
Burch, Byron. Brewing Quality Beers. Fulton, California: Joby Books, 1987.

Clerck, Jean de. A Textbook of Brewing. 2 vols. Translated by K. Barton-Wright. London: Chapman-Hall Ltd., 1957.

Fix, George. Introduction to Brewing Science. Boulder, Colorado: Brewers Publications, 1989.

Hough, Briggs, Stevens, and Young. Malting and Brewing Science, 2 vols. London: Chapman-Hall Ltd., 1981.

Jackson, Michael. World Guide to Beer, Second Edition. Philadelphia: The Running Press, 1988.

Master Brewers Association of America. The Practical Brewer. St. Louis, Missouri, 1977.

Miller, Dave. The Complete Handbook of Home Brewing. Pownal, Vermont: Garden Way Publishing, 1988.

Noonan, Greg. Brewing Lager Beer. Boulder, Colorado: Brewers Publications, 1986.

Papazian, Charlie. The Complete Joy of Home Brewing. New York: Avon Books, 1983.