A note from Jeff Shaara to readers

Thank you very much for buying and reading my father’s short stories. I understand that buying a short story is very much an act of faith on the reader’s part: you read the brief description, browse reviews, even check on the author’s reputation, but until you read the story, you won’t know if what you bought and downloaded meets your expectations. By compiling all of his short stories into one volume, the publisher an I are pretty sure you’ll find something you like in here.

So however much or little you paid for this book, or even if you borrowed it from a friend or a library, thank you for taking a chance on my father’s stories and for believing in his ability to satisfy your reading needs. If you liked the short stories, there are plenty more Michael Shaara books to read: the novels The Broken Place, The Rebel in Autumn (sample chapter follows About the Author), The Killer Angels, The Herald and For Love of the Game. Oh yes, and his best known book, the Pulitzer Prize-winner The Killer Angels.

Now that you have read this story collection, I would deeply appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to write a brief review on your favorite ebook website, such as Good Reads, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Smashwords, etc. It can be as long or as short as you care to make it.


Jeff Shaara