Chapter 11

What the hell have I done?

Raven still couldn't believe his eyes. She sat right in front of him, at his dining room table, in his fucking house.

The situation had spiraled way out of control. Bringing her back to his home wasn't one of his best decisions. And to make matters worse, as soon as he'd arrived with her in his arms, Ellen had fussed around like Tayla was permanently moving in or some shit.

He allowed his mind to wander back to last night. He’d used a touch of mind control to put Tayla to sleep within seconds of taking to the sky; she’d been cold, exhausted, and no way her mortal mind could’ve processed what was happening. An unfamiliar need had consumed him, screamed to get her to safety.

He'd gambled with Fate yet again and brought her to the mansion. If he was going to keep her safe and alive, there was no safer place.

But that still didn’t explain the unfamiliar urge to keep her close to him.

The whole night and following day, he'd slumped in that damn century-old chair waiting for her to wake. At one point, EJ had suggested moving her to Raven's room, so he could get some sleep in the adjoining study. No fucking way. The thought of Tayla in his room, in his bed, twisted in his sheets, lit up his body like a Christmas tree smothered in thousands of fairy lights. In a guest room, on a straight-back chair, he had better control of his thoughts.

Of his actions.

Last night, he'd been so confident with his decision. This morning, not so much. This consuming need to atone for his failure to protect her last time clouded his judgment.

Raven pressed his palm on the sharp pain in his chest. God, what if I hadn't gotten to her in time?

What if bringing her here screwed up her path? Fingers crossed Fate had learned a sliver of forgiveness in his absence.

Bringing himself back to the present, Raven glanced across the oversized table at Tayla, her head down while she picked at an uneaten sandwich. Chestnut waves carelessly fell across one shoulder and her porcelain skin glistened with that after-shower glow. Her sweet, fresh spring rain scent drifted in the air, making his head swirl.

Tayla glanced up, catching his stare, and it sent wild sparks through his veins.

The corners of her mouth lifted in a shy smile. “So…” She glanced back at her plate. “Do you mind me asking how I got here? I don't remember much.”

He tracked her delicate hands as she picked a piece of crust and lifted it to her lips, only to change her mind and return it to the plate.

“I found you,” he croaked. How much do I tell her? “I brought you here to recover.”

Tayla lifted her gaze to him and another shockwave coursed through his body.

“Is this your house?”

Raven nodded, his throat suddenly dry.

“How did you find me?”

“I was…near where I found you.” His stomached churned at the almost lie. God, what he’d give to be able to tell her the truth. The whole truth.

He should’ve listened to Aric. Acting like a psychopath who'd just kidnapped his victim—not his finest moment.

Tayla sighed and slid her plate forward. “Seems I'm not hungry after all.”

Shit. He hadn’t thought about what would happen beyond this point. But now she was here, the desire for her to stay consumed his soul.

Raven cleared his throat. “Would you like to take a walk or something?” A walk? What the fuck? Insert mental forehead slap.

Tayla smirked. “I don't know if that's such a wise idea. The last time I went for a walk I needed rescued.”

Raven's jaw clenched at the memory of her lost and alone, of not knowing if he’d get to her in time.

The smile dropped from Tayla’s face. “It's fine. I'm just kidding.”

His grinding molars echoed in his ears. Chill, man, she's safe.

Raven pushed his chair out to stand. With unhurried steps, he stalked around the table, gaze locked on Tayla the entire time while he trailed his fingertips along the top of the chairs until he reached her seat. She didn’t turn as he stepped behind her chair and lightly gripped the backrest. Electricity sparked where he touched her soft shirt.

Tayla sucked in a breath. Did she feel it, too?

Without thinking, he twirled the ends of her silky hair.

Tayla’s pulse spiked, racing through his veins as though it were his own. Maybe it is mine.

His heart pounded against his ribs as his gaze drifted to the smooth, lily-white skin of her neck, filling his mind with wicked thoughts. He swallowed. With a shaky hand, he moved her hair to one side, folding it over one shoulder to expose her nape. Tayla tilted her head slightly to one side, as though silently encouraging him to proceed.

Ah, fuck.

In a slow and delicate motion, he traced the pad of his thumb along the protruding vein down the side of her neck, across the top of her shoulder, halting when it snuck under her shirt. Tayla shuddered, and tilted her head further. Her sweet arousal drifted through his nostrils, making his vision swarm, driving him into a frenzy.

He moistened his bottom lip and lowered his head to her neck, lost in a trance he was helpless to escape. His warm breath rebounded off her neck and his mouth watered for a taste. Just one taste. His body heated with the countless fantasies tempting him…Lightly brushing his lips along the soft skin behind her ear, before gently nibbling on the lobe. Using his tongue to trace her smooth, delicate neck down to hook his thumb under her shirt to nudge it wider, trailing sweet kisses along her shoulder…

He leaned closer, hovering millimeters from her intoxicating skin.

His conscience balanced on a rickety footbridge suspended over a raging gorge. The bridge creaked with each step, threatening to snap the weathered ropes connecting it to the other side. He had two choices. Step back and retreat to the safety of solid ground. Or continue forward, into unknown territory, and risk plummeting into the abyss below.

If Fate forced the bridge to snap, would he survive or drown? Would Fate notice if he reached the other side and basked in the warm sunlight, just once?

About to cross the line, Raven. A distant warning echoed in the back of his mind.

Raven inhaled deeply, his eyes rolling back in his head as her delicious scent consumed him. Heat spread through his veins as though he lay under the scorching midday sun.

Who the hell was he trying to kid? He'd well and truly left that line in the dust the minute he brought her here.

Fuck it.

Fate can go ahead and snap the damn ropes. He was one helluva swimmer.


Oh, god. A complete stranger, whom she'd known for less than an hour, was going to kiss her. And she ached for him.

What the heck was she doing?

Who cares!

Raven's warm breath heated the side of her neck and her body prickled with sensations, anticipating his next move. My god! Her needy breasts ached, her nipples hardened, warmth flooded her body, pooling in the pit of her belly. Each touch of his rough palm sent shivers down her spine, awakening parts of her body dormant for what felt like forever.

The pad of his thumb drew lazy circles on the top of her shoulder. Her chest tightened, squeezing the air from her lungs, but she tilted her head further to the side, desperate for his mouth to make contact with her skin.

Begging him.

Moments ago, she'd thought of ways to escape…now, she silently prayed for this moment to never end.

Why does it feel so good? So…right?

In an unhurried motion, his thumb traced the outline of her jaw. She jutted her chin and he guided his palm down the front of her neck, pausing in the V of her shirt.

She gasped in short breaths, inhaling his intoxicating earthy scent and her body burned from within, with a need only he could slake. How could someone she'd only just met have this effect on her?

Raven's free hand moved her hair further aside.

Make this ache end. No, keep it going.

His moistened lips grazed the sensitive area underneath her ear lobe and her body exploded with heat. Every bit of air expelled from her lungs. His hot breath rebounded off her burning skin as he steadily trailed down her neck, making her back arch.

His thumb tugged her shirt slightly to the side and cool air tickled her shoulder. He brushed his lower lip over her skin, back up to her neck. She couldn’t take it anymore. Her fingers twitched to touch him. She hesitated for a split second before her hand reached behind and slid around the base of his neck, drawing him closer. But still he held back, and his restraint maddened her.

His palm slid along the outside of her shirt, over her shoulder and down her upper arm, leaving a scorching trail of heat in its wake. The soft knitted fabric suddenly irritated her skin as though made of prickly bushes.

Kiss me already!

Raven's lips stilled. His palm tensed on her arm.

No. Don’t st—

Raven’s head jerked back and his body straightened a split second before the double doors swung open and two massive men, caught up in conversation, barged in.

Tayla jolted. She jerked her head toward the door, and her hair fell back into place.

The two men skidded to a halt and the one behind collided with the first.

“Sorry, man, we didn't know you were in here,” said the dark-haired one in front.

Raven's hands gripped the back of her chair and it moaned under the pressure.

I know how it feels.

“We…” Raven cleared his throat and stepped back from her chair. “We were just leaving.” His voice raspier than a few minutes before.

Goosebumps erupted over her bare shoulder and she tugged her shirt back into place.

The dark-haired guy glanced between her and Raven, and her cheeks burned like a teenager whose parents had caught them making out on the couch.

The two men filled the doorway, both wearing sweatpants with half empty water bottles gripped in their hands. Sweat dripped along the side of the dark-haired one’s face and the blonde one leaned on the door jamb, earplugs hanging from the top of his hoodie, the faint beats filling the silence.

Tayla pushed her chair out from the table and stood beside Raven.

Blonde Guy gave a quick wave. “Hey, I'm EJ.”

Raven moved his body slightly in front of her and she peered around him to address EJ.

“Hi. I'm Tayla.”

Raven glanced at her over his shoulder, his eyebrows bunched like something puzzled him but he couldn’t figure out what.

EJ nudged the dark-haired guy with his shoulder.

“Aric,” he grumbled.

Raven twisted slightly and slid his hand around the small of her back to nudge her close. Fresh waves of heat washed over her, and she sighed. Just when I started to cool down.

He glanced down at her with a scorching gaze. “You wanna take that walk now?”

She nodded, not trusting her voice.

Without removing his hand from the small of her back, he escorted her out of the dining room, past the two guys who stepped aside as they walked between them. Aric's gaze met hers and she didn’t miss the flicker of pain hidden behind his amber eyes.

Along the hall, heading to the front door, Raven suddenly halted and turned toward her. “Can you give me a minute? I'll be right back,” he said, before heading back to the now closed doors of the dining room.

She drowned in the hardness of his body as he strode to the doors. The way his shirt stretched across his broad shoulders, perfectly framing his upper body, the sight of his muscular legs filling out the faded black jeans with each long stride. A soft moan escaped her lips when he pushed open the double doors, and his arms bulged beneath the tight fabric, stretching it across his shoulder blades. At that moment, two parallel slits gaped open in the back of his shirt.

She drew back slightly. That's weird.

Tayla shrugged it off when Raven disappeared, and the doors swung shut behind him.

Oh, this guy is bad news.

Shaking her head, she turned and strolled out the front door.