I hesitate briefly outside the building I’ve visited almost every night for the past year. I don’t know why I hesitate. This is something I want and have wanted for so long now.
With a firm hand I push open the doors leading into the bar and walk beneath the sign that reads Welcome to The Shrine and my breath hitches.
My jaw tightens and hands clench as the house heavy metal band starts up another round of ear screeching music. My first impulse is to storm across the room and yank all the plugs from the speakers, but instead I ignore them and make my way to one of the empty seats at the bar.
Settling in, I order my usual and use my enhanced vision to scan the bar.
Shifter bar, I correct myself.
The leopard shifter bar, owned by the Leporidae family or Leporidae pack, as I’ve begun to call them.
They really aren’t trying to hide their shifter species with a last name like Leporidae.
I can’t help but giggle, all but forgetting the noise coming from the stage.
Out of habit, I use a finger to push prescription eyeglasses that I’m not wearing up the bridge of my nose. Instead, my fingernail grazes painfully across my skin.
The Lasix eye correction surgery I had over a year ago has paid for itself one hundred times over. I have perfect vision now. I no longer have to worry about holding my pack back with poor eyesight. I’ve never heard of a leopard wearing glasses and didn’t want to chance it. What if my eyes wouldn’t magically be fixed when I shifted? I’d be as good as dead. Predators would hunt me down just as I planned to hunt my prey down.
As normal, thinking about hunting prey, sinking my teeth into warm flesh and feeling pulsating hot blood run down my chin to drop on the cold forest floor made my pussy wet.
An erotic shudder ran down my spine as I arched my back in response.
Soon I’ll use my perfect vision to run through the brush.
I squint, remembering one flaw concerning my eyes, their true color—brown. To my disappointment, the optometrist wasn’t able to paint my irises gold as I had requested. The look he gave me when I had asked made me want to punch him in the throat. I clench and unclench my fists just thinking about him.
He’ll be one of my first victims.
The thought of ripping my new, sharp canines into his throat makes me smile and run a tongue along my pearly whites. They’re dull right now, but not for long.
The lights hanging strategically from the ceiling are dimmed, casting eerie shadows across the tables and chairs. The shifters probably had the lights dimmed so human eyes couldn’t pick up on any of the little nuances of their behavior.
Such as the way their pupils reflected red in the light, little twitches of their nose when they smelled something obnoxious or the way they all seemed to prefer to chew on wood chips. I suspect the latter is to keep their teeth nice and sharp, or out of habit. Surely the leopards were used to chewing on things.
I’ll have to get used to chewing on wood chips as well. But won't that hurt my throat?
I tilt my head to the side in thought.
The thought of the optometrist screaming and begging for his life while I chew on him makes me giggle.
I shift my eyes from left to right, making sure no one had seen me laughing to myself. But thankfully the metal band on stage played their music so loudly the bass thumped through the air, causing my shot of whisky to slosh around in my glass. No one heard.
They probably keep it this loud so humans can’t hear them talking to each other in their special shifter language.
Candy and Sandy were the waitresses on duty tonight, working the small crowd of patrons. At first glance nothing looked amiss with the staff working in The Shrine. Well to someone who didn’t know what to look for.
But I do, I sang inside my head.
I had scoured the New Orleans bar scene for over two years, trying to find this place. This is the same bar I’ve read about in my favorite paranormal novel series, Shifter on the Rise. Even though the author labeled the book as “fiction”, I knew it was just a ruse. The Shrine, as they were calling it now, wasn’t located in the French Quarter as it had been in the book, but I’d found it anyway. As if hiding it in the Warehouse District would have thrown me off the trail.
I’m the smartest human these shifters have probably come up against. Ever.
My gaze wanders to the humans sitting at the various tables and chairs.
I chuckle under my breath. Unfortunately the band had stopped playing for intermission and the man sitting next to me shoots an odd look my way. I smile back because it’s the polite thing to do and the manners my mother instilled in me can’t be lost over night. But I’m almost certain the first time I sink my teeth into a human, the manners slate will be wiped clean.
Instead of a return smile, the man moves one bar stool away. Curling a lock of hair behind my ear, I turn up my nose and look in the other direction.
Ignore him. He’s not a shifter anyway.
I can tell because he doesn’t have the same look as the bar staff. While everyone in the Leporidae pack is fair skinned with white-blond hair, this jerk sitting next to me is tanned with dark-brown hair. Even if it weren’t for his appearance, everything else about him, right down to his scent, screamed human. Shifters didn’t use perfumed body wash. I laugh and roll my eyes at the mere thought.
I’ll be able to catch his scent a mile away.
I bared my teeth.
Then the hunt will be on.
My eyes catch the mirror mounted on the wall behind the bar. Everything about my appearance screams human as well. Although I’ve avoided the sun like the plague, my skin doesn’t have the same natural glow everyone from the Leporidae pack has. I've dyed my red hair to a rich blonde in hopes that when he turns me it’ll keep this new color.
I push my bangs out of my face and am immediately awe-stricken by my eyes.
Fuck that optometrist.
I’ve decided to go with indigo-colored contacts to cover up my normal drab-looking eyes. I hope the color of the contacts will transfer over as well. While their entire family has the same color hair, their eye color ranges from blue to green. The indigo-colored eyes will definitely make me stand out, making me appear dangerous.
I growl low in my throat.
That’s because I am dangerous, bitches.
I expect, no, hope humans will scream and run when they recognize my eyes. I see them now, running this way and that, screaming “It’s coming to kill us, run!” I giggle, ending in a snort as I imagine all the chaos that will ensue.
The bartender sets down the glass he was cleaning to maneuver in front of me, blocking my reflection in the mirror. He’s one of them so I straighten in my seat.
He pushes a worn menu in front of me. “Destiny, you ready to order yet?”
Even though I’ve only been going by Destiny since landing in New Orleans, I’m used to the name. It fits me well, that’s why I picked it. I let my eyes wander over his body.
His long hair is pulled away from his face. His features are just like the rest of his pack, strong and sharp. Although I don’t know if he’s a high-ranking member I do know he’s not higher than Zane Leporidae. Zane is the pack leader and, as the new mate to the pack leader, I’ll be above the bartender.
With this new realization, I straighten in my chair, stare into his light-green eyes and push the menu away. “I’m waiting for Zane.”
He wipes his hands on the white bar towel hanging across his shoulder and gives me a knowing nod.
He understands.
I bare my teeth and growl. This is how leopards show dominance in the wild. Just as I expected, he looks away warily and leaves my presence.
I flash my teeth in the mirror in front of me. Soon they’ll be long...and sharp.
My prey comes into view. Turning around, I smile fondly at him as the overwhelming giddiness I feel makes my stomach flip and flop.
I met Zane on my first visit to the bar. Some would say I was lucky to meet the pack leader on my first night, but not me. I call it determination, fate and destiny.
This is it. Tonight’s the night...
Unlike the bartender, his white-blond hair hangs loosely across his shoulders, partly obscuring his face, making him appear mysterious, feral and dangerous. I want to tie his hair back so everyone looking upon him can see what I see, sharp facial features ...strong...animalistic, telling of his leopard ancestry.
I straighten on the stool as he spots me. I’m more than ready to receive my new pack leader, my new mate. His tight jeans hug his muscular thighs. No doubt all the running and hunting he does in his leopard form have a beneficial effect on his human one. My eyes glaze as I see the thick outline of his cock through his jeans, bulging, seeming to call me from across the room. His black staff t-shirt stretches sinfully across his muscled chest.
I rub my thighs in anticipation of finally being able to hunt and feel my muscles tighten. Luckily I won’t have a problem keeping up with the pack. For the past two years I’ve been on a strict diet, lean meat—rabbit. Soon I’ll hunt them down in the night instead of picking rabbit meat up from the market. I’ve also been in the gym for three hours a day and training seven days a week for this.
Not only are my legs firm and hard but my chest and arms are as well. I won't require convalescence when he turns me. He’s not turning a normal human. I’ll be ready to run with the pack tonight!
My heart thumps in time with his predatory grace as he makes his way toward me. As he nears, his deep-blue eyes seem to flicker. I wink back and he smiles, flashing a mouth full of perfectly white teeth. I imagine them ripping into his prey and a shudder runs down my spine, instantly making my pussy wet. I run my tongue over my teeth. Soon they’ll be sharp—soon!
I release a shaky breath.
Reaching me, he settles between my thighs and cradles my face in his hands. “Hello my little doe,” he says in a thick European accent. The rough pads of his thumbs gently rub along my jawbone.
I instantly relax in response to his touch and gaze into his magnificently radiant eyes. “Hello, my buck,” I reply, using the name he has requested I use.
I assume we use these pet names in honor of the species we hunt on a regular basis, rabbits and deer. Averting my eyes, I gaze past his shoulders.
He briefly turns to see where I’m looking before he tries to turn my head back to meet his gaze. “Why do you keep doing that? I’ve told you countless times, you can look into my eyes.”
I shake my head. “It’s not right, I shouldn’t. If you allow me to do it, the others may think I’m challenging you or they might think you're weak.”
He chuckles and brushes a soft kiss across my cheek. “This is why you’ll make a perfect mate, always looking out for my best interest. My pack will think no differently of me. We don’t worry about such things.”
He silences me with a finger on my lips.
“I’ve kept this pack together for over five years now, bringing them safely to the U.S. from Europe. They trust and love me.” I relent and gaze into his eyes. “Now that’s settled. Are you hungry?”
His hands drop from my face to rub my thighs, which I begin to flex under his touch.
Leaning in, I whisper into his ear. “I’ll wait to eat tonight.”
“I must warn you. After the changing you might feel your energy depleted.”
I snarl and flash my teeth. “I want to hunt!”
He pulls away abruptly. “Shh, we don’t say that around here.” He looks around warily. “We describe it as foraging.”
“Right,” I say knowingly.
He winks playfully. “Fast learner.”
“I’ll make you proud of me.” I adamantly promise him.
Although I’ve told him this before, I feel I should reaffirm my position. He’s only turned one other human before me and she couldn’t handle the rigors of his lifestyle, the pack life. She was a coward, nothing more. Instead of embracing her newfound freedom and wildness, she chose to jump in front of a semi-truck, ending her pathetic existence.
“I know you will.” He leans in to claim my mouth. I open wide, receiving his tongue. My hands move to his hard narrow waist as our tongues dance and entwine. He breaks away, leaving me breathless. “Are you ready?”
“Yes,” I whisper.
“Javier,” he says to the bartender. “Make sure no one disturbs me for the remainder of the evening.”
Javier knowingly nods his head. Grabbing my hand, Zane leads me across the bar, through the locked door labeled “Staff” and up the darkened back stairway. I can’t keep the smile that’s splayed across my face in check during the entire trip.
It’s finally going to happen.
Months and months of planning and stalking my own prey, the pack, is finally going to pay off.
He leads me to his room that I’ve been to on numerous occasions, but this time is different. I’ll go in human and leave an immortal, part of the Leporidae pack.
Crossing the threshold, he shuts the door behind us. My heart skips a beat at the click of the lock.
He slowly turns, holding tightly to my hand, walking backward toward the large recliner located on the other side of the room. The playful twinkle he had in his eyes just moments before is now replaced with smoky desire.
Without him needing to ask, I pull my shirt over my head, freeing my naturally full breasts. I’m almost certain silicon enhancements wouldn’t fare well in shifting.
I gaze deeply into his eyes. “Take me now. I’m ready to be fondled and gobbled. Turn me into one of your kind,” I say breathlessly.
His fingernails bite into the soft skin of my arms. His eyes turn from blue to red. My heart pounds in my chest so violently that it hurts.
I drop the side of my head to my shoulder, exposing my neck. I want him. I want this.
I feel his breath, hot and sensual on my skin as he leans closer. My heart beats erratically.
This is it.
He sniffs once, then again. His closeness sends tingles throughout my body.
Will it hurt?
I push the thought from my mind just as quickly as it had come. I’ve waited too long for this to wuss out now.
My mind turns to all my coworkers at the post office who used to talk about me behind my back. To my boss and the human resources lady who referred me to counseling. To my neighbors who used to spy on me constantly. Oh, and the optometrist. I can't forget about him.
Never will I forget about him.
They’re all on the top of my list.
He brushes a kiss, so light, on my neck. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes,” I reply breathlessly.
Without warning he pushes me away. Stumbling I grab onto the bedpost for support.
“You don’t know what you’re asking for.” He turns away from me and drops into the recliner. “My kind has been hunted relentlessly. I can’t bring you into this dangerous world.” He tears his gaze away from me. “I shouldn’t have even let you in this far. It’s my fault. You don’t understand what you’re asking for.”
No, he can't change his mind. Not now.
I sprint to him and fling myself at his feet. “Please. I understand. I want to be with you.”
“After I turn you, there’s no going back.”
I kiss his knees and rub his powerful legs. “I want to stay with you forever,” I beg.
He begins to lightly stroke the top of my head. “Our blood will bind us together forever.”
I could get used to being petted, there’s something calming about it. “I understand.” I begin to purr under his touch.
As he abruptly stands, my mouth comes in line with the hard, rigid line of his cock. I lean forward hungrily and nip his thickened bulge through his jeans. Instead of pushing me back he runs his fingers along my scalp, pulling me closer.
Looking up, I see his head fall back. He groans and thrusts his hips toward my mouth. Encouraged to continue, I bite and nip at his hard ridge. The thickness of his cock makes me quiver in anticipation.
Zane unzipped his pants and his beautiful cock bounced free and hit my nose. I breathe in heavily. There is no greater smell. He smells of male musk with a hint of animal.
“Mmm.” I moan before I take his swollen shaft greedily into my mouth.
Squeezing my cheeks, I descend down his powerful length. My intention to suck him slowly is long forgotten. I begin to pump vigorously up and down, and his hand remains planted on the back of my head, encouraging my fast pace.
My hand works in time with my mouth, sliding up and down his slick member. When I pull him out, my mouth makes a popping noise. He moans loudly as I fist his cock hard and fast, spitting on the head for added lubrication.
While one hand fists his cock, I use the other to cup his horse balls. Under my skillful massage, I pull and milk them away from his body. My mouth waters thinking about getting his hairy goodness between my cheeks.
Grabbing the base of his cock, he points the head at my lips. “More,” he begs.
Obliging with a smile, I part my lips just enough for his hard shaft to slip into my waiting, hot and wet mouth. Soon spit begins to pool at the corners, dripping from the sides just as my juices drip from my pussy.
Groaning, he thrusts his hips forward as he pushes my head down, forcing me to gag as his massive head hits the back of my throat. He pulls back long enough for me to catch my breath before slamming forward again.
My nails dig into his ass. I imagine him fucking my mouth like this every night and my pussy flows with need and my legs begin to shake.
Pulling my head back hard, he angles my eyes to look up to his. “Are you sure this is what you want?”
I stare at him with confidence. “Yes.”
Pulling a switchblade from his pocket, he flicks it open with a click. The light in the room bounces off the long, slender, silver blade. I watch as he pierces the skin in his groin. A small trickle of bright-red blood begins to run down his leg.
He pulls me to him. “Drink,” he commands.
I want this so badly. I latch onto him as I’ve seen in all the vampire flicks. Wrapping my arms around his legs, I open my mouth and lap at the metallic-tasting blood. I don’t know how much I’ll need so I make sure not to lose a drop.
He begins to moan as his hand massages the back of my head, so I’m convinced I’m doing it right.
Pushing me back he settles into the chair, I watch him hungrily, wiping his blood away from my lips. “Lose the pants,” he says with a deep and sexy voice.
Without a moment’s hesitation I stand and strip until my pants and panties lie in a pile at my feet. Pushing them aside, I begin to straddle him, stopping only to notice the blood trickling into his groin and pooling onto the recliner. “You’re still bleeding. Should we put something on it?”
“Don’t worry about me. The wound will heal once I shift.”
“Of course.”
He holds his cock up with one hand and grabs my waist with the other. I straddle him, positioning his swollen head to my wet opening. My hands grip his shoulders as I descend.
He throws his head back. “Oh fuck!” he yells.
“Mmm,” I moan as I feel him stretching me open. The slick sound of my pussy begins to fill the room as I pull up. I want to coat his thick cock with my love juices, every last inch. I descend again, this time farther than before. I rise again only to make my painfully slow descent.
Up and down, up and down, up and down, up and...
He begins to contort and buck in his chair. “Damn, you’re driving me crazy.”
“I want to remember this night for always,” I reply breathlessly.
He grabs my hips forcefully. His fingernails bite into my skin. “You will.” He pumps his hips, beating into my pussy. My breasts bounce and sway uncontrollably. Grabbing them, I pull and tweak my hardened nipples.
“Oh yes, fuck me.”
The chair creaks and rocks underneath us. I’m convinced it’ll break when he leans forward and grabs my head.
He twists it to the side. “This will only hurt a little,” he grinds out.
I squeeze my eyes shut as I hear the swift opening of his switchblade and feel the sharp pain of it piercing my neck. Warm liquid begins to pulse from my neck. Pulling me close he laps and drinks until I begin to feel woozy. My body becomes heavy.
The room grows darker and darker...
As I lie on the carpeted floor, unmoving, what transpired washed over my groggy mind. I saw snippets of us exchanging blood, him screaming out his release and mine followed quickly afterward.
My hearth thumps erratically.
Have I changed? Am I a shifter now? Did something go wrong?
“Shh, calm down. Don’t be afraid. What you are feeling is normal.”
Help me. I can't move or open my eyes.
I struggle to awaken fully.
“Relax, you won’t able to move until the total transformation completes. You’ll be paralyzed for a few more minutes.”
I don’t understand. I can move my mouth to talk to you.
He chuckled. “We are talking, but with our minds.”
My heart lightens with glee. I’m so happy I could scream out...or growl is what I’ll have to do now.
“Wiggle your paws.”
I do as he commands. My toes...paws wiggle without complication.
I begin to open my eyes.
“No, keep your eyes close. I’m going to push you to the mirror. I want your first sight with your new eyes to be of how beautiful you look.”
I struggle to my feet.
I can hardly wait.
I feel something nudge me in my back, ushering me forward. I squeeze my eyes and let him lead the way. Still woozy, my legs wobble, making it hard for me to fully extend them. My belly drags across the floor.
“Just a little further,” he coaxes.
Despite my wooziness I continue to walk, following his commands, my pack leader.
I feel strange. How long will this last?
“This is a minor side effect from changing. Soon you’ll be standing on your own four paws.”
And then I’ll be able to run and after that, I’ll be able to—
I do as he instructed. I’m too excited to open my eyes.
Am I beautiful?
“You are the roundest, fluffiest...”
I open my eyes. I’m staring directly into coal-black eyes surrounded by white fur.
Wait, what? What am I? I ask in horrid disbelief.
My gaze drift from my reflection to what I believe is Zane, standing by my side.
“Look at us.”
He hops closer and nuzzles my ear.
“Aren’t we the best looking pair of rabbits you’ve ever seen?”
Words escape me. I think I’m panicking but I can’t tell. The face staring back at me is blank and void of emotion.
“Come, we’ll run free through the woods. The night is ours!”
I watch in mortification as he hops to the door and skids to a halt.
What...what’s wrong?
“Damn. We have to wait for someone to open it for us.”
I inwardly groan.
I’m a freakin’ rabbit.