There are several configurations available under the Tenant settings menu, each of which, when enabled, has three possible security scoping options:
- Apply to the entire organization
- Apply to specific security groups
- Exclude specific security groups
The Tenant settings allow you to configure control over features available to users in the organization. Review the following table to learn about the settings and their options:
Section | Setting name | Notes |
Help and support settings | Publish "Get Help" information | This allows administrators to specify a URL target when a user clicks the Upgrade account button in both the Update to Power BI Pro dialog box and the Manage personal storage page. |
Help and support settings | Receive email notifications for service outages or incidents | This allows administrators to specify email recipients when service-impacting incidents occur. |
Workspace settings | Create workspaces | The Create workspaces setting is used to determine which users can create workspaces. |
Workspace settings | Use datasets across workspaces | This option determines whether users can use datasets across multiple workspaces if they have the necessary Build permission. |
Information Protection (Preview) | Enable Microsoft Information Protection sensitivity labels | If enabled, users can apply Sensitivity Labels to datasets, reports, dashboards, and dataflows. For detailed information about this preview capability, see This feature is enabled or disabled organization-wide and simply enables the feature. |
Information Protection (Preview) | Set sensitivity labels for Power BI content and data | This allows specified users (all users, specific security groups, excluding security groups) the ability to apply sensitivity labels to datasets, reports, dashboards, and dataflows. |
Export and sharing settings | Share content with external users | This setting controls whether users can share dashboards and reports with external users. For detailed restrictions on Power BI sharing, see |
Export and sharing settings | Publish to web | This allows users in the organization to publish public reports. |
Export and sharing settings | Export data | This allows users to export data from a tile or visualization, as well as control over the Analyze in Excel and Power BI Service Live Connect capabilities. |
Export and sharing settings | Export reports as PowerPoint presentations or PDF documents | This allows users to export reports as PDF documents or PowerPoint presentations. |
Export and sharing settings | Print dashboards and reports | This allows users to print dashboards and reports. |
Export and sharing settings | Certification (Preview) | This allows users to certify datasets, marking them authoritative for use and featured when designers begin creating reports. |
Export and sharing settings | Allow external guest users to edit and manage content in the organization | This allows specified guest users the ability to edit and manage content in workspaces, as well as browse content and request access. |
Export and sharing settings | Email Subscriptions | This allows users to create email subscriptions. |
Content pack and app settings | Publish content packs and apps to the entire organization | This allows users to publish content packs and apps to the entire organization. |
Content pack and app settings | Create template organizational content packs and apps | This allows users to create template content packs. |
Content pack and app settings | Push apps to end users | This allows users to share apps directly with end users without requiring AppSource installation. |
Integration settings | Use Analyze in Excel with on-premises datasets | This allows users to be able to use Excel to view and work with on-premises Power BI datasets. |
Integration settings | Use ArcGIS Maps for Power BI | This allows users to be able to use ArcGIS Maps provided by Esri. This setting is tenant-wide. |
Integration settings | Use global search for Power BI (Preview) | This allows users to use the Azure Search external index. To learn more about this preview feature, see |
Custom visual settings | Add and use custom visuals | This allows users to add, view, share, and interact with custom visuals. |
Custom visual settings | Allow only certified custom visuals (block uncertified) | This allows users who add and use custom visuals to be restricted to using certified custom visuals. |
R visuals settings | Interact with and share R visuals | This allows users to interact and share visuals created with R scripts. This feature is enabled or disabled for the entire organization. |
Audit and usage settings | Create audit logs for internal activity auditing and compliance | This allows the creation of audit logs for activities taken by Power BI. This feature is enabled by default when the unified audit log is enabled. This feature is applied to the entire organization. |
Audit and usage settings | Usage metrics for content creators | This allows users to see usage metrics for reports and dashboards they create. |
Audit and usage settings | Per-user data in usage metrics for content creators | This enables per-user data in usage metrics, including the display names and email addresses of users accessing content. |
Dashboard settings | Data classification for dashboards | This allows users to tag dashboards with classifications. This feature is applied to the entire tenant. |
Developer settings | Embed content in apps | This allows users to embed Power BI dashboards and reports in applications. |
Developer settings | Allow service principals to use Power BI APIs | This allows web apps to use assigned service principals to access Power BI APIs. |
Dataflow settings | Create and use dataflows | This allows users to create and use dataflows. |
Template app settings | Publish Template Apps | This allows users in the organization to create template app workspaces to develop solutions for distribution to users outside the organization. |
Template app settings | Install template apps | This allows users to install template apps created outside the organization. |
Template app settings | Install template apps not listed in AppSource | This allows users to install template apps not listed or published in AppSource. |
Q&A settings | Review Questions | This allows dataset owners to review questions about their content and data. |