
Storey Publishing is the perfect home base for this book; it’s been such a pleasure to collaborate with the amazing, encouraging people who work there. Our profound thanks to Deborah Balmuth for showing no hesitation and for kindly asking if we’d be interested in upping our 30 projects to 101; to Alethea Morrison for her brilliant artistic direction; to Carolyn Eckert for her clear and awesome vision for the book, the fun photo shoot and to the gods of fate who made it clear that she was destined to be our designer; to Alexandra Grablewski, our crazy-talented photographer, who could make even a dung ball look good with her gorgeous use of light; and to Beth Baumgartel for being such a positive and hard-working copy editor—you made it so painless!

We would also like to thank Alison Fargis for her thoughtful guidance; Cindy Littlefield for a crucial jump-start when we needed it most; and Sally Weaver, Bill Milne, and Ann Lewis for generous donations of talent and great taste when this project was first coming to life.

From Nicole

My creative life does not exist in a vacuum, and I am blessed with a great number of people who have inspired and motivated me to realize many things. Honestly, I don’t think this book would have happened without them. First, my dear friend Catherine Newman, who has not only opened many doors for me but has lovingly shoved me through them. Her creativity and never ending ideas have been deeply inspiring—not to mention her humor; my friend Tanya Rapinchuk for being able to do absolutely anything she wants to do—you blow me away and I strive to follow in your do-it-all footsteps; my sister Andrea Blum for her artful life—everything she touches becomes beautiful; my sweet pals, Maddie DelVicario and Kathleen Traphagen, for simply being talented, funny, loving, present and for caring for my kids when I was in the thick of it; my mom, Jackie Blum, for being the most supportive mom a girl could have; and, of course, my amazing family—Jonathan, my gorgeous, crazy-smart, visionary man; my wildly creative daughter, Ava, who will do whatever she sets her mind and heart to; and Harry, my darling and funny boy who makes and makes stuff.

And, there is no forgetting my talented coauthor, Debra, here. This book was her idea. What a good idea. Thank you!

From Debra

When my family and I moved to western Massachusetts almost seven years ago, I found myself suddenly surrounded by astoundingly talented women; they inspired me to try my hand at capturing that creative energy in the pages of a book. Heartfelt thanks to all of you, and especially to Kandy Littrell, Kimberly Stoney, Caitlin Bosco, Katie Craig, and Margot Glass. Special thanks also to Scott Moyer and Joe Regal for publishing-biz guidance and to Emily Takoudes for spurring me to get my ideas out into the world. I am also so grateful for my treasured pals Deborah Lewis Legge and Kahane Corn Cooperman, who dazzle me and motivate me and whose incredible spirits guide me even when we are far apart. Heartfelt thanks to my father, Mark, and my mother, Reba, for being there always, and for showing me what sheer will and smarts can accomplish; and special and deepest gratitude to John, my captivating fellow wayfarer and love of my life, and Joe, my wondrous, brave, fun-seeking son—I’m so indebted to both of you for your love, patience, and tireless boosterism. You make every day possible. And finally, major thanks to Nicole, whose beautiful designs and joyful approach to life give this book its heart and soul.