AH = Alexander Hamilton
AHM = American Heritage Magazine
AMH = Allan Maclane Hamilton, Intimate Life of AH
ASC = Angelica Schuyler Church
BA = Benedict Arnold
BF = Benjamin Franklin
ESH = Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton
FTMB = Fort Ticonderoga Museum Bulletin
GC = George Clinton
GM = Gouverneur Morris
GW = George Washington
HG = Horatio Gates
HGP = HG Papers, NYHS.
HK = Henry Knox
HL = Henry Laurens
JCC = Journals of the Continental Congress
JCH = J.C. Hamilton, Works of AH.
JH = John Hancock
JJ = John Jay
JM = James Madison
LDC = U.S. Continental Congress, Letters of Delegates to Congress
LOC = Library of Congress
MHM = Military History Magazine
ML = Marquis de Lafayette
N-YHS = New-York Historical Society
NYPL = New York Public Library
PAH = Syrett et al., Papers of AH
PBF = Labaree, Papers of BF
PGW = Twohig, Papers of GW
PMHB = Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography
PH = Pennsylvania History
PS = Philip Schuyler
PNJHS = Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society
PTJ = Papers of TJ
QN-YHS = Quarterly of the N-YHS
RM = Robert Morris
TJ = Thomas Jefferson
UVA = University of Virginia
WLCL = William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan
WMQ = William & Mary Quarterly
WW = Fitzpatrick, Writings of Washington