He’s A Pirate


The ship is pretty fancy for a duo of ragtag pirates. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised given Levi’s revelation that his father is the God of the fucking Sea, but he’s clearly not part of that court at the moment, so…

Once we were safely away from land, Jorgie explained we would need to make a stop to gather more crew members before heading to our destination. I have experience on the open ocean from my time with my rum-swigging pirate ex, so I understood, but Elle is still nervous. The Canary Islands have a rich piratical history and Tenerife is probably packed with fairy tale and supe creatures. It’s a gateway to the rest of the Atlantic and I imagine many of the folks who live there are part-time seafarers—for a price.

Luckily, I have several life debt items that require those who are servants of the ocean to pay tribute in my magic pouch. My time with the Captain, though brief, ended on friendly terms and we had many adventures that make me an important name in that world. I didn’t need to use them to influence Levi or Jorgie, but I will if it helps us gain the sailors we require for our long voyage.

That tidbit will probably come out anyway once I’m seen without a hood and the boys will be shocked as hell.

I went by a different name in my pirate days. It was another time when I was hiding out from my heritage by seeking asylum with a wealthy British governor. He needed respectability, and I needed a safe port to weather the storm after my ill-fated relationship with Galen. It worked out well until a band of pirates came into the picture and they kidnapped me.

To be honest, it was one of the best times in my life until now and I don’t regret a second of it. I miss the men I collected back then, particularly my mercurial, cursed captain. Nothing lasts forever though, and none of them made fairytale status, so they eventually died. I attended their funerals in disguise and I’ve kept everything he willed to me close ever since. His compass is one of my most treasured possessions.

“Jackie?” Queenie comes up behind me as I gaze out into the sea. “Are you sure this detour is safe? “

“No, but I’ve been to pirate colonies before. If we respect their traditions, we should be able to get the crew and leave before anything bad happens.”

I can sense her frown as she rests her cheek on my bare shoulder blade. “I trust you. Levi and Jorgie seem to be men we can put our faith in as well, but I have little to no experience with men since the failed engagement.”

Ah, the former suitor who betrayed her. I would have liked to destroy him, but he was long gone when I came into the picture.

Turning to pull her into my arms, I brush the wisps of hair off her forehead. We changed out of our finery once the ship was out of port and now we’re both in comfortable clothes. We scrubbed our faces clean of the heavy makeup and I braided her hair to keep it out of her way. Queenie looks younger like this, though as immortals, our aging stops at the point we gain unending vitality. The heart stopping thing is her eyes—the weight of sorrow that always filled them has lessened and it makes her almost glow.

“I won’t ever let anyone hurt you, love. You can count on that.” My lips brush the top of her head and she squeezes me tight.

“No one told me there were hugs! I want a hug,” Levi pouts as he approaches and I roll my eyes. This guy.

Q lifts her head and arches a brow at him. “What have you done that deserves a hug, pirate?”

His pout grows, and I can feel her defenses weaken. She likes him, but she knows better than to trust anyone who hasn’t proven themselves now.

“I helped you and your bossy lover escape the clutches of an evil queen. I think that deserves a little credit, right?” He bats his lashes adorably and I sigh.

Danger zone, thy name is Levi.

My girl pretends to think about it, then nods slowly. “That might qualify. But it also means Jorgie should receive one as well.”

“Jorgie surrenders his to Levi,” the dark-haired captain of the ship mutters as he passes us on the way to adjust a sail.

“More for me!” Levi claps his hands before holding his arms out.

“For fuck’s sake…” I mutter.

Queenie glares at Jorgie’s back, then strides over to Levi and gives him one of her trademark irresistible embraces. She hugs like she’s trying to absorb all of your pain and sorrow with her limbs—it’s addictive as hell. There’s no way he doesn’t feel the warmth that emanates from my Ice Queen as she squeezes him.

He beams when she finally lets go. “Holy shit, your Highness. I mean, Elle… you give the best hugs I’ve ever…”

Chuckling, I wink at him. “No shit.”

A grunt and huff from the mast make me smirk to myself. Bet that grumpy fucker wishes he hadn’t rejected his half of the offer now. He’s been distant and irritable since we set sail; I thought he was focused on the ship. Obviously, that wasn’t correct. The pirate with unknown origins and a soft spot for his first mate is purposefully trying not to engage with us.

Interesting… we’ll see how long that lasts with my girl flitting about.

“Oh, for the love of stinky yeti feet, Levi. You’ll have to come up with something else to call me.” Queenie sighs and shakes her head. “No one calls me Elle—not even my sister—and I definitely don’t want to be called any version of your Highness or Majesty. I haven’t been a monarch in over a decade; it doesn’t feel right.”

“Jack calls you Queenie,” Jorgie points out. “How is that different?”

I snort, tugging her back into my arms and putting my chin on her head. “That is information you are not privy to unless you’ve been in our bedroom, Captain.”

“If that’s an invitation…”

The giggle that follows his bobbing brows makes me smile. Q may not realize she’s flirting with the sea shifter, but she’s a natural at it. I tilt my head at him, narrowing my gaze. “When I issue an invitation to my bed, you don’t have to question it.”

Before Levi can retort, Jorgie stomps by and grabs his shoulder. “Come on, lover boy. We have duties to attend to. The GPS says we’re only an hour or two from making land in Tenerife.”

“To be continued…”

Rolling my eyes at the flirtatious sailor, I wait until they disappear into the cabin to look at my girl. It’s time for a discussion about what’s happening and what we’re comfortable with. Given the behavior of our current crew members, I don’t think it can wait.

“Love, let’s go up on the forecastle deck and have a chat. I think we need to discuss the tentacled pirate in the room.”

She nods, smiling up at me. “I’ll go anywhere with you, Jackie. You didn’t have to help me for all of those years or risk the wrath of my sister by bringing me with you. There’s nothing in the world I wouldn’t do for you.”

I take her hand, leading her up the stairs to the front deck carefully. “That doesn’t mean you owe me, darling. At first, I was doing a job because I was paid, but eventually, you wormed your way into my heart. Now everything I do is because I care about you—I don’t want you to go from one controlling relationship to another. You are your own person and you can make your decisions. I don’t have to agree, but we have to talk about them like adults.”

She frowns and tilts her head. “What decisions are we talking about? I didn’t leave only because you asked me to, if it’s that. I came with you when I realized that showing up for yourself sometimes means leaving people behind who don’t give you the same respect. The delusional version of me Chelle has coaxed her court and everyone else into seeing? I can’t control that; I can only be who I am and live my truth. If they choose to accept her self-centered ramblings, I don’t need them.”

Whoa. What the hell metamorphosis has my girl gone through since we made this crazy plan?

“Damn, woman. That was almost inspiring.” I chuckle softly and stroke my hand over her cheek. “But you’re not wrong. All of that is true, but what I wanted to ask you about is much different.”

“Then what?”

I pause, considering how to word this so I don’t hurt her feelings unintentionally. “It’s been us against the world for a long time. I have a lot of experience with various types of relationships in the past, as you know…”

Queenie pulls back and rolls her eyes at me. “Jackie, I’m aware of that. If you’re asking if the boys interest me, the answer is yes. I mean, not more than you, of course, but… I’ve been sheltered for so long. I don’t have your past, nor anything to compare to outside of us. I think they might be kind of perfect to experiment with if they are agreeable. Don’t you?”

I’m pretty sure my face looks like someone smacked me with a brick right now.

“I… uh…” Clearing my throat, I shake the cobwebs out of my brain and take a deep breath. “I agree, my love. I would like to explore that as well. It’s not like we’re going to see them after we arrive in the Caribbean and long sea voyages are boring as hell without a little skin slapping.”

Her lips curve into a tiny smirk and she whispers, “Did I hear Levi has tentacles? Like in one of the Japanese cartoons?”

The laugh that escapes me booms over the deck, and I nod. “Yes, love. Exactly like that.”

“Then I’m definitely game. I always wondered what all the fuss was. And we don’t even know what the grumpy gus is packing! This is so exciting!”

Oh, this is going to be a fucking mess, but luckily, that’s my specialty.

* * *

Almáciga still bears evidence of the long past volcanic eruption on its black sand beach. It’s on the less tourist-y side of Tenerife and close to where we could take a cable car to El Teide, the mountain in the middle of the island. Jorgie and Levi asked us to stay in the beach area while they travelled to a local fishing village where their fellow ne’er-do-wells are likely to be found during the day. I’m not sure where they go at night, but the emphasis on daytime makes me believe they have some sort of pirate pub or hideaway.

Regardless, I was fine with taking Queenie to the row of shops and buying us a few necessities for tropical life. We had little in the way of warm weather clothing we could shove in our packs and once we gave my card a spanking, I felt more at ease.

We grabbed drinks and some delicious smelling Spanish food after we dumped our haul on the ship, then headed for the beach in scandalously small swimsuits. Q was like a kid in a candy store, marveling over every new experience, and I indulged her. She’s had a lot of pain and sorrow in her lifetime and I want to excise it from her brain.

“It was so lovely to choose my clothing!” Her smile is bright as she looks at me from behind large, sparkling sunglasses. “Colors besides blue and white, pants and shorts, dresses that don’t weigh a hundred pounds… oh, I can’t wait to wear it all!”

I ruffle her hair and lead her to a spot near the crystal blue waves of the Atlantic. Spreading the blanket out, I kick off my sandals and put my feet in the waves. She follows suit, wiggling her toes with glee. “It’s good to see you so happy.”

“I am! Of course I’m worried about being found, but I plan to enjoy every second of my freedom, no matter what.” She reaches into the bag I purchased and pulls out the new phone I got her with a devilish grin. “I have my own phone now. Smile quickly so I can make my background picture of you looking beautiful in this scenery.”

Rolling my eyes, I lean back on my hands and smile at her as she snaps away. I can’t tell her no—this is her first phone, and she’s as excited as a teenager. “I got a new chip for mine as well, just in case someone tries to track us.”

“Excellent. Now finish your food while I walk around and take photos like a silly girl.”

The sounds of sand and surf are soothing while I watch her stroll along the waterline, snapping selfies and landscapes happily. It’s hard to believe that three weeks ago, I was planning to leave her behind and take off on my own. It would have been the worst decision I’d ever made, and I’ve made some doozies. The entire Internet is aware of my monumentally bad life choices, and this trip is all about leaving that legacy behind.

Once she’s done playing with her new toy, we take a dip in the ocean, splashing about in the waves. The guys have been gone a few hours now and though I’m not concerned, I keep my eyes peeled for signs of anyone watching us too closely. I don’t think they’d give us up for a fat wad of cash, but they are pirates.

Who knows what kind of nonsense they may have gotten up to before landing in the Ice Kingdom?

Queenie floats by on her back, her limbs stretched out like a starfish as she sighs. “This is so relaxing. I hope this is what you have planned for our Caribbean future.”

“Absolutely,” I reply. “Sun, sand, surf, and drinks with tiny umbrellas forever, darling.”

A rumble in the distance distracts me, and I stare out at the ocean. The wind kicks up a bit, making the wisps of hair around my face flutter. I tilt my head and scent the air—something about that sound feels familiar, but I can’t place it.

“What’s wrong?” Q asks. She stops floating and paddles over to me as I study our surroundings quietly.

“Nothing. The weather may be turning. We should head for shore.” She nods and we both swim towards shore, shaking off water as we make our way to our things. I let her pack up the blanket and our trash, still unsure why the atmosphere feels charged around us.

“Should we walk down the beach toward the pier so we’re closer to the ship? If it rains, we’ll be able to make a run for it.”

“I think so,” I murmur.

Strolling along the coastline, a bolt of lightning cracks out over the waves and I frown. It’s not the best time of year for the beach going in Tenerife, but it’s past the storm season. When we paid at the clothing shop, I realized it was New Year’s Eve, so I checked the web after installing my new SIM. We've been gone for almost a week without a single mention of our absence on social media. A sudden storm makes me suspicious that our brief respite from being hunted may be at an end.

The new queen may not have magic, but she certainly has access to those who do.

I pick up the pace, walking faster towards the pier. There’s no need to alarm Queenie, but I have a bad feeling suddenly. Before I can turn to tell her to get on the ship, I trip over something sticking out of the ground and go flying face first into the black sand.

“What the actual fuck?” I mutter as I push up, spitting out the grit in my mouth. “What was that?”

“Jack, are you okay?!”

The shout makes me grunt with irritation. I know that means Levi and Jorgie have returned in time to see me wipe out like a fool. Queenie holds her hand out and I get to a sitting position before they get to us. I pick up the weird-looking bottle I tripped over with a snarl, then glance up at the veritable smorgasbord of attractive people looking at me in concern.

Why is all of my humiliation public? I must be cursed.

“Who the hell are all these guys?” I snarl.

Levi beams at me, looking like the sea shifter that swallowed a boat full of victims. “Our crew, of course!” He points to each one, then rattles off. “This is Ace, Dash, and Kael.”

I squint at three men, wondering how two ridiculously good looking pirates found three more impossibly attractive men to sign on to a voyage that could land them all in prison. “Nice to meet you, I guess?”

Kael gives me a shy smile. He has wide, dark eyes and wavy black hair with olive skin. “What did you in, ma’am?”

Oh, hell no.

“First… It's Jack. Second, I don’t know what the hell this thing is.” I hold up the bottle, studying it for a moment, when I realize it has something inside. I frown as I work to get the cork out, growling softly when it seems to be lodged in there tight.

“Let me,” the blond surfer Levi called Dash offers. “My hands are super strong. Comes from my off-season job.”

“If you say so,” I mutter, handing him the bottle. I hate men who want to rescue women, but he seems sincere enough. I don’t think he’s patronizing me.

“He’s a masseuse at the resorts when he isn’t sailing,” Jorgie supplies with a smirk.

Damn him. He knew why I was being salty.

“That I am.” Dash grips the bottle with one hand and it immediately shifts into a bird-like claw and he pops it out without fanfare. “Ah-ha!”

Snatching it back, I eye him warily, then the other two. “What the hell are you guys, anyway?”

Ace finally pays attention. He’s been staring at me and the ocean behind me silently the entire time. While Dash is sun-kissed and Kael is dark, Ace seems to shimmer with a rainbow of colors. His hair, his skin… even his eyes have multi-colored flecks. “As if that is what’s important at the moment. Ugh. Dash is a griffin, Kael is a cheetah shifter, and I’m mer-folk. See what’s in the damn bottle?”

Jorgie remains quiet, but he arches a brow at me encouragingly.

Fine, if he doesn’t want to share, I’ll figure out what has me sprawled on my ass in the sand.

“Hurry, Jackie, the suspense is killing me!” Queenie whispers.

I turn the bottle over and an old piece of parchment falls out, rolling across my lap like a decree at the castle. “It’s a map.”

Levi grabs it and holds it up, his expression almost joyous. “Oh, it’s not just a map.” He turns it for all of us to see. “This is a treasure map.”

“Fuck me.” Jorgie glares at me as if I’ve committed a grievous sin and runs his hand through his hair. “Not again.”

Even Ace looks chagrined, and I don’t know why. “Why the long faces, guys? It’s probably a tourist trap leftover from some booze cruise.”

“No way! Look how old it is!” Levi bounces over to show Queenie, and I can tell by the look on her face she’s catching his enthusiasm.

“The weather,” Kael says solemnly as he looks around us. “Ace, you need to check it.”

“Hold up. What’s wrong with the weather and why does Ace need to examine it?” I push to my feet, putting my hands on my hips as I glare at them. “Stop talking around me.”

Jorgie holds his hand out, and Levi gives him the map reluctantly. “This is an area around the Triangle, Ace. Take it and see if Kael is right.”

The merman sighs dramatically and takes the parchment, walking over to the sea so it laps at his feet. “Reveal thy bounty!”

“Ooh, this is so exciting!” Q grabs my arm and holds on as we watch the sparkling pirate grasp the paper and hold it up in the air.

The sun peeks out from behind a cloud, a single ray hitting the yellowed map, and it glows. A wave shoots into the air nearby, then another, until there’s a row of water spouts lined up in front us. When I turn to gape at Levi and Jorgie in amazement, I find Levi glowing as well, tentacles waving around him in excitement. Ace groans and drops his arms as he spins around with a defeated expression on his pretty face.

“Well, Levi, once again you’ve thrown us in the shit, bro.”

Jorgie grimaces. “As I feared.”

“I enjoy them,” Kael says with a small grin.

That’s it.

Fury wells up inside of me and I feel the magic I button up release as my size increases until I’m in my true form. Towering over them, I boom, “Tell me what it is before I smash you all into smithereens!

Queenie’s laugh tinkles in the air as she watches me fondly. “Lesson one in dating a hybrid giantess, gentleman. Try not to piss her off enough to lose control of her form. It’s a little intimidating at first.”

Their mouths hang open but no one speaks so I shout again, “Are you hard of hearing?

“No,” Jorgie says calmly. “But you should control your temper better. Not all of us are lesser beings, Jacqueline. I’d prefer not to feel I need to defend my men.”

I crack my neck and breathe deeply, using the same steps I taught Queenie to quench my ire. When I shrink to my normal size, Levi gives me a wink and Kael smiles. I wait, fuming silently as they ignore my demands. Finally, Jorgie nods at Ace and he holds the map up to show the completed picture on it.

“It means Levi’s father has given us a quest and our trip to the Caribbean is no longer a holiday. A god has conscripted us.”

Motherfucker. I have the worst luck in the cosmos.

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