

We were interested in ways of being

We saw lives

We saw animals

We saw agile rodents

Scala rodent

The harmonic pencil

Scala rodent

Emits its fundamental

The stricken plethora

A bottle of water against a very blue sky

A toppling shutter

The final peninsulas of space

Germinate in the secret ovoid perimeter

e.g.: scholia

The white hill

Elastic fatigue

The white lax hill and immediately the iced antelope

The line warps

The meridian of least resistance ascends the sky

The brain ferments

The curdled brain

The repercussion

The bullweaver

Obsessed by an ideograph

A mechanical bracelet

A small diesel engine

First one and then the other

Air congeals in water

The mural rift

A kind of going

The little block falls

The little wooden block

That long snarl of coast on the Mediterranean

The heart inclines

The four triangles

The fifth

The fingers jerk

The green cheek

The fourth

The image in the portal

The resin curls

The soggy mitten

The third

The cleaved cough

The second

The closing ribs

The first

The double envoi

The grackle breaks


The diverse arrows

The anagogic eye


This is the winter of the hardest year

And did you dream

The white the large

The slow movement

The type of dream

The terror

The stumble stone

The winter the snow that was there

The neck and the hand

The head

The snow that was in the air

The long sun

The exodus of thought

The enervated violin

The oiled temples

The singing song and the sung

The lengthy home

The trundling endless stairs

The young stone

Homing and the song

The air that was there

Flayed jaws piled on the steps

The twirling rain

And laying they repeat the horizon

Ineffably to know how it goes swollen and then not swollen

Cold and then too warm

So many minor electrocutions

So many slaps of nausea

The keen eyelids

The abrupt diastole

That leaves you wondering

Why it was ever despite their assurances unlocked

Stars like lice along the scalp

The brain pan bitten burning

And dull on one foot

And dull on one foot

O cry aloud

O teeth unbound

Don’t you know that the stone walk alone

Do you know the shredded brow

Are you aware

Do you take this forever concentric bland freezing to touch

Let the scarlet rustle

Let the globes come down

Let the oblate spheroids fall infinitely away

Forever away always falling but you can always see them

The creak

The squeak that makes you so slightly open your mouth

Patiently to be strangled

It is gone away somewhere

It is Winter






The bell

Too softly and too slowly tolled

And the first wave was snow

The second ice

The third fire

The fourth blood

The fifth adders

The sixth smother

The seventh foul stink

And unnumbered beasts swam in the sea

Some feather footed

Some devoid of any feet

And all with fiery eyes

And phosphorescent breath

The enduring bell

The wash of wave

The wiry cranes that stagger in the air

The hooded eyes struggling in the confused littoral

The smoky cloak

Those who walk

Those who are constrained

Those who watch the hole of wavering dark

There is no order in expectation

The feet fall

Even the enemy of cold labor

Of the mighty tongue

The gull matted on the sand

Worms spilling out of the beak

The cervical agony

Unplumbed and unforgotten caves

A cry sent up in expectation

A mouth filling the sky

Shaping the words of the victor

The bell

A voice

Blessed are the dead who die

The generations of generations


They were in an unstable condition

Floating about in a putrid fog

Throughout the tangled forest

Between the charred trunks

Over the yellow marshes

Some squirmed after the manner of lizards

Some were upright with their arms held up

Some lay with their knees partly drawn up

Some lay on their sides

Some lay stretched at full length

Some lay on their backs

Some were stooping

Some held their heads bent down

Some drew up their legs

Some embraced

Some kicked out with arms and legs

Some were kneeling

Some stood and inhaled deep breaths

Some crawled

Some walked

Some felt about in the dark

Some arose

Some gazed, sitting still




The sliver in the firmament

The stirring horde

The rocking wave

The name breaks in the sky

Why stand we

Why go we nought

They broken seek the cleaving balance

The young men gone

Lux lucis

The revolving company

The water flowing from the right side

Et fons luminis

The ciborium of the abyss

The bread of light

The chalice of the byss

The wine of flaming light

The wheeling multitude

The rocking cry

The reverberant scalar song lifts up

The metric finger aeon by aeon

And the cloud of memory descends

The regnant fruitful vine

The exploding rock

The exploding mountain cry

Tris agios

The sapphire snow

Hryca hryca nazaza

* A long excerpt from this poem was originally published in An “Objectivists’’ Anthology (Le Beausset: To Publishers, 1932).