Chapter 10

Something warm and velvety bobbed under Tayla's feet as she flexed her toes. She poked around a little more and discovered two hot water bottles with her under the covers.

Bright light danced behind her lids and her cheeks hummed with the sun’s warmth while she snuggled beneath luxurious bed linens. Her body heavy, yet, relaxed as it sank into the cushiony pallet.

Peaceful silence filled the room and an earthy pine scent lingered in the air, like her body lay nestled deep in the middle of the forest. Her muscles ached as they awakened, as though she were a princess waking for the first time thanks to a spell-breaking kiss from her prince.

Tayla rolled onto her side and the layers of cozy fabrics rolled with her, but the motion tangled her shirt around her torso. She wriggled, adjusted her position and tugged at the shirt which only caused her pants to twist around her waist.

Hang on…Why was she wearing pants and a shirt?

Memories flashed in her mind, like a movie trailer playing behind her lids. Hiking the mountain. The trail to the waterfall. The sickening realization she was lost. Shivering so violently she feared her body would snap in half. Struggling to breathe. Sudden…heat. Soft fur cocooning her aching muscles, whispers of reassurance in her ear and strong warm arms pulling her close.

The sensation of floating off the ground.

What the heck?

Tayla peeked open her heavy lids. Glaring light burst through uncovered French doors in front of her, spilling across the wooden floor, onto the light grey duvet draped over her body.

This wasn't her room. Or her bed.

A sensation stirred in her gut. She wasn’t alone. Tayla launched into a sitting position and threw the layers of fabric to the side. The room swayed, and she squeezed her head at the sudden pounding in her temples.

A flash of movement in the corner of the room grabbed her attention. She blinked a few times before the room came into focus. And the man in it.

He leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, perched on an antique wing-back chair in the far corner. Her gaze roamed over the faded black jeans covering his long legs, the crinkled black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. She lifted her gaze across his lightly tanned face, god-like chiseled jaw with straight pointed nose, and briefly over his dark brown, perfectly styled hair.

Time paused the moment his unearthly deep blue eyes locked with hers.

Familiarity danced in the back of her mind.

The corner of his mouth lifted in a forced smile. “Good morning.” He glanced at the cell phone nestled between his palms. “Well, technically it's afternoon. How are you feeling?” he asked, like it was totally normal to find her waking in this bed.

Wait…was this his bed? Her cheeks heated.

Silence stretched between them until he lifted his eyebrows, prompting her to speak.

What was he talking about?

“Sorry, what did you say?” she asked.

“I asked how you felt. Are you warm enough?”

Tayla chuckled, poking the hot water bottles with her toes. “Yes, thanks to my companions.”

His lips curled in a grin, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Good. They were Ellen's idea actually.”

Okaaaay…could this situation be any weirder?

Tayla leaned forward and grabbed the duvet, folded it back over her legs, and smoothed her fingers over the soft fabric. “So, I should get up, I guess.”

He rose from the chair. She craned her head back to maintain eye contact.

“I've placed some toiletries for you in the bathroom and a few clothes in the closet. Hopefully, there’s something you like.” He pointed behind her.

“Okaaaay.” She briefly glanced over her shoulder at an ajar door.

She glanced back at him. A muscle ticked in his jaw a moment before he gave a curt nod and strode toward a different door.

“I'm Tayla, by the way,” she blurted out as he gripped the door handle.

He paused, still facing the door. “Nice to finally meet you, Tayla. I'm Raven.”

He exited and softly closed the door behind him.

She tilted her ear toward it, holding her breath waiting for a click engaging the lock from the other side as it did in those crime shows on TV.

Nope. Phew!

Raven. Tayla waited a few more minutes, snuggled in the bed, rolling his name around on her tongue.

Taking her time, she peered around the oversized bedroom. It comfortably fit the large four-poster bed she currently occupied, along with a few pieces of antique furniture. Thick charcoal curtains were drawn open on the oversized windows, and through the French doors she spied a balcony.

Folding back the layers of bedding, Tayla slipped out of bed and padded to the door Raven indicated. It creaked as she nudged it open, revealing an expansive walk-in closet; rows of shelves and hanging space ran parallel down the entire length of the walls. She moved in farther and brushed her hand along the collection of women’s clothing neatly gathered at one end. Dark denim jeans with designer fades and rips hung beside soft cotton button-downs. She took the caramel leather jacket from the rack and inspected it front and back. Her eyes bulged at the price tag hanging over the collar and she shoved it back on the rack.

On the far end, Tayla pulled open several drawers and peeked inside to find folded shirts in various colors, a good chunk of scarves and, she gulped, more revealing lacy underwear than a lingerie model needed.

Is this all for me?

This situation seriously messed with her head. If only she could remember how she got here in the first place…and where exactly here was.

And while she was at it, figure out what kind of person filled half a closet with expensive outfits for someone they’d just met.

Someone planning on having me stay for a long time.

Sudden heaviness pressed against her chest.

Raven didn't look like a serial killer, but then again, what did a serial killer look like? All she had to go off were the countless episodes of crime shows her colleague had subjected her to. Coupled with her own traumatic experience, she’d quickly doubted the intentions of every single man.

Tayla caught a glimpse of a bathroom at the end of the closet. The shower beckoned her. She closed her eyes, snatched a bra and panties—is there even enough fabric to call them panties?—and chose a soft cream shirt and a pair of black jeans on her way to the bath.

The natural stone flooring cooled her feet as she bee-lined for the shower, stripping off her hiking clothes on the way.

Reaching in, she flipped on the hot water, waiting for the steam to rise on the clear glass before stepping on the bamboo slats directly under the enormous shower head. Steamy bliss cascaded over her body, soothing her achy muscles. Making use of the products in the nook of the tiles, she thoroughly washed her hair and body. Fresh green tea and mint filled the bathroom air, chasing away the butterflies in the pit of her stomach.

She stood under the water for longer than she probably should have, letting it gush over her body. Finishing up, she turned the cold water off first to get a quick blast of hot across her shoulders before shutting off the water completely.

After drying off, Tayla peeked inside the drawers of the dark wood free-standing cabinet. There were enough toiletries and makeup to keep her locked up for years. The churning in the pit of her stomach returned with a vengeance as she rubbed the towel through her hair and dressed.

What now? Should she wait in the bedroom for Raven to return? Go try to find him?

Climb out the window and make a run for it?

Toughen up, princess.

No, she should at least thank Raven for finding her. Inhaling a deep breath, she forced her heavy feet to the door Raven had exited. Clutching the doorknob, she paused, biting the inside of her lip, her ear tilted toward the door, listening for sounds on the other side. After several heartbeats of silence, Tayla twisted the knob and snuck out of the bedroom.

She peered in both directions down the long narrow corridor.

Phew! No one waiting to throw her back in the room.

The deep rumble of male voices echoed from her right, and with slow, measured steps, Tayla headed toward them, following the plush dark red carpet down the hallway to a staircase.

She inched down the carpeted stairs, one careful step after another until she reached the bottom.

The voices ceased.

She gawked at the grand sunken living area before her. Lofty ceilings with exposed timber beams, floor-to-ceiling shelves lined two of the walls, crammed with dusty books. Two chocolate brown chesterfields sat in front of an oversized hearth with three guys seated on them.

What century do these people think they're in?

Tayla stepped forward and the floor board creaked, making her jump.

She glanced in the living room again and spotted Raven striding toward her.

Her pulse quickened as she watched him cross the room. He stopped across the hall from her, at the top of the landing.

He'd changed into a dark striped long sleeve tee with the arms bunched up to his elbows, the soft fabric stretched across his wide chest. An earthy, masculine scent mixed with fresh pine needles filled her nostrils, making her head swim and her veins heat.

“Find everything you need?” he asked in a deep, gravelly voice that reverberated through her body, warming it a notch.

Oh, this is so bad.

He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his worn, black jeans.

“Ah, yes, thank you.”

Tayla peered past Raven, but the other two guys had gone.

“Are you hungry?” he asked.

Her stomach growled. No, she should get back to her place. For one, she barely knew him and two, more importantly, she didn't know where she was.

Tayla shook her head. “No thanks, I really should be getting back. I appreciate everything you've done.” A sudden ache filled her chest.

Raven smirked. “You're free to go whenever you please. Let me feed you first, though. You must be starving.”

Well, she was hungry. Maybe she could have something quick to eat, then leave.

Raven grinned and motioned to the doorway to her left.

Oh, what the heck!

Tayla nodded and accepted his invitation. And in that single moment, something pivotal inside her shifted and locked into place.