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Abundiz, Lorenzo, 141–42
African giant pouched rats, 13, 13n
airport dogs, 310
alcohol-based hand rubs (ABHR), 195
aloneness, feelings of, 234
American Bar Association, 278–79
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 7
American Pet Products Association, 179
Amos (courtroom dog), 282–86
angina episodes, 140
Angle, Craig, 3, 100, 103, 310–12
Angus (Clostridium difficile-detection dog), 190–91, 192–98
Angus (psychiatric service dog), 233
Animal Cognition, 237
Animal-Computer Interaction Lab at Georgia Tech, 300–303
Animal-Computer Interaction Lab at Open University, 308–9
and cataplexy, 171
and crisis-response dogs, 293–98
and demand for service dogs, 236
and psychiatric service dogs, 226–32, 233
and seizure-alert dogs, 64
of sexual assault/abuse survivors, 239, 270
in youth, 226–27
Anzue, Naoto, 11
Applied Animal Behavior Science, 94n
Aquilina, Rosemarie, 276
Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious Universe (television series), 141
autism-assistance dogs, 207–25
Bob’s placement with Petek family, 220–25
children talking to, 210–11
communication technologies for, 302
Lloyd’s effect on Matthew, 211–15, 217
and prevalence of autism spectrum, 216
research on, 216–17
tethering children to, 213, 213n
waiting lists for, 209
and welfare of dogs, 217n
Baby Boo (cancer detection dog), 84–87, 90, 91, 92
bacteria. See superbugs
Bea (cancer-detection dog), 118–19
bed sharing. See sleeping with dogs
Behavioral Brain Research, 237
Belgian Malinois, 100
Bell, Jack, 165–66
Berns, Gregory, 243
Berriz, Carmen, 289
betta fish, caring for, 52n
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 200–201
biological targets, detection of, 310
bipolar disorder, 226, 232, 234
Bird, Isabella, 114
bird flu, 13
“blanks” used in training dogs, 107–8
blood clots, 132
Blu (psychiatric service dog), 258
BMC Psychiatry, 234
BMJ (formerly British Medical Journal), 38, 51, 93
Bob (autism-assistance dog), 219, 220–25
Bobbie (cancer-detection dog), 106–7, 126
body language, dogs’ attunement to, 99
bomb detection dogs, 307
bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), 188
Braconcini, Valentina, 47–48
Brašnić, Leon, 11
Brašnić, Renato, 11
Brassel, Tina, 132
breast cancer, 13, 94–95, 96, 97, 132, 312
Brody (seizure-alert dog), 76–82, 130, 209, 305
Brooks, Danielle, 168–75
Bud (seizure-alert dog), 65–68
Cairo (multipurpose canine), 130
Calabro, Lidia, 50–51
Calabro, Matteo, 50–51
Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, 92, 159
camouflage, rolling in scents for, 5
Camp fire, 296–97n
cancer-detection dogs, 84–128
and abilities of individual dogs, 100–101
breeds recruited for, 100
and cell lines for cancers, 104–5
communication technologies for, 306, 308–9
conference on (2003), 90
differentiation of cancers, 102
early detection by, 98, 98n, 308, 312
and e-nose research, 125–26
future of, 125–26
Medical Detection Dogs, 92–93, 94, 95–97, 102, 181–82
in medical journals, 86–87, 88
plasma-sample detection by, 104–5, 106–7
proof-of-concept study, 93–94, 98
reliability/accuracy of, 108–9, 124–25
research on, 87–91, 96–97, 98–101, 108–9
reward drive of, 100
scent detection by, 8, 86–89, 93–94, 101–4, 106, 108–9, 111–12, 125–27
screening in laboratory settings, 97–98, 107–9, 119, 312
screening people, 109, 112–13, 115, 116, 122, 124–25
screening services, for profit, 109n
training, 88–89, 95, 102, 106–8
types of cancers detected by, 98
untrained dogs freelancing as, 80
CancerDogs, 109n
breast cancer, 94–95, 96, 97, 132, 312
cats’ detection of, 98n
and e-nose research, 125–28, 312–13
other animals’ ability to detect, 12–13
ovarian cancer, 7–8, 105–6, 312
prostate cancer, 96–97, 181–82
stomach cancer in Japan, 112–13, 115, 120–21, 123
Canine Advocacy Program (CAP), 279, 282–83
canine advocates, 278–79
Canine Assistants, 70
Canine Hope for Diabetics, 33, 34
Canine Partners for Life, 69–70, 172
Canine Performance Sciences program at Auburn University, 188
cardiac-alert dogs, 81, 138–42
cardiovascular disease, volatile organic compounds associated with, 142
cataplexy, 168–75
cancer detection by, 98n
refined senses of smell, 12
sensing blood sugar lows/highs, 39, 39n
Cattet, Jennifer, 30, 83, 236–37
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 175, 199, 311n
Champion, John, 261–62
cheating dogs, 46–47, 104, 107
Chigahara, Tsuruko, 120–22
in courtroom settings, 277–86
and crisis-response dogs, 297
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 142
Chuan, Chen, 18
Cinder (cardiac-alert dog), 141–42
Clostridium difficile, 190–98, 191n, 197n
Cockerham, Danielle, 252–53
Cockroft, Crystal, 33
Cody (therapy dog), 293–95
Cognetta, Armand, 87–89
collaborative role/status of dogs in research, 10
collars, communication devices built into, 305
communication technologies
applications for, 306–7
for biodetection dogs, 306, 308–9
for calling emergency services, 305–6
for service dogs, 299–303
touchscreen technology, 305–7
Comprehensive Pet Therapy, 243
Corish, Jenny, 166
Courthouse Dogs Foundation (CDF), 278, 279
courtroom dogs, 278–86
CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) masks, 176, 178
Craven, Brent, 2
cremated remains (“cremains”), 4n
crime victims, 278–79
crises and disasters, 275–98
children and dogs in courtrooms, 277–86
and crisis-response dogs, 293–98
and Hope Animal-Assisted Crisis Response, 291, 295
Northern California firestorm, 286–90, 291–95
Croatian Guide Dog and Mobility Association, 59, 62, 218
Curie Institute in Paris, 96
cystic fibrosis, 182–83
Daisy (cancer detection dog), 94–95, 95n, 102
Daisy (psychiatric service dog), 270–74
Daisy’s Gift (Guest), 95
death, dogs’ reactions to, 135–36, 135n
deaths of dogs and other pets, impact of, 235
depression, 226, 227, 231, 234
Dexter (seizure-alert dog), 68–69, 268
and ants’ attraction to urine, 17–18, 17n
and caring for betta fish, 52n
and challenges faced by families, 37–38
and portable insulin pumps, 40–41, 41n
and VOCs in breath, 52
diabetic-alert dogs (DADs), 17–53
cheating behaviors of, 46–47
communication technologies for, 301–2
and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), 20
and Dogs4Diabetics program, 23–26, 31, 41, 42
environmental variables affecting abilities of, 45, 48
explanations for abilities of, 51–52
and glucose sensors (CGMs), 27, 31, 35, 44–45
intangible benefits of, 45, 52–53
in Italy, 47–51
proximity of diabetics to, 36, 44
realistic expectations for, 34, 36–37
scent (VOCs) detection by, 52
untrained dogs freelancing as, 38–39, 41, 81
Dior (mama dog), 209
disease detection dogs, 310–11. See also specific diseases, including cancer
Dogs4Diabetics program, 23–26, 31, 41, 42
Duke (crisis-response dog), 297–98
E. coli, 189
educational-aide dogs, 218–25
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, 143–44, 150, 151–52
Elder, Mona, 76
elephants, African, 3
Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain
and e-nose technology, 313
and Guest, 93
at Medical Detection Dogs demonstration, 159, 161, 162
emergency services, dogs calling, 305
emotional bonds of dogs with handlers, 13–14
emotions, dogs’ ability to sense, 236–38
e-nose research, 125–28, 312–13
enthusiasm of dogs for work, 10–11
Epilepsy Foundation, 65
Epilepsy Research, 82
Essler, Jennifer, 103, 106–7, 126
Evans, Valerie, 289
facility dogs, 278
fainting disorder alerts, 160–64
“fake” service dogs, 12
fear, dogs’ ability to sense, 237–38
and Clostridium difficile-detection dogs, 190–98
rolling in, 5–6
Felix, Kathy, 293–95
Ferguson, Glenn, 109n
FIDO project at Georgia Tech, 300–303, 300n, 304–6
cancer screenings for, 109n
and crisis-response dogs, 296
first responders and crisis-response dogs, 296
Flint (Pseudomonas aeruginosa-detection dog), 187
Fong, Leslie, 65–68
Freud, Sigmund, 215–16
Freya (malaria-detection dog), 184–87, 199
Freyja, Goddess, 136n
Frida (diabetic-alert dog), 50–51
Frida (seizure-alert dog), 59–63, 59n
Frisky Fru (Baby Boo’s mother), 84, 92
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 310
Frontiers of Psychology, 286
fruit flies, 13
funerals, dogs at, 136
Gambia, 199–200
gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), 126
George (cancer detection dog), 88–89
Georgia Institute of Technology, 300–303
Goodavage, Evelyn DeMagistris, 7
Graham (diabetic-alert dog), 41–42
Grant, Arthur, 289
Grant, Suiko, 289
grave sites, scent detection at, 136
greetings from dogs, 54
greyhounds, 227–29
Greyt Hearts Service Dogs, 230
Guest, Claire
administration of Medical Detection Dogs, 92–93
on cancer-detection dogs, 94–97, 102
and communication technologies, 308
and e-nose research, 126
on scent detection for seizures, 82
Gus (author’s dog), 1, 5–7, 9–10, 118, 131, 136n, 176, 179, 188, 252, 288, 301, 304, 307, 315
Gut (journal), 111
Guy, Tonya, 70
Hall, Nathaniel, 82
hallucinations, 244
Hank (psychiatric service dog), 240, 242–45
Hanson, Christina, 289
Harnett (service dog), 264, 266–67
headaches, 175
health of dogs, safeguarding, 189n
Hendrix, Ralph, 31
Heyser, Katharine “Kit,” 233
Hilverink, Patrick, 312
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 116
Hoerner, Joan, 286–90, 291, 298
Hope Animal-Assisted Crisis Response, 291, 295
Horner, Elizabeth, 226–27, 230–32
hospital settings, superbugs in, 182, 188–89, 190–98
hygiene for dogs, 179
hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, 143–44, 150, 151–52
hypokalemic periodic paralysis (HKPP) alerts, 154
imagery rehearsal therapy (IRT), 177
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Skloot), 105
Inoue, Wataru, 112
insomnia, 178–79
intangible benefits of dogs as companions, 45, 52–53
Iraq War, 246–49, 264–65, 265n
Irish Journal of Medical Science, 51
irritability, impact of pets on, 234
impact of pets on, 234
of prison inmates, 255
isoprene, 52
Italy, diabetic-alert dogs in, 47, 49–51
Izzy (companion dog), 75
Jackson, Melody, 300–303, 305–6
Jedi (diabetic-alert dog), 32–33, 34–37
Jofi (Freud’s dog), 216
Johns Hopkins University, 127
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 147n
Journal of Breath Research, 8, 108, 125, 142
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 251
Journal of Hospital Infection, 189, 197
Journal on Technology & Persons with Disabilities, 302
Kaynaroglu, Pat, 104
Kelaher, Jim, 290–91
Kermit (diabetic-alert dog), 41, 42–47
kidney stones, 133
Kobešćak, Davor, 55–63
Kobešćak, Matea, 55–56
Kobešćak, Zdravko, 55, 56–57, 63
Koira (multipurpose medical dog), 147–49, 150–51, 153–55
Kostin, Kelley, 285
Krahn, Lois, 179
Kramer, Bill, 133–37
Kramer, Deanne (DeeDee), 130–38
Labrador retrievers, 47
Lakin Correctional Center, 256
LaMott, Christine, 207–15
landmine detection by rats, 13n
L’Associazione Italiana Cani d’Allerta Diabete (IACAD), 48
Leader Dogs for the Blind, 283
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, 58
Leo (educational-aide dog), 218
leukemia, 133
Lexi (malaria-detection dog), 202–3
Little Angels Service Dogs, 66–69, 267–68, 270
Lizzie (Pseudomonas aeruginosa-detection dog), 185–86, 187
Lloyd (autism-assistance dog), 211–15, 217
impact of pets on, 234
of prison inmates, 255
Los, Evan, 31
love, dogs’ expressions of, 13–14, 61
lucid dreaming, 177
Lucy Lou (London’s canine kleptomaniac), 84–85, 92
malaria-detection dogs, 199–203, 310–11
Malaria Journal, 200
Mancini, Clara, 308–9
Marine (cancer-detection dog), 111
Mason (Pseudomonas aeruginosa-detection dog), 184–85, 187
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 126–27, 313
Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 178–80
McConnell, Cece
overseeing prisoner program, 253, 254–58
PTSD of brother, 261–62
transporting dogs to training facility, 258–61, 263–64
Medical Detection Dogs
and cancer-detection dogs, 92–93, 94, 95–97, 102, 181–82
and communication technologies, 308
demonstration at Buckingham Palace, 160
and fainting disorder alert dog, 161
malaria-detection dogs, 199–203
MIT’s collaboration with, 127
and Parkinson’s disease, 166, 167
and Pseudomonas aeruginosa-detection dogs, 183, 184–88
and seizure-alert dogs, 82
training sessions at, 184–85, 202
mental health
and crisis-response dogs, 293–95
and human emotions sensed by dogs, 236–38, 237n
and nurturing responses of dogs, 236
pet dogs’ impact on, 233–36
See also psychiatric service dogs
Mershin, Andreas, 126–27, 128, 313
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), 188–89, 189n
mice, 13
Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, 166
migraines, 144–45, 146–47, 147n
military service
of military working dogs, 130, 235–36, 302
Mortuary Affairs division, 246–48
rate of sexual assault of women in, 267n
See also post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Milne, Joy, 166–67
Milne, Les, 166–67
Miura, Masashi, 123
Miura, Sanae, 123
Miura, Seitero, 123
Miyashita, Masao
and cancer-detection dog research, 110–13, 118, 119–20
and cancer screening in Kaneyama, 112–13, 115–16, 122
and e-nose research, 126
on results of screening, 124–25
mobility-assistance dogs, 11, 153
Monell Chemical Senses Center, 128
Mortuary Affairs division of U.S. Army, 246–48
motion-detection collars, 305
multipurpose canines (MPCs), 130
multipurpose medical dogs, 129–55
Oscar, 129–38
Penny, 138–41
narcotics dogs, 307
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 251
Nimbus (fainting disorder alert dog), 159–64, 162n
Nina (seizure-alert dog), 54–58, 62–63
Nobles, Wil, 264–67
Northern California firestorm, 286–90, 291–95, 298
nose replica, 1–2
nurturing responses of dogs, 236
Nuttall, Luke, 32–38
Oakley (Pseudomonas aeruginosa-detection dog), 186–87
obsessive-compulsive disorder, 233
obstructive sleep apnea, 176–77
O’Haire, Maggie, 251–52
olfactory senses of dogs. See scent detection
On Borrowed Time (film), 135–36n
O’Neill, Ben, 28
Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 189, 197n
Open University (UK), 308
Oprah (psychiatric service dog), 268, 274
Osa (cancer-detection dog), 104–5
Oscar (multipurpose medical dog), 129–38
Otto, Cindy
on dogs’ memories for smells, 103
on training dogs to detect scents, 101, 104, 105
ovarian cancer, 7–8, 105–6, 312
oxytocin levels, dogs’ impact on, 280
paralysis alerts, 146, 148–49, 150, 151
Parker (cancer detection dog), 89
Parkinson’s-alert dogs (PADs), 164–67
Paws4People, 252, 253, 256, 266
Paws4Prisons, 252–58
Pearson, Michelle, 98n
Penn Vet Working Dog Center, 104
Penny (multipurpose medical dog), 138–41
Pervasive Interaction Lab at Open University, 308
Petek, Ira, 221–25
Petek, Kosjenka, 221–25
phones, cancer detection built into, 127
Pippin (formerly Gable Sandstorm; psychiatric service dog), 227–32
plasma-sample detection, 104–5
police dogs, 302
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 246–74
conventional treatments for, 249, 265–66
Daisy’s support for sexual assault survivor, 270–74
and demand for service dogs, 236
Harnett’s service to war veteran, 266–67
impact of service dogs on, 251–52, 266–67
and Iraq War, 246–49, 264–65, 265n
matching dogs to veterans, 257–58
of McConnell’s brother, 261–62
research on service dogs for, 251–52
sexual assaults/abuse leading to, 267, 267n, 268–70
Siler’s service to war veteran, 249–50
symptoms of, 248, 251, 265–66, 267
training dogs to respond to, 250, 252–58
and traumatic childhoods, 138–39
and Veterans Affairs, 251, 266
and Vietnam War, 249
in women, 267–74
POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), 161, 163
Preston (facility dog), 276–79, 281–82
Preston’s Guide to Court, 281–82
Preti, George, 128
prison inmates, dogs training by, 252–58
prostate cancer, 96–97, 181–82
Prostate Cancer Foundation, 127
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 182–88
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 251
psychiatric service dogs, 226–45
Angus’s service with Kit, 233
Daisy’s support for sexual assault survivor, 270–74
demand for, 236
Hank’s service with Molly, 238–45
ongoing feedback required by, 271
Pippin’s service with Elizabeth, 226–32
and psychosis, 238–45
retirement of traumatized, 272–74
psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES), 65
Psychology Today, 215
purpose, impact of pets on sense of, 235
quality of life, impact of seizure-alert dogs on, 64, 70
Quinn, Sister Pauline, 253, 253n
rats, African giant pouched, 13, 13n
Rescue to Service, 229–30
retirement of service dogs, 272–74
Rex (military working dog), 235–36
Rollo (service dog), 167, 172–75
Ronk, Clay, 18–23
Roscoe, Diane, 198
Royal Dutch Guide Dog Foundation, 311–12
Royal Mews, Buckingham Palace, 160, 161–62, 313
Ruefenacht, Mark, 23–24
rumination, impact of pets on, 234
Sally (malaria-detection dog), 199, 202–3
Sato, Yuji, 111–12, 118–19, 124
scent detection
by cancer-detection dogs, 8, 86–89, 93–94, 101–4, 106, 108–9, 111–12, 126
and cardiovascular disease, 142
compared to other mammals, 3
consistent scents in misdiagnosis case, 153
by diabetic-alert dogs (DADs), 52
at grave sites, 136
of human emotions, 236–38, 237n
by malaria-detection dogs, 199, 201–3
and memories for smells, 103
by MRSA-detection dogs, 189
by Oscar (multipurpose medical dog), 131–32
for Parkinson’s disease, 165–66
for Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 183
for schizophrenia, 242n
by seizure-alert dogs, 61, 82–83
technological advances in, 1–2, 125–28, 312–13
and training of psychiatric service dogs, 236–37
and training specific scents, 103
school shootings, 297
seizure-alert dogs, 54–83
alerts/responses to seizures, 67–68, 71, 78, 79
and anxiety reduction, 64
communication technologies for, 301
and decrease in duration of seizures, 56, 59–60
and decrease in frequency of seizures, 61, 63
demand for, 70
predictive abilities of, 70–71
proximity of epileptics to, 69, 79–80
and quality of life improvements, 64, 70
and recovery after seizures, 56, 57
research on, 64–65
seizures missed by, 61, 68, 69
spontaneous alerting behavior, 70–71
training, 62–63, 65, 66–67, 68, 69–70, 77
untrained dogs freelancing as, 71, 75
and vagus nerve stimulation, 56
variables affecting performance of, 66
anxiety’s reciprocal relationship with, 64
fear responses of dogs to, 71n
following brain-stem injuries, 72–75
VNS therapy for, 74–75, 76, 77, 78
self-harm behaviors, 233, 234, 241–42
sensitivity/specificity measures
for cancer-alert dogs, 96–97, 108
for Clostridium difficile-detection dogs, 197
for Parkinson’s-alert dogs (PADs), 165
sensory processing disorder, 208
Seo, Kyoichi, 122
Service Dog Academy, 134–35, 146–47
sexual assaults/abuse
in armed forces, 267n
and post-traumatic stress disorder, 267, 267n, 268–70
Preston’s support of survivors of, 276–77
survivors of Nassar abuse, 275–77
of young children, 277
Shekinah Glory Ministry, 263
Shibata, Akiei, 110, 113–14, 119–20, 122
Shugga (Parkinson’s-alert dog), 164, 167
Siler (psychiatric service dog), 249, 252
Skloot, Rebecca, 105
sleep attacks, 174
sleep disorders, 175–80
cataplexy, 168–75
and CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) masks, 176, 178
insomnia, 178–79
nightmares, 177
obstructive sleep apnea, 176–77
and sleeping with dogs, 178–80
sleep walking, 177–78
sleeping with dogs
benefits of, 179–80
and children with autism, 223
and post-traumatic stress disorder, 249–50
and sleep disorders, 178–80
Sleep Review, 176
Small Talk Children’s Assessment Center, 276–77
Soldier Dogs (Goodavage), 235–36
Sonoda, Hideto, 111
specialist doctor dogs, 159–80
fainting-disorder alert dogs, 159–64
headache alerts provided by, 175
helping preserve independence, 168–75
Parkinson’s-alert dogs (PADs), 164–67
and sleep disorders, 174–80
Spivak, Mark, 243
Starner, Thad, 303
Staymates, Matthew, 1–2
Stephens, Kyle, 275
Stewie (cancer-detection dog), 8–9
St. Mary’s Correctional Center, 256–58, 263, 266
stomach cancer in Japan, 112–13, 115, 120–21, 123
stress endured by dogs, 217n
St. Sugar Japan, 111, 113, 118, 119
suicidal ideation/attempts, 234, 241–42
superbugs, 181–203
and alcohol-based hand rubs, 195
Clostridium difficile, 190–98
malaria parasites, 199–203
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), 188–89
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 182–88
in urine samples, 189–90
Sushruta, 17
Suzuki, Hiroshi, 112–13, 115–16
talking dogs. See also communication technologies
Tan, Eiko, 120
Tapio, Lisa, 69
Tapio, Natalie, 68–69
technological advances in e-nose research, 125–28, 312–13. See also communication technologies
Teddy (sleep disorder alert dog), 176
therapy dogs, 293–98
Tiger (companion dog of Joan Hoerner), 286–90, 291–92, 298
touchscreen technology, dogs’ ability to communicate with, 305–7
about, 10
with “blanks,” 107–8
cancer-detection dogs, 88–89, 95, 102, 106–8
crisis-response dogs, 296
diabetic-alert dogs (DADs), 32–35, 45, 50
led by prison inmates, 252–58
malaria-detection dogs, 202
migraine-detection dogs, 148
Pseudomonas aeruginosa-detection dogs, 184–85
psychiatric service dogs, 236–37, 250
PTSD-responder dogs, 250, 252–58
seizure-alert dogs, 62–63, 65, 66–67, 68, 69–70, 77
Tubbs fire in Northern California, 286–90, 291–95
Turnbull, JoAnn, 229–30
Turner, Kevin (pseudonym), 138–39
UCB (biopharmaceutical company), 70
University of North Carolina Wilmington Service Dog Training Program, 258, 263–64
urinary tract infections (UTIs), 190
Ursch, Samantha, 276–77
US Department of Defense (DOD), 236, 267n
US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), 251, 266, 267, 267n
vagus nerve stimulation, 56
Van Burnt, David, 252
Vance, Ashley, 277
Vancouver General Hospital, 190–97, 197n
vapor detection system based on dogs’ “sniffing,” 1–2
Vietnam War, 249
voices, hearing, 234, 238–40, 245
volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
and cancer detection dogs, 8, 93–94, 101–2, 112
and cardiovascular disease, 142
and diabetic-alert dogs, 52
and e-nose research, 126
and MRSA-detection dogs, 189
and Parkinson’s disease, 165–66
and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 183
and schizophrenia, 242n
See also scent detection
Weekly World News, 87
welfare of support dogs, 217n
Western Journal of Nursing Research, 216–17
Wharton, Edith, 234
Whitfield, Bonita, 85–87, 90, 91–92
Whitley (diabetic-alert dog), 25–29
Williams, Hywel, 86, 87, 89, 90–91, 91n
Willis, Paul, 143–55
Willis, Thomas, 17
Willis, Vivian, 143–44, 145–46, 148–53
Wilmington Service Dog Training Program of University of North Carolina, 258, 263–64
Wilson, Melanie, 239–44
Wilson, Molly, 238–45
Wolf, Steve, 40–47
women with PTSD, 267–74
Working Dog Center, 126
worms, 13
Zaphiris, Dina, 8
Zen (Parkinson’s-alert dog), 166