John Broughton has been a registered editor at Wikipedia since August 2005, with more than 15,000 edits by the time he wrote this book. His biggest Wikipedia endeavor has been the Editor’s index to Wikipedia (just type that in the “search” box at the left of any Wikipedia page). This index lists every important reference page on Wikipedia, as well as hundreds of off-Wikipedia Web pages with useful information and tools for Wikipedia editors.
John’s first experience with programming computers was in a 1969 National Science Foundation program. Since then, he’s held various computer-related management positions in the headquarters of a U.S. Army Reserve division, worked in internal audit departments as a Certified Information Systems Auditor, and was the Campus Y2K Coordinator at U.C. Berkeley.
A Certified Management Accountant, John has a B.S. in Mathematical Sciences from Johns Hopkins University; an M.B.A. from Golden Gate University; an M.S. in Education from the University of Southern California; and a Masters in Public Policy from the University of California at Berkeley.
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The text in this booklet is largely adapted from the book Wikipedia: The Missing Manual, by John Broughton. Some text has been added by the author, with editorial guidance and other assistance from Keith McNamara, Alisson Walsh, and Nan Barber. Nellie McKesson was the production editor, and illustrations were done by Rob Romano. Keith Fahlgren provided DocBook support.