POSSUM HAD A LONG bushy tail. He was very proud of it, combing it out every day. If anyone came over to his house, he would show off his tail right away. Coyote didn’t like this. Everyone laughed at Coyote’s tail. They said it was all scratchy and full of weeds and dirt.
One time the Animal People decided to have a council and a big dance. They told Coyote to spread the news. Coyote went by to see Possum, to see if he was going to come to the dance.
“I will only come if there is a special seat for me,” said Possum. “It must be where everyone can see my fine tail. I will dance with my tail if you give me a special place.”
“You come along then,” said Coyote. “We’ll have a special place for you. I will even send Cricket over to comb your tail out and dress it all up for the dance.” Possum was very pleased with this offer.
Coyote went over to see Cricket and they had a talk. Cricket was the best haircutter anyone knew.
In the morning, Cricket went over to see Possum and told him he was there to fix up his tail for the dance. Possum stretched out and Cricket went to work. When he was all through combing and smoothing the hairs, he wrapped Possum’s tail in a bright red string.
“Possum, this string will keep all the hairs smooth until the dance. When you get to the council and it’s time to dance then you can take the string off.”
When it was night, Possum went to the lodge where the dance was to be and found that the best seat was ready for him. When it came his turn to dance, he loosened the string and stepped out into the middle of the floor.
The drummers began drumming and Possum began singing, “See my beautiful tail!”
Everyone shouted and Possum danced around and around. “See how fine the fur is!” The people shouted more loudly than before and began laughing. “Look how it sweeps the ground!” All the people were laughing now and Possum was wondering what it meant. He stopped dancing and looked around at the circle of animals. They were all laughing at him. Then he looked at his tail. There wasn’t any hair on it at all. His tail looked like Lizard’s tail. Cricket had cut off all the hairs at the root and now they were scattered all over the dance floor.
Possum was so astonished and ashamed that he didn’t say anything. He rolled over on his back and grinned at everyone. Possum still does this when he’s caught by surprise.