Chapter 28

Tayla woke, cocooned in Raven's delicious heat, his body pressed hard against her back, strong arms wrapped protectively around her waist. She wasn't going anywhere, even if she wanted to—which she didn't.

She stretched out her legs and flexed her toes, feeling her calves loosen and lengthen. Her body ached in all the right places, thanks to their steamy night together. Just thinking about it caused her belly to clench. Raven had been so eager to please her, and not just once.

Oh, man. The way their bodies joined together had her seeing stars. Absolute bliss. No, bliss wasn't a strong enough word. Heaven. Yes, it’d been heaven, and how fitting was that? The strange connection she experienced with him increased the more time they spent together. Could she fall any harder for him? Last night, as Raven climaxed inside her, her mind had claimed him as hers, as though in that single moment she’d bound her entire heart and soul to him, and there was no going back.

Was their connection so strong because she was his assigned Chosen? Or simply because he was an angel?

Tayla pried open her lids and instantly regretted the decision. Laser beams of sunlight shot through the open blinds and burned her sleep-sensitive eyes. She snapped her lids shut and waited until the tiny red flashes disappeared before easing them open once more.

Adjusting to the brightness, she took in the room, still not wanting to remove her body from its warm haven.

This will be our room.

Golden rays streamed through the tall uncovered windows, basking the furniture in an orange glow. Craning her neck, she caught a glimpse outside and spotted fog rolling between the tops of the pine trees. The morning light drifted through the wispy clouds, making it look like they glowed.

Fog equaled cold. Better to be safe and stay in bed, like she needed much convincing.

She lowered her head onto the pillow and dozed off to Raven’s soft snoring, the only noise in the peacefully quiet house.

His strong arm nudged her closer.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he groggily whispered.

Goosebumps sprouted along her leg. “Good morning to you, too.”

“You hungry? I could use some breakfast,” he said, pressing his length against her buttocks.

Her stomach grumbled—they hadn’t eaten much last night. Well, food, that is.

She giggled like a love-sick teenager. “Really? You haven't had enough?”

“Doubt I could when it comes to you.”

She moaned as his lips brushed the top of her shoulder and at the base of her neck, trailing hot kisses up to nibble on her ear lobe.

“Maybe a shower?” he groaned hotly against her ear.

Raven smoothed his sword-roughened palm down her waist, and his middle finger circled her hip. A shiver ran through her body, heating between her legs.

His fingers sneaked down the tops of her thighs—

Thud! Thud!

Raven ignored the loud banging on the door—had she imagined it—and grazed his hand on the inside of her thigh, easing her legs apart as he lifted one to hang over his.

Her heart thumped loudly as his hot lips caressed her neck…

Bang! Bang!

The knock banged on the door more forcefully this time.

“Raven, man,” a guy’s voice called from the hallway. “You know I'll kick down the door if you don't answer.”

Raven cursed to himself and angled his head away from her ear without removing his wandering hand. “What?” he snapped. “I'm busy.”

Her cheeks burned. Please tell me the door’s locked.

“Good, you’re awake. Good morning, Tayla. Raven, we’re meeting in five.”

Tayla breathed a sigh of relief, the guy no longer at risk of barging in.

Raven took his time replying, inching his hand to the hot spot between her legs. His finger lightly stroked, and Tayla bit the inside of her cheek to keep from crying out.

“Make it ten,” he growled to the door.

“Copy that. Have fun in there, you two.”

Tayla cringed. Could it get any more awkward? Her shoulders relaxed as heavy footsteps thumped down a flight of stairs before slowing fading out of earshot.


Raven carried on as though the interruption had never happened. He slid a finger down her core, easing inside, while his thumb stroked her in a steady rhythm. Her body tingled and ached all over and a moan escaped her lips when Raven resumed his hot kisses on her neck.

Building and building, her body writhed with need. Her hips rocked of their own accord.

“Let go, honey,” he groaned.

His command quickly sent her over the edge. Tiny stars exploded behind her closed lids while her core clenched as Raven wrung every last sensation.

“I need to be inside you,” he rumbled.

She moaned as he eased his length inside her from behind, sending her body screaming to the edge again.

Raven eased out and slid back in. His hands roamed up the curve of her belly, between her breasts, until he reached her jaw and tilted it to face him. He increased the tempo as he took her mouth in a hot kiss. Her hips rolled back and forth as they found their rhythm, while his rough hands squeezed her nipples, rolling them between his fingers, building her up for yet another release.

“Tell me you’re mine,” he groaned between kisses.

Oh, god!

“Yes! Raven, I’m yours!” she cried out as a shattering climax ripped through her body, too lost in the spiral to care if everyone in the household heard her succumb to the most intense pleasure she’d ever experienced.

“Mine!” Raven roared as he convulsed with his release.

Eventually, their bodies stilled, their panting breaths and heart rates yet to follow. Raven released his grip on her waist and delivered soft sweet kisses along her shoulder.

“God, I want to stay here with you, forever,” he said, brushing his thumb along her lips.

“Be careful what you wish for. Forever's a long time.”

“Forever wouldn't be long enough,” he said, with a hint of sadness in his tone.

What was his deal? One minute, he devoured her with scorching passion and the next, he acted as though the world was ending.

Cold air drifted over her heated flesh as Raven rolled away. She lay on her back to admire his over six-foot, fully naked, warrior body as he slipped out of bed.

He strolled over to his closet. She traced his back with her eyes, lingering over the tattooed sword etched down the center and along the two faint matching scars running parallel down his shoulder blades, where his sensual wings sprouted. She leered as his muscles flexed when he lifted a black crew neck tee over his head, sadly taking her view with it. He entered the closet, briefly disappearing out of sight and returning fully clothed.

“Why the pout?” He smirked at her.

“You’re dressed, but I’m still lying in your bed…naked.”

Her breath hitched at the speed he returned to the side of the bed.

He leaned over and kissed her lips, lingering for the briefest moment. “Our bed.”

Tayla smiled up at him, the pang in her chest intensifying.

“I won't be long.” He lowered his voice. “And then I intend to fix the problem of me being dressed.”

Raven kissed her forehead before turning and striding out of the room, the door softly clicking behind him.

Leaving her a hot, achy mess.

The silence of the room created havoc in her mind instantly swirling with unanswered questions. Was she falling for Raven too fast? Yes! Was it too soon to move in with him even though her gut told her to? Listen to the signs, Tayla. Should she lay here and wait for him to return? Would Raven leave her once his Guardian job was complete?

Nope, she refused to go down that bunny trail.

Let the universe guide you, she reminded herself.

For a reason beyond her understanding, being with Raven felt right, as though the universe had intentionally collided her path with his and made her a Chosen for a reason. So, for now, she didn’t plan to fight it. In fact, she’d embrace it.