Forbidden Pursuit

Jean Hart Stewart


Book three in the Passionate Pursuits series.


Handsome, charismatic Arden, eldest son of the most powerful elf in Britain, is in trouble up to his very pointed ears. His brother’s mistakes have set in motion events that threaten his whole family, making it the absolute wrong time to find the one woman meant for him.

Arden must take up the hardest challenge of his life—a slow courtship to prove himself to Brielle and her family. Finding places to take her into his arms for even a moment requires ingenuity and creativity, especially as he still has to deal with a murderous pimp out to hurt anyone he can get his hands on, including the only woman Arden is ever going to love.

Powerful or no, it’s a lot for one elf to handle.


Inside Scoop: This lively tale of an elf in pursuit of his love is set in an alternate 1920s Britain, and deals frankly with the abuse of a prostitute.


A Romantica® paranormal erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave