‘Well, we’re not as good as some as far as skill is concerned. But we’ll beat most of them because they destroy themselves through lack of discipline, preparation, attitude, self-control and things like that.’

His belief that Derby could survive in the First Division 1969

‘When I first came to Derby, the fans used to say: “He’s a cocky bugger.” But we started winning things and they put up with me.’ 1972

‘We used to have ’em in on Saturday morning and say: “Gentlemen, cut out your night-clubbing, cut out opening garages, cut out your birding, boozing and smoking. We are closing ranks.” We always used to emerge stronger.’

On recovering from a poor run of results at Derby 1981

‘We haven’t got a chance of the title.’

Less than a month before Derby won it 1972

‘This is one of the miracles of the century. Our triumph proves there is hope for all the little people of the world.’

After winning the title 1972

‘I’m frightened about winning the championship. I’m frightened about the responsibilities involved in being champions, the people who are going to feel let down if things don’t go as we want.’

On the sense of expectation at the start of the following season 1972

‘No cheating bastards will I talk to; I will not talk to any cheating bastards.’

Refusing to speak to the Italian press after Juventus beat Derby in Turin in the 1973 European Cup semi-finals. He maintained the referee had been bribed. 1973

‘Taylor began telling the board that the team was so good that even Longson could manage it. And Longson began to believe it.’

On the reasons for the rift with the board that led to his resignation 1989

‘My feelings now are of complete and utter pity for Derby County.’

After his resignation 1973

‘There have been months of sleepless nights. I know Peter hasn’t been sleeping and he knows I haven’t been sleeping because we have had to telephone each other to talk about our problems at ridiculous hours.’

On the stress that decision caused 1973

‘I dropped the worst clanger of my career by walking out on Derby. It was an absolute tragedy. I quit without a penny when I should have stayed to fight the blokes on the board who wanted me out.’ 1989

‘You start off in the game thinking you’re indispensable. It never occurred to me that I wasn’t indispensable at Derby, for example. I even told them so. I soon found out I was talking crap. There’s always someone who can sit in your chair.’ 1993

‘I was dafter than I am now. And brasher. And louder. And less experienced.’

Why he quit 1990

‘If I hadn’t cleared off, if things had been different, Liverpool wouldn’t have won all those trophies – Derby would have got there first.’

His claim that Derby would have outdone Liverpool in the 1970s and 80s 1989

‘You must convince players that you are the greatest thing they have ever come into contact with. If you say Father Christmas really exists, they have to believe it.’

A message to his successor Dave Mackay 1973

‘She came up with one of the wisest and most sensible statements I’ve ever heard. “If you go back,” she said, “you’d be nuts.”’

Not accepting Derby’s offer to return in 1977, on the advice of his wife Barbara 1989

‘I don’t know why it is that clubs always want me when I am in work.’

After Derby had tried to take him from Forest 1977

‘I’m sick and tired of being asked whether Derby hold a special place in my heart. They don’t.’ 1983

‘Some of my heart, wherever I have wandered, was in Derby ... I wish I’d never left. It was the best job I ever had ... It’s like your first girlfriend. You don’t forget, do you?’

On his love for Derby 2002