Chapter Fourteen

‘And what if I still refuse?’ asked Ronnie, aware of a warm prickling sensation running down her spine as she could sense something, or someone, drawing closer.

‘Oh believe me, Ronnie,’ a male voice butted in from behind, making her jump. Ronnie scrambled to her feet, knocking over the stool she was sitting on. Before he even spoke she knew it was him!

‘We have ways of forcing you to do this if we have to. But let’s just say, for argument’s sake, we let you walk out of here right now and say no more about it.’ Ronnie nodded eagerly. ‘Then you will not only put yourself, and all of us who are trying to help you, in danger, but the Otherworld, your world as you know it, will sink into the oblivion of Chaos and Destruction, as ruled by the Pandora witches. And before you say it,’ Theo continued sternly, holding up a finger to Ronnie’s mouth to hush her, ‘no, you are not Superwoman and you never will be. But you are central to our plans and the survival of Hope. Believe me, there are a lot more people dependant upon you completing your training than just us.’

He turned to Artemis. ‘Take the girl to her room now,’ he ordered.

‘Yes, my Learned,’ she said, walking towards Ronnie, who took a defensive step back.

‘My room? I’m staying here?’

Theo did not respond. He didn’t need to. His silence said it all.

‘But I can’t stay here. I must go home. My parents will be wondering where I am. They’ll be - ’

Artemis opened her mouth to speak and then shut it again, obviously thinking better of it.

‘Do as you’re told and go with Artemis!’ Theo admonished.

‘No, I demand you take me home!’ Ronnie refused defiantly. ‘At least let me pop back and tell them I’m all right.’

He frowned and cocked his head to one side. ‘Are you disobeying me, your Guardian?’

‘Disobeying?’ she said incredulously, pulling a face of disgust. ‘What is this? I have rights. I can help you out with this stupid mission of yours, but you can’t make me obey you. I didn’t ask for any of this to happen. Please, just let me go home, at least for a quick visit.’

‘Your obstinacy displeases me. I can see you have a lot to learn. So, know this. You are a Child of Destiny, and whether you like it or not you will obey me. It’s what I demand, and what is expected of you. Now, I will take you there personally and teach you a lesson. Come.’ He turned and started to walk away, expecting her to follow. ‘Now!’

Ronnie stood rooted to the spot. ‘No,’ she said, less confidently than she had hoped. He stopped, turning slowly to her again. She folded her arms and stamped her foot with one last show of rebellion. ‘You. Can’t. Make. Me!’ she screamed, her eyes full of hatred.

Theo strode towards her. Ronnie swallowed. By the look on his face it didn’t take a genius to know she was in trouble, as if things could get any worse. Not knowing what he was going to do panic coursed through her veins, and before she had time to think of a plan of action he grabbed her around the waist, his free hand raising her arm and wrapped it around his neck. Then with an alarming speed he bent at the knees, tilted his body forward and heaved her up, throwing her over his shoulder as if she was nothing but a rag doll.

Not wanting to be carried off without a fight she struggled and punched him anywhere she could reach with her free hand, like a demon possessed. ‘For God’s sake put me down you arsehole!’ she screamed at him. But without a word he calmly grabbed both wrists and held them together in one fist. At the same time his other hand crept under the nightie, and with a firm grip he clutched her thigh and held her close, lessening the impact of her kicks. Once held securely he marched forward at a fast pace, with Artemis running behind. He took her back down the dark passage, past his door, and deeper into the gloomy depths where all the ugly ravens perched. It was the last place she wanted to see again. In a sense she feared what was in the corridor more than what he was going to do to her, so in case he decided to dump her there she stopped fighting and went obediently limp. As she did she noticed the words Raven Passage, Beware! painted high up on the wall in a faded shade of red, and wished she hadn’t.

When they came to a halt at an archway Ronnie was surprised to see an iron gate that looked like a portcullis. Artemis pressed a button, which looked surprisingly hi-tech considering most of the building was more like a medieval underground cave. The winch creaked into action, rotating the rattling chains and hoisted the iron grille up into the ceiling until it disappeared.

‘Steam powered,’ Theo mused proudly. ‘We don’t have electricity here. Everything in this building will be propelled by steam, clockwork, Cahnnox or the energy from the lightning conductor on the roof. Genius really,’ he added, more to himself than anyone else.

He carried her into the room, and when she expected to be deposited onto a bed and left for the night to dwell on her predicament, he surprised her by dropping her to the hard flagstone floor. The cell was dingy and depressing, and nothing but gloom-filled shadows surrounded her. She shuddered.

For some reason there was a pile of books on the floor beside her, and he eyed her looking at them.

‘When you are not serving me the books will be your pastime. The History of Destauria, particularly the chapters on Black Ice and its surrounding areas, should be concentrated on initially. To be in control of your own destiny you first need to learn the ways of Destauria, where you now live.’

Dumfounded she looked up at his magnetic eyes, and nodded, hardly believing this was the same man who had turned into some sort of monster, a winged beast, before her very eyes. But although she couldn’t deny the danger he exuded, she no longer feared him. It was as if since showing her his true form she’d been given some sort of passkey to move on. He had trusted her enough to share his real self, and here he was instructing her of books to study, without a hint of alien life form about him.

‘When you have grasped the concept of our world, please take your time over the volume entitled Disciples of the Destaurian Council. In it you will discover the ways of The Orders, of which you are now one.’ He stooped and picked the biggest and heaviest book out of the pile. There was a large golden sword on the spine, the colour of which matched the ancient lettering on the cover. ‘You may read all of it, but the Laws, Duties and Code of Honour of the Order of the Children of Destiny will be particularly beneficial to you. And there are several volumes.’ He passed her the heavy book. With both hands she held it tightly to her chest, as if somehow knowing that the words on its pages would be more than just beneficial. They could be her ticket out of here. ‘It explains how to behave, our customs, and what I will expect from you. During your time here several fellow Destaurian guards will assist you in their specialised skills, but Artemis will be the one to whom you will ask questions if anyone you need is not available.’

She wanted to shout and scream at him. What the fuck was going on? Didn’t what they did together earlier, before Artemis rudely interrupted, mean anything to him? How could he change so quickly from the caring lover she thought he was to this cold, heartless creature she saw before her now? Was she just a means to an end in his eyes? It seemed that way. But instead she listened without resistance as he told her the last book she should read was the Malleus Maleficarum; A Destaurian Guide to Witches. How to spot and prosecute them, and how to stay clear of their demonic temptations and not end up one of their latest recruits.

‘Some of it is a little out of date but the basics are still very much part of our world today. Now, put the book down and turn around.’

She did so, and before her was a large cage, within it another pile of books and a blanket.

‘How long am I going to remain your prisoner?’ she asked, alarmed, spotting behind him an old-fashioned room divider covered with a patterned fabric, screening a wall.

‘If that’s how you see it, then maybe that will help improve your behaviour faster. Your cage is not meant to frighten you. This is your safe haven, where you will be sleeping, as all Children of Destiny have done before you. They say it makes them feel safe and secure.’ He pushed her towards the open door of the cage, and unable to find the words that would make this all go away she looked down to the cold floor, somehow feeling silly for making such a fuss when over and over again they all seemed to be saying the same thing. He was her Learned, her protector, and ultimately wanted what was best for her in the long run.

‘Don’t I even get a pillow?’ she asked, rather stupidly.

‘I’ll send Artemis with one. They’re not something I use myself, so I rarely think of them.’

Ronnie shrugged. ‘Thanks, but at least you have a bed to lie on.’

‘Oh, I don’t sleep on beds. It’s years since my circadian clock worked. Guards never sleep. I do rest, but that’s to relax my thoughts more than anything. While I rest I like to keep my ear to the ground, metaphorically and literally; if something’s sneaking around I want to know it’s there before it’s too late.’

She scratched her head. It was on the tip of her tongue to ask what sort of a thing might be sneaking around, and if it was something she should be wary of, when he completely changed the subject.

With one word he managed to physically jolt her with a force so strong it stung like a slap in the face, and that one word changed everything.
