Using extracted relationships

Extracted relationships can be used for a number of purposes, including:

An example of how relationships can be presented is illustrated by Wikipedia's infobox, as shown in the following screenshot. This infobox is for the entry Oklahoma and contains relationship types such as Official language, Capital, and details about its area:

There are many databases built using Wikipedia that extract relationships and information, such as:

Another simple but interesting example is the infobox that is presented when a Google search of planet mercury is made. As shown in the following screenshot, not only do we get a list of links for the query but we also see a list of relations and images for Mercury displayed on the right-hand side of the page:

Information extraction is also used to create web indexes. These indexes are developed for a site to allow a user to navigate through the site. An example of a web index for the U.S. Census Bureau ( is shown in the following screenshot: