Amy called her name again, and Phin said, “Excellent.” He rocked higher into her, and she bit her lip to  keep from moaning and then moaned anyway. “Louder,” he said, and she shook her head as the heat  built and his rhythm began to make her mindless.
“Then it’s up to me.” He sounded breathless. “The guy always has to do everything.”
He leaned over her to the bedside table, and she bit into his shoulder from the sheer pleasure of feeling  him against her. Then he stopped, and she looked up to see him holding the alarm clock.
“I’ll buy you a new one,” he said, and threw it against the wall.
“What are you doing!” she screamed as it crashed and went off clanging. Amy called up, “Sophie?” and
Phin moved again, rocking harder, and she shuddered under him and gasped, “Stop it.”
“This close? Not on your life.” He was moving faster now, and she clutched at him and breathed hard as  the pressure built. She said, “No ... no... we’re not... close,” and he rolled across her again, making her  jerk against him. He picked up the dolphin lamp, yanking the cord out with it, and she realized what he  was doing and shrieked, “No!” just as he threw it against the wall.
It shattered and fell on top of the clanging alarm.
“Sophie?” Amy called, and started up the stairs, and Phin said, “This is it,” and moved high into her,  grabbing her wrists and holding them over her head, sliding hot on top of her, rocking hard inside her,  whispering in her ear that Amy’d catch them, any minute, any minute, any minute, now, now, now, and
Sophie twisted under him, caught in the heat and the slide and the panic and the throb he was pounding  into her, and then Amy said, “Sophie?” and pushed open the door, and Sophie cried, “Oh, God,” and  came so hard she almost passed out.
“Oh,” Amy said, and shut the door.
Sophie heard Amy go down the stairs, with only a fraction of her attention. The rest was consumed with  how good she felt everywhere as the aftershocks made her twitch, how much she needed her breath  back, and how she was going to strangle Phin when he let go of her wrists and she was done feeling  incredible. And even as she had the thought, he shuddered on top of her and let go, collapsing with his  face in her pillow.
“You pervert,” she said minutes later, when she could talk.
“You came,” he said, his voice muffled by the pillow.
“I don’t believe you did that.”
“I don’t believe you’re not grateful.”
“Grateful?” Sophie struggled to sit up, and for once he let her slide out from under him, rolling to get rid  of the condom as she moved away from him. “Look at this.” The alarm clock was smashed next to the  baseboard, and the dolphin lamp was in a million pieces, and it was just a mess, but try as she might, she  couldn’t work up any real indignation. Total satisfaction did that, she supposed, just sort of made  everything else irrelevant. Still, he’d been impossible, so she concentrated on the carnage while she used  the sheet to blot the sweat from her happily throbbing body. “I mean, just look at it!”

Phin draped his arm across her shoulders and pulled her back down on the bed, his face still in the  pillow. “Did you come?”
Sophie crossed her arms over her breasts and glared at the ceiling, ignoring the hot weight of his arm  across her and all the cheering her body was doing. “Yes.”
“Did you like it?” he said, his voice still muffled by the pillow.
She started to grin in spite of herself. “Yes.”
“Say, ‘Thank you, Phin.’ ”
“Oh, please.”
“Say, Thank you very much, Phin. ”
“I don’t think so.”
“Say, ‘You are a great lover, Phin.’ ”
“I’m out of here.” She rolled to swing out of bed, and his arm slipped down to her waist and pulled her  back against him.
He felt good, solid against her back, and she had to concentrate to remember she was annoyed with him  for making her come.
That couldn’t be right.
He pulled his face out of the pillow and rolled to cuddle her to him from behind, kissing her damp hair  and holding her close. “Discovery fantasy,” he said, and she relaxed into the hot curve of his body.
“You have discovery fantasies. Very common among women.” He yawned in her ear. “Men don’t have  them. We like to watch.”
“I do not have discovery fantasies,” Sophie said. “That’s kinky.”
“You’re kinky.”
Sophie tried to pull away in outrage. “I am not kinky.”
He sighed. “Sophie, your soul is a corkscrew.” He held on to her and kissed her neck again, and she  gave up to stay curled in his heat, guiltily flattered that he thought she was kinky. Not sexless after all. In  fact...
“So... I’m exciting?”
“Heart-stopping,” Phin said into her neck. “And you definitely have discovery fantasies. I foresee us  having a lot of sex in public places.” He yawned again and shifted on the bed. “Anyplace would be more

comfortable than this mattress. Not to mention quieter.”
“I don’t see us having a lot of sex anywhere,” Sophie said, trying to get her control back. But I’m  exciting.
“That’s because you’re repressed,” Phin said. “Which is why God sent me to save you.”
“God did not send you,” Sophie said. “The devil sent you. And we’re not having sex in public.”
“Sure we are,” Phin said. “You want to know why?”
He kissed her neck again and her pulse kicked up again. “No.”
“Because you like it,” he whispered in her ear, and she shivered against him.
“I don’t think so,” she said, and put her hand on the edge of the bed to push herself out of his arms  before he talked her into sex on the kitchen table.
He caught her right hand to stop her, and then he brought it close to their faces to look at it. “Your ring  has writing on it.” He sounded sleepy, and she gave up trying to escape, enjoying the way his voice felt in  her ear.
“They both do,” Sophie said. “One says free will and the other one says destiny. They were my  mother’s.” She looked at the ring in the moonlight, and at Phin’s fingers intertwined with hers, and  thought, That’s nice.
Phin turned the ring until the destiny was centered on her finger and yawned. “Free will and fate?”
He didn’t sound as if he cared, and Sophie rolled in his arms so she could look at him. He smiled when  she turned, a sleepy, lazy smile just for her that had nothing to do with politics or charm, and she thought,
Wow. She almost rolled closer and kissed him, but that would make things more complicated, so she  concentrated on his question.
“There are things you can change ...” Sophie held up her left hand with the free will ring to watch it glint  in the moonlight. “And things you can’t change.” She pulled the destiny hand free from his.
Phin recaptured the hand with destiny on it. “I don’t believe in destiny,” he said, as he pulled her hand  down. He kissed her knuckles, and Sophie shivered at the heat from his mouth.
“Mama said that family is your destiny,” she said, trying not to fall again, “because they shape your life.”
Phin shrugged against her. “Maybe at first—”
Sophie shook her head, her curls brushing his chest, and watched as he caught his breath. It was such a  little thing, but she thought, I did that. “Your worldview is established by six,” she said, watching him.
“You don’t have any choice in that. You just get it.” I think I want it again.
“And then you grow up and move away. You have free will.” Phin met her eyes and looked a lot less  sleepy. “You can choose whatever you want. I choose this.” He began to work his way down her neck  again, his lips tickling hot on her skin.

Sophie’s pulse kicked up. “Well, that was Mama’s point,” she said, her voice a little higher than before.
“Your family is your destiny, and then you make what you can of that.” She thought about her mother for  a minute, about all those dreams lost because of her bad choices, and she pulled away. “And then  sometimes, destiny comes along and slaps you again anyway.”
Phin stopped. “What happened?”
“There was a car accident,” Sophie said, remembering the sound of the crunching metal, now confused  with the sound from the Garveys’ accident, so it seemed new all over again. “She died. She’d spent all  those years following Dad around the country, waving her rings and saying, ‘Everything will be fine,’ and
Dad saying, ‘Nothing but good times ahead,’ and then—” She stopped for a moment, and Phin pulled  her closer. “One day there was the accident, and Dad stopped talking about the good times and it was  pretty much the three of us and Dusty Springfield.”
“That explains a lot,” Phin said.
She lifted her chin and flashed her mother’s rings in the moonlight. “So then I’d say to Amy, ‘Everything  will be fine,’ and Davy would say to her, ‘Nothing but good times ahead,’ and Dad would tell us to shut  the hell up and we’d be off again.”
“Your dad was a salesman?” Phin said.
“Sort of,” Sophie said, and rolled away.
He pulled her back against him. “But now everything is fine,” he said in her ear. “Davy and Amy are  grown up and you’re all safe and happy. You made it come true for them.”
Sophie nodded. Just not for me.
“So let me make it true for you tonight,” he said, and when she turned to him, amazed, he kissed her, so  gently that she gave herself up to him completely, no doubts at all this time. “Nothing but good times  ahead,” he said against her mouth, and began to kiss his way down her body again, fulfilling his promise  with every move he made.
* * *
The phone rang the next morning just as Sophie was typing the end of the lamp scene. She hit save and  answered the phone, only to hear Brandon say, “I’m returning your call.”
Sophie winced. “Oh. I’m really sorry about that. But you’re really better off without me. I know it’s  painful—”
“But are you better off without me?” Brandon said.
Sophie looked at the phone incredulously. “What?”
“I don’t think you’ve thought this through. You’re going to be home this afternoon and we can—”
“Actually, we’re staying another week,” Sophie said.
“—discuss the situation and help you deal with your denial.”

“My denial?” Sophie said.
“Another week?” Brandon said.
“Brandon, the only one in denial here is you,” Sophie said. “Really, I think we just got used to each  other. I think it’s time we found other people who will meet our needs.” She closed her eyes as she  thought of some of the needs Phin had met, could meet, would meet in the next week with any amount of  encouragement at all.
“We can meet our needs,” Brandon said. “We’ve always met our needs.”
“I think I’ve discovered new needs,” Sophie said.
“If this is about sex, don’t be childish. Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.”
“My freedom,” Sophie said. “I’m trying to do this the civilized way, but I really want out of this  relationship. In fact, I am out.”
“I’ll call you again at the end of the week,” Brandon said. “I’m sure the thrill will be gone by then and we  can talk.”
“The thrill might be gone, but I will be, too. Really, Brandon—” Sophie began, but he’d already hung up.
“Is the new scene done?” Amy said from the door into the living room.
“Yeah.” Sophie hung up the phone and shoved the PowerBook toward her. “That was Brandon. He  thinks—”
“Shut up so I can read this,” Amy said, and Sophie jerked her head up at the tone in her voice. She  watched Amy read from the screen, looking a lot tenser than the scene deserved.
“This is great,” Amy said when she finished, but she didn’t look happy. “And this explains a lot. I  couldn’t figure out what all the crashing was about.”
“He’s very inventive.” Sophie frowned at her. “What’s wrong.”
“Nothing,” Amy said. “I have to show this to Clea—”
“No,” Sophie said and closed the PowerBook. “What happened?”
Amy bit her lip. “That dickhead Zane,” she said finally. “He just told me that if I don’t quit doing the  video so Cleo will go home with him, he’s going to tell Wes about my juvenile record.” She swallowed  hard. “So I told him to go ahead. I told him Wes already knew and didn’t care.”
“Does he?”
“No,” Amy said. “And I think he’d care—he’s a cop, isn’t he? But I don’t care. I’m going to make this  video and the documentary no matter what, and I don’t care what that dickhead does, but—”
“But Zane must die,” Sophie said, nodding. “I understand. We’ll think of something horrible to do to