This story came to life over a great period of time and was fine-tuned with the help of several kind entities whose input made it a better tale than it otherwise might have been:
Kathy Johnson, my loving and very patient wife, who gave me the encouragement to keep at it during those times when the task appeared too daunting.
Daniel Johnson, my son and the light of my life, who has always inspired me to think of the future.
Shaun Johnson, my brother, who believed in me.
Erin Healy of WaterBrook Press, my editor on this project, whose enthusiasm for and faith in this book were instrumental in getting it published. We spent many long hours editing and refining The Last Guardian, and throughout the entire process her concern for maintaining the integrity and flow of the story was matched only by my own.
Ret Martin, creator of Traveller’s Tale, who spent many hours pre-editing the text, making suggestions, and providing me with hard copies—a cherished friend who helped make this book possible and certainly made it better than it otherwise would have been.
Steve McClellan, who was there when it all began.
Steven ‘Doc’ Jessup, a good and well-read friend, who has known the blessed light of our Lord as many have not.
Scott Bell Debbie Dennis, David Holt, John Hopkins, Gene and Maudie Lam, Peter Landrey, Craig Ligon, Barry and Roberta Smith, and Mark Taurog, who took the time to read my phonebook-size manuscript and offered comments and encouragement.
Dr. Carl Baugh of the Creation Evidence Museum, Glen Rose, Texas, whose intriguing theories concerning the harmonious nature of the antediluvian Earth helped to build the basic physical framework for the world of Noron. We cannot yet know the exact nature of the early Earth, but the Creation model proposed by Dr. Baugh helped to make Noron a wondrous place indeed.
Reg Martin, who introduced me to the idea that our world is considerably younger than I had been told.
Alan Beckner, who thought he would not be mentioned, so there.
The United States Postal Service, which safely delivered Dan’s materials to me in 1975 and in so doing gave me the opportunity to finish this work.
And my mother, Sandra Johnson, who did not live to see this dream fulfilled.