Greetings, readers!
I’m sure there are at least a couple of you squinting at the cover of this book and saying to yourself, “Something about this looks familiar. . . .” There is something familiar about this book—well, familiar if you happened to read the previous incarnation of it: two slim volumes going by the titles Got Fangs? and Circus of the Darned, originally published in 2005 and 2006, respectively.
Those two books were intended to be the start of a young-adult paranormal series based on the world created in my adult Dark Ones books, but unfortunately, the fates were against the series going any farther than two books; the young-adult line that was publishing them closed up, and Ben and Fran, the hero and heroine, were left hanging around, waiting for the time to be right for them to make a reappearance.
In November 2010, Benedikt Czerny and Francesca Ghetti will transition into adult fiction with the publication of In the Company of Vampires, but since their roots are firmly dug into the young-adult world, I’m pleased that the folks at New American Library will be releasing the two young-adult books in this one handy volume, newly retitled, but containing all the original text from both Got Fangs? and Circus of the Darned. In addition, I’ve written a glossary to ensure everyone will be up to speed with all the odd people and ideas contained in the books.
For those of you new to the world of the GothFaire and Dark Ones, welcome! I hope you enjoy acquainting yourselves with the denizens of my Otherworld.
Katie MacAlister/Maxwell