Falconry Q&A

1. What is falconry? Why would someone take up falconry?

Falconry is defined as “hunting wild game with a trained raptor.” As well as training and hunting, a falconer spends a great deal of time caring for the bird and its needs to ensure that it is healthy and fulfilled. Falconers share a love of birds of prey and nature; the sport brings with it the opportunity to be a part of both.

2. What birds are used for falconry? How many birds can a falconer have?

Despite the name “falconry,” a variety of birds in the falcon, hawk, and eagle families can be used in the sport (examples are the golden eagle, the goshawk, and the peregrine falcon).

Falconers are limited by law as to how many birds they may have, but because it’s such a time-consuming pursuit, most work with just one.

3. What is a passage hawk? What is a captive-bred bird? What is an imprinted bird?

A passage hawk is a raptor that is trapped from the wild at an immature age (younger than a year). A captive-bred hawk is one that is bred in captivity by a licensed breeder. An imprinted bird is one that is reared by a falconer from a very early age. It will then “imprint” upon (or bond with) the falconer; when done properly, this will make the bird much more at ease around people.

4. Is trapping bad for wild bird populations? Does trapping a wild bird hurt the bird? Can the birds ever be let back into the wild?

Falconers are legally permitted to trap only bird species that are plentiful. The process does not harm birds in any way.

Trapping has no impact on wild hawk populations. Studies show that 70 percent of wild hawks die before the end of their first winter, mostly from starvation due to the fact that they have insufficient skills to fend for themselves. A falconer will often choose to release a hawk back into the wild after the winter hunting season has ended. When released, the well-fed and healthy hawk will revert to its wild condition. Plus, it now has more hunting experience than before it was trapped.

5. How long does it take to train a bird for falconry?

The early training to the point where the bird can be flown completely “free” (untethered) varies depending upon the species, the falconer’s experience, and the hawk’s temperament. Smaller species tend to take less time than the larger ones. A hawk such as the red-tailed hawk can be flying free in fewer than two weeks.

6. Do falconers hunt all year round or only during certain times of the year? Where do the birds live when they’re not hunting? Do the birds get bored sitting on their perches?

Falconers have hunting seasons just as other hunters do. These are mostly between the fall and spring; the hawks are not worked over the summer. During summertime, they are placed in their mews and are not kept in hunting condition. This means they are very content sitting for long periods (just as a hawk with a full belly would be in the wild).

7. Does one need a license from the state to become a falconer? How long does it take to train to be a falconer?

Because raptors are so highly protected, a falconer must first become licensed to possess a bird. Age limits and other specifics vary from state to state. There is an exam, a hunters’ safety course, an equipment and housing check by the game warden, and then a minimum two-year apprenticeship. The apprenticeship is overseen by an experienced falconer and involves trapping, training, and hunting a wild passage hawk.