The wedding day dawned bright and beautiful, with a makeshift bower twined with roses and shining in the sun at the edge of the cliff. Brielle’s parents had been startled at the choice of the wedding site but Brielle and Arden had smilingly prevailed. The guests were not numerous, but each one had a link to the bridal couple.
Both sets of parents, of course, the Didiers not only reconciled to but happy with their daughter’s choice. The Count and Countess of Alfheim, delighted with their new daughter. Arden’s sisters Hanna and Quinby, their husbands and children. Valentin, the youngest Erricksen brother, his white-blonde hair almost blinding in the bright sunlight. The Didiers had not met him before and his beauty obviously awed them. Arden smiled as he saw their expressions. Wait until they knew his brilliant mind and his kind heart and then they’d really be astonished.
Thibaut was there, his demeanor sober, and Coco, looking very pretty and more than a little awed.
Arden was standing at his designated spot in front of the bishop. The bishop seemed a little awestruck also at the magnificence of Alfheimer and elite audience. Arden exchanged smiles with him, willing a little peace into his soul. He wanted this ceremony to be as perfect as his bride. With Matt beside him as his best man, he waited for Brielle.
Vale moved to the front and, pulling his flute from his pocket, began to play the lilting strains of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. Jointly selected by the bride and groom as their favorite music, the beautiful notes floated over the crowd as Brielle started down the pool cabana halfway between the house and the cliff. Arden’s breath caught in his throat, his eyes filling with unwanted moisture at her beauty. Her only attendant, Madame Didier, walked closely behind her as the ambassador moved to stand before the bishop, prepared to give his daughter and her future into Arden’s capable hands.
As Brielle came near to Arden, she looked at him with such love it seemed the entire small audience swallowed lumps at once. The bishop stepped forward, his arms reaching out in blessing.
“Dearly beloved.”
No one doubted his pronouncement as Arden and Brielle clasped hands and the ceremony began. All felt blessed as the words uniting such mated souls began. The bride and the groom, looking at each other with evident devotion, stood with pride and love.
A new family of elves had begun.