Landon never mentioned that NLG Property Group had a corporate jet. With their many holdings in South America, it made financial sense for them to own and operate an aircraft to transport them as needed, which, according to Tomas, was often. On board the company’s Legacy 650, Brooke marveled at the luxurious interior. The airplane seated ten passengers comfortably. The chairs were made of buttery soft leather. The cream color was a perfect contrast to the gun-metal metallic grey laminate of the cabinetry and trim work. Plush carpet with thick piling lined the floor.

As the plane took off from San Carlos Bariloche and made its way to Punta Arenas, Chile, Landon and Brooke sat side by side while Tomas sat opposite them. She couldn’t recall what it was like to fly; the sensation of lift off felt as if she were experiencing it for the first time.

When the Legacy reached cruising altitude, the captain’s voice came over the loud system. “Good morning again, Mr. Gray, we have reached cruising altitude. Please feel free to move about the cabin. Donna will be serving refreshments momentarily. Press the call button if you need anything. Travel time, gate to gate, will be approximately three and half hours. Enjoy the flight.”

Pressing the intercom button, Landon replied, “Thank you, Jim.”

“He sounds American,” Brooke observed.

“Jim is an ex-pat like myself. He flew many years for Delta. Four years ago, he was furloughed and decided he had enough of the airline industry. Shortly after his layoff, my father met him at a function in New York. He knew we were looking into purchasing an aircraft and sent him my way. I liked him immediately. After checking into his credentials, we hired him. He came with a flight attendant: Donna is his wife. A package deal was struck. His co-pilot, Javier, is Argentinean. He also does a great job and has served double duty teaching Spanish to Jim and Donna.”

“What a great opportunity.”

Tomas chuckled. “Sometimes, I fantasize about trading places with them.”

Landon smiled at his vice president. “You would go insane sitting by the pool sipping piscolas the whole day long.” He looked at Brooke. “The flight crew always remains at our destination for the duration of our stay. They really don’t have much to do while waiting around except enjoy the good life.”

“How do I sign up for their job too?” she asked with a grin.

Landon met her gaze, pausing for a moment. “You’re too good of a photographer to give up your current occupation.”

Pure appreciation unfurled inside of Brooke, as she realized how much his opinion mattered. “Thank you.”

“I second that,” Tomas added. “Landon showed me the pictures you had taken of The Absolution. I couldn’t help myself and found some of your other work on-line.” Brooke smiled her thanks, as Tomas continued. “He’s also right about me going crazy sitting by the pool all day. I have to be challenged. However, I would rather be travelling to Punta Arenas under more positive circumstances. These kinds of issues I can do without.”

Donna came by to take their drink requests. After introductions and an exchange of pleasantries, she left for the galley to prepare their refreshments.

“What will happen when you arrive tomorrow?” Brooke was curious.

“If our suspicions are right, Javier Cesar, the general manager, won’t know what’s hit him. He has no idea we are coming; I had Camilla book the presidential suite under a pseudonym. We, along with the auditors, will show up at the hotel’s main offices first thing tomorrow morning. I’ll briefly explain what we’re there for, and the auditors will immediately back up all the data on the computers and confiscate the hard copy files.”

“If the auditors confirm your suspicions, what will happen?”

“We’ll call the authorities, who will take him into custody.” Landon reached into his briefcase and removed a file. “I hired a private investigator to look into Javier’s private life, to see if there are any outlying reasons why he might be stealing funds.” He handed Tomas a dossier on the general manager. “I got this late yesterday after you had already left.”

The vice president opened the report and began reading the information. “Interesting,” he murmured. “We might want to check the guest registry to see how often our clientele visit the Lake House.”

Landon looked at Brooke to explain. “Javier has a mistress. Chances are she has stayed at the hotel quite often. It’s doubtful she would have used her real name, or that she paid for the use of the rooms. This would be another piece of evidence that could be used against him. It also speaks to his character. Whether he has stolen from us or not, I feel sorry for his wife Celia and their two children. I would have rather not known about this part of Javier; I thought he was a better man.”

It would be the worst kind of betrayal. Visions of Landon in the embrace of another woman’s arms caused Brooke’s stomach to tighten. She may not be married to him, but her heart was irrevocably entangled; the idea of him being with someone else was impossible to accept.

“I feel sorry for her too,” she agreed.

The discussion soon turned to Punta Arenas and some of the great things the city had to offer. After a while, they began discussing politics in South America. It was amazing for Brooke to hear how well informed Landon was. Obviously, he had a vested interested in knowing the political climate as it affected him as a business man, but she could tell he felt more. This part of the world was his home and she was confident he would never leave it.

It caused her to think and wonder about the possibility of a future with him. He had promised her new memories, to be there for her if she did remember her painful past. She wasn’t certain if Landon’s commitment had been the forever kind; she hadn’t expected it to be. However, as the days went by, Brooke knew she loved him and wanted a life with him. If he decided he wanted the same, it would have to be here with him, far away from her home in Montana.

Without a past, she didn’t know how she felt about making a life in Patagonia. Brooke had experienced a great deal of happiness since she awoke from her injury. What if when she remembered, she couldn’t bring herself to make the move? You have the cart before the horse, Brooke, she chastised herself. Here she was, mooning over the idea of forever with Landon before knowing the depths of his feelings for her.

The three-and-a-half hour flight was coming to an end. She had been lost in her own thoughts while the two executives talked business. When Jim’s voice was heard over the loud speaker to announce their descent, Landon turned to Brooke. “How about after we arrive at the hotel, we unpack, and the two of us explore Punta Arenas?”

Brooke gave him an appreciative smile. “I would like that very much.”

* * *

It was Monday morning, Gaston’s late day. Natasha could hear him in the living room playing with Isabella and Nicholas. She lifted the lid of the waffle maker. With tongs, she removed the crisp golden breakfast treat and poured in more batter. She had been thinking about Landon and Brooke’s trip to Chile. It was nearly eight; they had left an hour ago.

As she prepared the strawberries for the waffles, Natasha smiled when she thought about how wonderful it was to watch her brother falling in love with the photographer. A couple of Sundays ago, when they arrived with the single fish and his injured hand, she had sensed that something changed. There was an intimacy between them that was nearly tangible. All through dinner, she saw the tell-tale signs: the way her brother looked at Brooke, and the tenderness in the other woman’s eyes.

After the meal, when Landon had rolled up his sleeves to help with the dishes, Natasha noticed his one bandaged and one bare wrist. She knew what had changed. Landon had told Brooke about the accident and his attempted suicide. If there had been a shred of doubt about his feelings for the young photographer, they were gone. Her brother would never have shared his deepest vulnerabilities with her if he didn’t love her.

The waffle maker beeped. After removing the fresh batch, Natasha contemplated the whisper of concern that flittered around in the back of her mind.

Before they left for Chile, Natasha had invited Brooke over for lunch while Landon and Gaston were working. They had a wonderful afternoon together. It was easy talking to the woman his brother loved. Even though she couldn’t remember her past, she was insightful, open, and kind.

“Landon told me about the accident and his attempted suicide.” Brooke confirmed what Natasha had already surmised. They were on the deck watching the children as they played. It was a warm afternoon, and they were enjoying the fresh air.

“I suspected as much on Sunday when I saw his wrists.” Natasha wondered if Landon had also told her about his past feelings for Olivia, but she didn’t dare ask, in case he had not mentioned his tender feelings for the young woman. “From what I can tell, you seem to be fine with his past.”

Brooke looked at Natasha. “I can’t stop thinking about it. It’s worse at night when I am trying to fall asleep. I feel such sorrow for him. I’m sure he doesn’t want me to feel as I do, but it’s hard when I think of how I may never have met him.” Holding Natasha’s gaze, she added, “I love him.” The statement was simply said, but the older woman felt the intensity of the words spoken from a full heart.

Placing her hand on top of Brooke’s, Natasha assured her. “I can’t speak for my brother, but I know him well enough to know that his feelings for you are strong. For years, he has been in a holding pattern, a sort of purgatory for his sins, refusing to live life and to hope for a future. You have given him something to live for once more. You’ve done for him what no one has ever been able to do, not even me. I’m very grateful.”

The combination of the bright sun and the shimmer of emotion in Brooke’s eyes were stunning. Natasha had been so dazzled by the emerald green brilliance, she had been taken aback for a moment.

Placing the plate of waffles on the table, Natasha paused in her reflection of that afternoon. That’s it, she thought to herself as she hurriedly reached for her tablet that was resting on the small built-in writing desk in the kitchen. Quickly, she entered “Brooke Johnson” and clicked the search button.

Natasha clicked on the images link. The two photos of Brooke Johnson showed her with brown-black eyes, not the emerald green she had known her to have. Why? Why are her eyes black in these photos? She thought of the accident. Were they green or black before she went to the hospital?

With growing concern, Natasha wondered where she had seen those eyes.