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FORTUNA AND THE SCAPEGRACE: Book Two of The Epic of Didier Rain (adult fiction):

Didier Rain has never been so destitute, forlorn, and in dire need of a bath. As he roams the rain-muddied streets of San Francisco, it appears the angels of good fortune have finally forsaken him. Hunted by factions that would seek to do him harm, and suffering an acute case of soul pain, the once dandy rogue sees little promise for sunnier days.


But then, miraculously, all the stars of the cosmos move into a seemingly favorable position as a seductive albino soothsayer launches Rain onto the next leg of his life’s stormy voyage. Will said voyage carry Rain to the soft bosom of comfort and contentment he so longs for? Is he the Chosen One, singled out by Providence to lead God’s people in their new South Seas church? And is Rain truly the newfangled man he believes himself to be? Or, as he fears, are the gods just having a bit of fun with their favorite gullible scalawag?


At turns ribald, horrifying, and hilarious, Fortuna and the Scapegrace follows Delivering Virtue as book two in Didier Rain’s unfolding epic adventure of foibles, hope, and quest for love and redemption.


ESCAPE FROM OBLIVIA: One Man's Midlife Crisis Gone Primal (adult fiction):

He fantasizes about saving damsels in distress and battling beasts. He’d better be careful what he wishes for…

Will Kirby has hit his mid-life crisis at full speed. Once a rugged outdoorsman, he’s now soft around the middle and trapped in the banality of minivans, suburbia, and his eight-year-old’s dance recitals. But his constant daydreams of heroic adventure suddenly fall within his grasp when an old pulp author’s journals reveal a portal to another world.

Immediately forced to rescue two gorgeous babes from attack by a Japanese Zero, Will lands ashore on an island paradise brimming with adrenaline-pumping action and consequence-free sex. But with danger around every turn and the faint call of his former life tugging at his mind, he wonders if his fantasy has turned into a deranged nightmare.

Can Will discover what it really means to be a man before he’s forever lost to an illusion?

Escape from Oblivia is a hilarious exploration of the male psyche. If you like magical realism, irreverent irony, and satirical stabs at tired tropes, then you’ll love Brian Kindall’s racy romp into freedom.

BLUE SKY, middle grade novel:

Blue Sky can climb like an ibex. She was raised in the highest peaks of the Alps by the herd and named for the color of her eyes. They say her father was a fallen alpinist and her mother his beautiful dying dream… and so, as you may guess, she’s somewhat magical – strong and sure-footed on the peaks, and natural as an ibex in this harsh environment of wind, rock, and ice. Until the day she rescues a young alpinist from a stormy peak. The boy looks like her, and he tells her of the mysterious world beyond the crags. Sky longs to follow him. Can a girl raised by ibex in the mountains ever join the world of humans? Blue Sky must first fulfill her destiny with the ibex and find the courage to leave everything she’s ever known.


A tale of self-reliance about a girl who finds strength in being who she really is and the courage to follow her dreams.


PEARL, middle grade novel:

Pearl can’t move. She’s never wanted to, until now. Life above the waves beckons to her as she watches the boats moving along the surface of the water above her. Pearl is a statue carved of milk-white stone that has stood on the floor of an ancient sea for a thousand years, but she’s waking up, and she wants more. As desire builds within her, it propels her on a journey that takes her to an exotic island grotto, into the midst of a bloody revolution, underground into a rat-infested tomb, and, at last, to a magical mountain paradise. Crazed rebels, wise philosophers, greedy grave robbers, and a few other friendly people and fish accompany her along the way, as she asks the question, “Is desire enough?” She'll have to have faith in the stars. She'll have to muster more courage than she's ever imagined. But perhaps by journey's end, Pearl will believe in herself, experience a miracle, and realize her greatest desire of all.