
SHE (doesn’t really want this)

SHE (is fed up with herself and the situation)

THIS SITUATION (where she feels naked, undressed, FAR TOO MUCH longing, she wants it to stop, that is, at least, after THIS SITUATION, she wants it to stop)

SHE (believes that as a thinking person it should be perfectly clear that she is dealing with a Don Juan, but for a person of longing, it’s not so easy)

DON JUAN (“pron. don hwan; Span. ‘Sir John,’ a legendary libertine, womanizer, seducer, Casanova,” is pulling off her sweater)

SHE (longs for the total fusion between two people and is bitterly aware that this is not possible with a Don Juan; he will just move on. A Don Juan is an absurd person, someone who exhausts all possibilities and moves on, who acts as though there were no consequences, as though there were no forever)

SOME (humanism, that is!!)

SHE (needs to imagine forever)

SHE (thinks of the world as an eternity where the total fusion is forever—a tautology in itself)

ONE COULD CALL IT (in principle, a longing, if you imagine that LONGING, as a feeling, stretches beyond its own boundaries, and so, if you pursue it, is a feeling that belongs to something eternal, in contrast to, say, happiness, which is transient and of a more instant nature)

SHE (gets more and more PISSED at the thought that once again she is distorting her own ideas in this situation)

SHE (wants a final and absolute end to this)

SHE (has thought of demonstrating this by not having an orgasm)

HE (is pulling off her sweater)

HE (is pulling off her pants and underwear)

SHE (makes some resistance)

SHE (stands there naked and undressed)

HE (does things with her nipples)

HE (does more things with her nipples)

HE (does things he knows she loves with her nipples)

SHE (loves what he’s doing with her nipples)

SHE (hates him because he’s doing things with her nipples that she loves)

SHE (has to lean against the wall)

SHE (has to close her eyes)

SHE (has to touch his hair)

HIS HAIR (is so soft)

HE (kisses her on the neck)

SHE (becomes a weak-willed wretch)

SHE (a weak-willed wretch, pulls down his trousers)

SHE (a weak-willed wretch, wants him on the spot)

HE (puts the weak-willed wretch’s knees over his shoulders)

SHE (stretches her arms out)

HE (lowers his head)

SHE (lifts her head)

HE AND SHE (do it, with their heads just touching)











SHE (has an orgasm totally against her will)

HE (waits until she’s stopped quaking)

HE (flips her over onto her stomach)

OUTSIDE (rain and sirens in an almost besotted confusion)

RAIN AND SIRENS: ssshhh neenawneenaw sssshhhh neenawneenaw sssssshhhhhhneenaneenaw-ssssshhhhh neenawneenaw

AS (a parallel with what we have just been through)

AS (in another universe where the total fusion between two elements can be achieved)

WHICH (is in fact in this universe)

IN PRINCIPLE (too longed-for and fantastic to be true)

BUT (still)