidepressant medication data submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Prevention &Treatment. Jul Vol 5(23) 2.

15. The Economist (2008). Hope from a pill. March 1, p 84.


1. Motluk, Alison (2005). Placebos trigger an opioid hit in the brain. New Scientist. 22:00 23 Aug.

2. Whitehouse, David (2003). Fake alcohol can make you tipsy. Summary of article in Psychological Science, reported in BBC News. Jul 1.

3. Penfield W., Baldwin M. (1952). Temporal lobe seizures and the technique of subtotal temporal lobectomy. Annals of Surgery. 136: 625-634.

4. Penrose, Roger (2002). The Emperor’s New Mind (Oxford: Oxford University).

5. Damasio, Antonio (1994). Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain (New York: Grosset Putnam).

6. Summarized by Blakeslee, Sandra (2005). Hypnosis can profoundly change the brain. New York Times. Nov 22.

7. Ibid, Blakeslee.

8. Twain, Mark (1889). A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (New York: Webster).

9. Science (2003). Brain maps perceptions, not reality. Nov 4.


1. Ibid, Oschman, p 332.

2. Ibid, Oschman, p 8.


4. Ibid, reymond.htm.

5. Gordon, Glen (2008). Protein iteration and cellular response to extrinsic electromagnetic forces. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai, May 16-18.

6. Davydov. A. S. (1987). Excitons and solitons in molecular systems. International Review of Cytology. vol 106, pp 183-225.

7. Oschman, J. (2005). The intelligent body. Bridges. Spring 16:1 p 14.

8. Ibid, Davydov.

9. Becker, Robert O., & Selden, Gary (1985). The Body Electric: Electromagnetism in the Foundation of Life (New York: Morrow).

10. Ibid, Becker.

11. Maret, K. (2005). Seven key challenges facing science. Bridges. Spring 16:1 p 7.

12. Ibid, Becker.

13. Alternative Medicine (2002). High technology meets ancient medicine. Mar, p 93.

14. Ibid, Alternative Medicine.

15. Spence, Graham (2002). Quoted in Donna Eden, Energy Medicine (New York, Bantam), p 299.

16. There are many scientific references on Dr. Bonlie’s web site,

17. Ho, Mae-Wan, quoted in Oschman, p 310.

18. Shealy, 1993.

19. Reich, Wilhelm (1982). The Bioelectric Investigation of Sexuality and Anxiety (New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux).

20. Ibid.

21. Burr, H. S. (1957). Harold Saxton Burr. Yale Journal of Biology & Medicine. Vol 30. pp 161-167.

22. Ibid, Oschman, p 270.

23. Ibid, Oschman, p 62.

24. Ibid, Oschman, p 76.

25. Junnilia, S. Y. (1982). Acupuncture superior to piroxican in the treatment of osteoarthrosis. American Journal Acupuncture. Vol. 10, No. 4, Oct-Dec pp 341-346.

26. Helms, J. M. (1987). Acupuncture for the management of primary dysmenorrhea. Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol. 69, No. 1, Jan pp 51-56.

27. Shealy, C. N., Helms, J, McDaniels, A. (1990). Treament of male infertility with acupuncture. The Journal of Neurological and Orthopaedic Medicine and Surgery, Dec. Vol. 11, Issue 4, pp 285-86.

28. Hanson, P. E., Hansen, J. H. (1985). Acupuncture treatment of chronic tension headache—a controlled cross-over trial. Cephalgia. Vol. 5, No. 3, Sep pp 137-142.

29. Ballegaard, S., et al: Acupuncture in severestable angina pectoris—a randomized trial. Medical Dept. P. Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Acta. Med Scand. Vol. 220, No. 4, pp 307-313.

30. Ibid, Oschman, p 266.

31. Wells, Steven, et al. (2003). Evaluation of a meridian-based intervention, emotional freedom techniques (EFT), for reducing specific phobias of small animals. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 59 (9), 943-966.

32. Ibid, Oschman, p 334.

33. Feinstein, David (2008 (1)). Energy Psychology: a preliminary review of the evidence. Psychotherapy, June.

34. Feinstein, David (2008 (2)). Energy psychology in disaster relief. Traumatology 141:1, March.


1. Shealy, C. N., Mortimer, J. T. and Reswick, J. B. (1967). Electrical inhibition of pain by dorsal column stimulation: Preliminary clinical report. Anesthesia andAnalgesia Current Researchers. 46, pp 489-491.

2. Liss Cranial Electric Stimulator available from Fisher-Wallace Labs, LLC, 515 Madison Avenue, Suite 5W, New York, New York 10022, (917) 912-0629.


1. Selye, H. (1974). The Stress of My Life: A Scientist’s Memoirs (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold).

2. Benson, Herbert (2002). Interview entitled “Spirituality and Healing in Medicine” Ivanhoe Broadcast News Interview Transcript, Feb 4.

3. Snyderman, Ralph (2005). Creating a culture of health. Spirituality and Health. Dec, p 46.

4. Villoldo, Alberto (2000). Shaman, Healer, Sage (New York: Harmony) p 49.

5. Laslo, Ervin (1995). The Whispering Pond: A Personal Guide to the Emerging Vision of Science (Shaftesbury: Element Books).

6. Collinge, William (1998). Subtle Energy (New York: Warner), p 136.


1. Sha, Z. (2006). Healing the Heart of the World (Santa Rosa: Elite), p 109.

2. Benor, Daniel (1994).

3. Shealy, C. Norman (1996). Ninety Days to Stress-Free Living (London: Vega).

4. 2 Kings 5: 10-14.


1. Snyderman, Ralph (2005). Creating a culture of health, in Spirituality and Health. Dec p 46.

2. Quoted by Kristof, Nicholas (2006). Leading the fight against obesity. New York Times. Jan 31.

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4. Smith, R. (1991). The poverty of medical evidence. British Medical Journal. 303, 5 Oct.

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8. Hirschberg, C. (2005). Living With Cancer Consciousness & Healing (St. Louis: Elsevier), p 163.

9. Washington Business Group on Health & Watson Wyatt Worldwide (2003). Creating a sustainable health care program. Eighth annual Washington Business Group on Health Watson Wyatt Survey Report.

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16. Feinstein, David (2008). Energy Psychology: a preliminary review of the evidence. Psychotherapy, June.

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1. Oschman, James (2000). Energy Medicine (London: Churchill Livingstone), p 255.

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