
Chapter 35





I KNEW I was playing with fire, in more ways than one, but couldn’t help it. I was in a punchy mood and looking to take my frustrations out on Chloe’s ex, who was giving me the stink eye. Sure, I could have ignored him, but I decided pushing him further would be much more fun.

“Dance? You want to dance?” Chloe said shocked.

“Yeah. I like this song.”

She studied my face. “I bet you’ve never even heard it.”

“So? I still like it,” I replied, holding out my hand.

Chloe drank the rest of her Bloody Mary and then set the glass down. We walked out onto the dance floor and I pulled her into my arms. She felt so good, her body pressed against mine; I immediately knew I’d made a mistake.

“You’re a good dancer,” she said after a while. “Do you do this kind of thing a lot?”

“Dance? No.”

“I would have never guessed,” she said, pressing her cheek against my chest. “This feels nice.”

“You smell nice,” I murmured, inhaling her perfume. I’d missed it in the truck, but now that her coat was off, the scent was noticeable.    

“Thanks,” she whispered.

Closing my eyes, I continued dancing with Chloe, trying to enjoy the moment and wishing things were different. Wishing I’d been the one who’d given her a ride to the hospital earlier. Just maybe... she wouldn’t have ended up in the supply room with Cleaner.

I sighed.

After everything, it was frustrating to know how much I still wanted her. And from the boner pressed against her, she probably realized it, too.