Appendix: Commercial Pilseners

I am listing only a few commercial Continental Pilseners that I have tried recently. Most of the world’s Pilseners are of the very light American type, and this includes most of the imports available in the average grocery or liquor store. Even in Europe, many breweries have jumped on the “light” and “dry” beer bandwagons in an effort to increase their sales in North America. As a result, the country of origin is no guarantee of authenticity.

Pilsner Urquell—brewed at the Plzeňsky Prazdroj brewery in Plzeň, Czechoslovakia. This original Pilsener beer is darker, maltier and better hopped than most of its imitators. The technology used for brewing this beer has not changed since about 1870. In this country, Urquell seems to vary quite a bit. Many times it is old and stale with its hop character sadly gone. In good condition, it is one of the world’s great beers.

DAB—brewed at the Dortmunder Actien Brauerei in Dortmund, West Germany. This is an excellent example of the German interpretation of the Pilsener style—lighter in color and lacking the caramel note of Pilsner Urquell. It is clean and refreshing, with a full malt flavor well balanced by the hops.

Warsteiner—brewed at the Warstein brewery in Warstein, West Germany. Another fine example of an all-malt German Pilsener. Dry hopping gives it a very fresh, pungent aroma.

Beck’s—brewed at the Beck brewery in Bremen, West Germany. Once a fine example of a North German Pilsener, Beck changed its recipe formulation to cater to American taste and take advantage of the loophole in the Reinheitsgebot that allows adjuncts in beers designed for the export market. Though still well-made, the beer today is closer to a Scandinavian-type Pilsener than a German one.

Heineken—brewed at the Heineken brewery in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. A good example of the lighter variety of Continental Pilsener that uses adjuncts in the formulation. Better hopped than some of its competitors in this class and, when fresh, a very rewarding beer.

Carlsberg—brewed at the Carlsberg brewery in Copenhagen, Denmark. Another example of the lighter style of Continental Pilsener. Less hop character than Heineken.

Old German Pilsner—brewed at the Frankenmuth brewery in Frankenmuth, Michigan. An excellent microbrewed Pilsener in the German style. Dryer than most examples of the type.